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Welcome to Mondlicht Garten (Changeling: the Lost)

08:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Bethany Gale

Mortal Name: Bethany Lynn Pabst
Fae Name: Bethany Gale
Nickname: Whispering Winds
Age: 121
Age apparent: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Dancer for the Milwaukee Ballet, also works under the stage name Autumn at Silk Exotics, a stripper joint.
Languages: English, French.

Seeming: Elemental-Air, Sylph.
Kith: Airtouched.
Court: Spring
Keeper: Lady of Midnight and Shadow
Faction: Garten Flüchtlinge

Wyrd: 4
Glamour Pool: 20
Willpower: 6
Glamour: 14/20

An Air Elemental Sylph, a dancer who is a conflicted woman, unable to fully connect with the human world and unable to return to the Garten, she constantly seeks to make connections but more often than not fails as she simply doesn't understand humans anymore.


Height: Five feet, two inches tall.
Weight: One hundred and six pounds.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair color: White (Black)
Hair Style: Loose
Complexion: Fair
Body shape: Slight, petite
Clothing: Very loose, baggy clothing. Things that don't restrict her movement and allow her to feel the wind blowing around her body.

Mien (Description): Bethany does not resemble her mask in any way, having been changed into an Elemental has made her into something that would never be mistaken for a human. Her long, flowing white locks float and twist as though in a perpetual breeze, constantly in motion. Her skin is now the color of a summer sky at midday, crystal clear blue. Long, elegant pointed ears poke out from the waves of her hair. Her entire body is differing shades of blue, even her lips are a dark, elegant blue. Her eyes are a beautiful gold, standing out starkly against the light blue of her face. She retains the grace that being the embodiment of wind granted her, seeming to never even touch the ground as she walks.

Mask (Description): Bethany's Mask looks much like she did when she was taken, her long black hair still falls to her midback and she is very slender and petite. She has smooth alabaster skin, fair complexion with bright blue eyes. She tends to wear skirts or dresses, still shocked by how women in this age walk around in pants though she can sometimes be seen in a pair as she tries to blend better. Her voice is light and airy, reminding others of a gentle breeze.

Virtue: Hope
Vice: Lust

Bethany is what most people would generously call aloof and what others would call a raging bitch. It's not that she likes being cold and distant, she just has no idea what to say or do around humans and is always saying the wrong thing at the wrong moment. Though it would seem like she would be a homebody she is actually rather outgoing, loving to go out into the woods and country side, being in nature and feeling the breeze upon her.

She has an extremely hard time making friends but those who manage to look past her attitude will find a very caring woman who enjoys helping and taking care of others. It's just very hard to get to know her well enough to get to that stage. Even though she's been through a lot somehow she manages to keep a mostly positive outlook, doing her best to not let what happened get to her too much.

She isn't one to take casual lovers but when she is on stage, dancing whether that be at the club or at the ballet, feeding on the emotion she causes that she can't help but give in and indulge herself. Sometimes taking a single lover into her bed, sometimes multiple ones but none ever stay more than a single night.

Your Story
Bethany's main goal is to try and find her sister and the rest of her family. To discover who she was before she was taken. Learn how to blend in better with the people of this vastly changed world. Protect her best friend Tasha at all costs, establish herself as a powerful changeling so that none attempt to take her away again. She does her best to aid the Gardner in whatever manner she can, as she once did in the Garden.

Bethany was born over a century ago to one of the upcoming beer families in Milwaukee, the Pabst family. She was a child of privilege and wealth, having everything provided to her and never knowing the pangs of hunger or want. When she was five her mother gave birth to her only sibling, a little sister named Elizabeth Sterling Pabst. At first she was resentful of the newest addition to her family, jealous that all of her parents attention was being taken by what she considered an intruder. That all changed one day when she was alone with her baby sister, getting ready to hit her with one of her dollies when she suddenly reached up and took hold of her hand. In that moment, staring down at little Elizabeth as she held onto her hand and burbled happily Bethany felt her heart melting and from that moment on the two were practically inseparable.

Being the children of wealth they were both taught how to be a proper lady and how to sew and knit, all the things they would need to know to make it in high society. When Bethany was ten her mother hired a dance instructor, Miss Hallow, to come and train her in dancing. For the next ten years she studied all there was to dancing, learning and increasing her skills with each passing day thanks to a harsh and unforgiving teacher. Each mistake was punished severely and accomplishments were brushed aside. When she turned twenty she joined the ballet troupe in Milwaukee where she excelled, swiftly earning the lead in several upcoming performances.

While Bethany was being trained to become a dancer Elizabeth was being taught how to play the piano. They would often sneak away from their unforgiving task masters to play or just relax somewhere away from all the immense pressure that came from being expected to be perfect. They were each others rock, relying on the other to be there for them to vent to, to prop up and revitalize when they had been drained after a harsh day of lessons. This continued throughout their teenage years and into adulthood where the pressures became even more intense. Though they couldn't sneak away as often as they used to it wasn't an uncommon sight for the both of them to be together when they should have been practicing or preparing.

It was during these performances that she unknowingly caught the attention of an other worldly being. It had begun as any other normal day, waking up to do her stretches and eat a light breakfast. Then it was off to the dance hall to begin practicing for that nights show. Working through the steps and rehearsal all through the morning until it was time for lunch. After that it was stretching and relaxing, making sure to stay nice and limber so as not to injure herself before, during and after the show. During the show she danced flawlessly, the lead role of Swan Lake. It was exhilarating, she adored being onstage and working with her partner to tell a story without words, to bring the audience to the highest of highs and lowest of lows. Once the curtain had fallen and they had taken their bows, she retreated to the small dressing room to relax and recover from the night.

Once she was there she spent about an hour calming down and simply enjoying being free from responsibilities for the rest of the evening. Changing into her dress she left the studio, waving goodbye to the few dancers who remained before heading out. Walking along the streets she heaved a sigh, gaze going up to the moon as she walked. She wished she could be free, wished she could know what it was like to just dance without having someone constantly watching and berating every little mistake she made. Passing by the park she paused, blinking as she could have sworn she saw two people dancing in the trees. Shaking her head she was about to dismiss it and continue on her journey, nobody just danced in the park. But as she was taking a step she caught a flash of movement again. Looking harder her eyes widened as she saw two people, two women even, dancing without a care in the world in the woods.

They...they were so beautiful, she'd never seen anyone who could compare to the two as they danced in the moonlight. She didn't know how long she stood there, time lost all meaning to her as she watched, transfixed by the two. Their dance was full of such passion, such freedom! She didn't realize that she had started to move until she was already with the two, joining them in their dance. But as she danced, matching her movements to theirs and simply allowing herself to move in no set rhythm, no structured steps or voice calling out the tempo she felt something in her change. A warmth blossomed in her heart, spreading throughout her body as for the first time in her life, she knew the joy of simply dancing. Bethany couldn't contain it and she began to laugh, her dancing growing more energetic and sensual as she gave herself to the night and her partners. There were no rules, just freedom and pleasure in the dance and in one another. It was erotic and passionate instead of focused on proper form and execution of steps.

And they danced down the path and to the Garden...Bethany never looked back.

History, Cont'd - Durance in the Garden
It was a world beyond anything Bethany had ever envisioned, the Mondlicht Garten was a beauty without compare and she was free to explore it all.  As she had danced so freely and with such passion, the Lady made her into something that would match. She became the very embodiment of the wind, her body changed and shaped, twisted until she was no longer recognizable as a human. Long white hair, the color of a puffy cloud on a spring day. Blue skin, ranging from the clearest blue of a summer day to the dark right before a storm rolled in. Her eyes, the golden hue of a midsummer day. All this and more, the Lady and Faerie changed her, twisted her with each passing day more and more as all thought of her past existence left her. There was no more ballet, no more cheering crowds, tea with her sister, working so hard to become the very best dancer.

The only things that concerned her now was dancing, the winds carrying her through the Garten as she frolicked. She was the fierce autumn gust, ripping red and orange leaves off the branches of trees. The warm summer breeze that tossed the Lady's hair lovingly as she stepped naked and barefoot through the garden. The cold blast of stormy air that drove the denizens of the garden scampering for their shelters. She welcomed her changes, becoming more and more Fae with each one. She frolicked with the beasts, danced with the fairies in moonlight glades, and loved with a passion those who caught her eye. Though the two that caught her eye the most, that always drew her attention when they were near was of course the two who had brought her here. She loved the Lady and the Gardner, loved them above all others. She constantly sought to gain their attention and affection, plotted and schemed to keep herself in their favor. Never was she happier than when she had one or even both of their attention.

She was happy to remain in the Garten, fulfilling the role the Lady had selected her for until the fateful day the Gardner escaped.

When she made her escape, something changed inside of her. Like a flash, memories rushed back to her though they were disjointed and random. She remembered her darling sister, dancing and singing with her as they grew up and though it confused her greatly as she never had a sister before it drove her out of the Garten and back into the Hedge. Though it tore at her, a fierce determination had bloomed in her heart and she kept driving forward until she tore her way free and back into the world of humans.

History, Cont'd - Returning Home
Tearing her way out of the Hedge, she found herself on a street corner. A street corner she most certainly didn't recognize! Nothing was familiar, nothing looked even remotely the same as it had when she had left just that....that.....She suddenly realized that she had no real idea how long she had been gone. Looking around she could only judge that she had been gone a very long time indeed. She tried to remember who she was, where she had lived or who her family was. But there was nothing, only a haze that prevented her from remembering anything but a name. Elizabeth. Her sister, that was the only thing she could remember. That she has, or most likely as she looked around at all the changes, had a sister. But she could not remember her last name or who her parents were.

Knowing that she couldn't stay where she'd stumbled out of the Hedge and that she needed to leave she headed off in a random direction, trying to find anything that was remotely familiar to her. The first couple of months were hard, she didn't know anything about this new world or how it functioned. She found herself dancing on street corners for handouts, wowing those who passed with her skills and earning enough to eat. One night, she managed to get enough courage to attempt a night club. Once inside though, she realized that she was hopelessly in over her head, she had no clue how to act in such an environment and though she enjoyed the dancing more than once she sent a potential partner stumbling away.

It was during this time that she caught the eye of a couple who were spending an evening there, Dan and Natasha. Coming over to her Dan offered to buy her a drink, and as she'd had enough of trying to figure out the mortals around her she agreed. Going back over to join the two, one drink quickly become two then three and soon she was back on the floor, dancing away with the two. They all went home together that night and it wasn't long before Bethany found a kindred spirit in Natasha, someone else who was awkward and a bit out of her element around others. The two became friends and soon after, during a conversation in which Tasha mentioned how good she was at dancing and how she would make a ton of money stripping at the club she worked at she convinced her to come down for an audition. She easily got the job.

So she became a stripper, dancing and entertaining those who came in. She quickly gained a reputation as being very cold and aloof, one who was disdainful of those who bought dances from her but somehow it all worked out. People would buy dances from her, thinking that they would be the ones to finally crack that icy exterior but none ever did.

It was during this time, as she slowly learned more of the vastly changed world she found herself in, that she rented out a nice apartment and moved in there. Sparsely furnished, it's a random hodgepodge of items and things as she decorated it with no real understanding of what went where or why. Not long after she had moved into the apartment, Dan and Tasha went through a bad breakup and she came running to her best friend for help. Accepting at once, she allowed her friend to move in until she was on her feet. Eventually though, as they grew closer and more comfortable it became obvious to them both that Tasha wouldn't ever have to leave. She spent the next several years as a stripper before discovering that there was a ballet troupe in this age as well. Heading to the building one night, she simply walked up to the stage during the auditions, pushed the dancer who was there out of her way and began to dance. The casting director, at first ready to call for her to be removed had been utterly mesmerized by her ethereal grace and had sat entranced for her dance before giving her the lead roll on the spot.

Moving out of the apartment she bought a rather nice house where she and Tasha now live. She dances for the ballet while also stripping, not caring for any rumors that circulate about her two jobs. It pays rather well and she was able to buy a modest house for herself where she keeps a garden. A large tree provides the access to her Hollow, a place she spent months carving out for herself in the Hedge where she can retreat to try and recenter herself.

Family: All of her known family is dead, she is trying to track down her remaining kin but all the modern technologies baffle her and she has no clue how to go about it.
Friends: Tasha Rose (Diamond) One of the strippers where she works who has managed to grow close to her. She is her best friend.
Co-Workers: Does not really get along with her fellow dancers in the ballet, most of whom are jealous even if they won't admit it of her natural grace though none suspect it's because of her inhuman nature. Though her relationships with her fellow strippers is better, the less competitive and sharing of the money they all make helped make her more accepted.
Lovers: Tasha Rose
Other PCs:
Is still very close with Nathalie and helps her when ever she needs. More to come as ties are made.

Oath of Rose and Thorn

Harvest (emotions) - Bethany has a steady form of Glamour available to her through the emotions of her audience when she dances.  This Glamour is tinged with lust at the strip club, but can take on a variety of flavors when she is performing in the ballet.

Merits and Flaws

Attribute Merits:
-I am agile and nimble.
-I have a dancer's grace and flexibility
-I move effortlessly and with deftness (x3)
-I am healthy and very fit.
-I am very composed and beautiful(x2)
-My aloof nature can make me stubborn and hard to convince of things
-I am always on guard and watchful

Attribute Flaws:
-I am awkward and harsh in social situations
-I am hard to get to know (x2)
-I am not very strong

Skill Merits:
-I am a classically trained dancer
-I am trained in the art of stripping
-I can dance with liquid grace and captivate anyone who watches me dance (x3)
-I can sew and knit
-I can run very fast for extended periods
-I know how to sing
-I am good at finding my way through a town or city

Skill Flaws:
-I can not drive a car
-I am very inept in social situations
-I can not fight effectively
-I have trouble remembering things from before I was taken
-Modern technology baffles me
-I am somewhat archaic in outlook and sensibilities.
Background Merits:
-I have a steady income and own a nice home.
Personal Hollow- I have a personal Hollow where I can safely retreat to when it all gets to be too much.
A New Identity- I have a new identity, no longer am I Bethany Pabst, heir to the Pabst fortune and company. I am now Bethany Gale, stripper and ballet dancer.
Background Flaws:


Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Being bound saps my strength
I have to spend at least four hours a day outside

Rare Abilities:

Direction Sense- I can always tell which way to go, no matter where I am.
Danger Sense- I have the ability to detect danger around me and where it's coming from.

Seeming and Kith Abilities
Blessings: Second Wind (Elemental), Velocity of the Zephyr (Airtouched)
Curse: Manipulating, lying, persuading, or even understanding human emotion is more difficult for me.

Smoke Contracts (oo)
-The Wrong Foot

Contracts of the Wyld (oooooo)
-Nature's Curse
-Viridian Embrace
-Calling Wind and Weather
-Calling Nature's Wrath

Contracts of Elements
-Cloak Of The Elements
-Armor Of The Elements' Fury
-Control Elements
-Calling The Element

Contracts of Separation (o)
-Tread Lightly