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Welcome to Robotech: The Ranger Chronicles (Freeform)

02:36, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

2nd Lt. Cain Edwards

Option Explicit

Name: Cain Edwards {Callsign: Pegasus}
Rank: '2nd Lieutenant'
Branch of Service: U.N. Spacy
Place of Birth: Philippines, Butuan {Raised in U.S. - Honolulu}
Age: 24

Appearance -
HT: 6 '1" / 182.5cm
WT: 160lbs / 72.7kg
Hair: Sandy Brown - worn long
Eyes: Green
Skin Coloring: Tanned-Caucasian
Distinctive Features: Mirrored Shades

Virtue{s}: Self-Confident
Flaw{s}: Irreverent

Personal Logo: White Pegasus rearing in profile with red fire-shaped wings

VF-1A Stores -
GU-11 Gun Pod [ 50x Short Bursts<1>, 25x Medium Bursts<2>, 12x Long Bursts<4> ]
{load-out request}
4x Medium SR Missile [ All HE{Hvy} ]
8x Light SR Missiles [ 4x Fragmentation{Light}, 2x Plasma/Napalm{Med.}, 2x Armor Piercing{Med.} ]

Description/Personality: Dangerously handsome in a windblown wild sort of way with intense smoldering green eyes that captivate, but Cain is not a 'skirt-chaser' - always mind on the mission the next aerial dogfight. He's driven and borderline obsessive. Focused on the goal of becoming the best fighter pilot he can. Quiet, not given to complain even when things are rough! Looks at all aspects of life as a battle to be fought and won a challenge to prove one's worth, as if he is constantly proving something to someone not around. Something of a short temper mostly for foolishness, Cain has no patience to clowning around. Serious and brooding often times. He takes life Very seriously, perhaps too seriously. Cain is not particularly unfriendly, just really intense & driven all the time, like he's expecting betrayal at every turn, though not per se to the point of paranoia.

As a fighter pilot he is VERY aggressive taking calculated risks that are not unwarranted, but perhaps a bit more aggressive when safer approaches could be made. Not reckless, but seemingly completely devoid of fear. He is an intuitive capable pilot direct, efficient and very ambitious. Cain is always ready to take charge in the face of repeated incompetent leadership, which has gotten him into trouble in the past. He always has a plan of attack.

However, despite this seemingly hard-driven exterior, his heart is pure hero! Some would call him "suicidally-brave", he NEVER abandons a fellow pilot, no matter the odds! He is always ready to stick up for the little guy and help the innocent and helpless. Truly, a heart of pure gold!

History -
E - 5 'Petty Officer' Barbara Lancaster met the dashing irreverent Pilot 'Lieut.' Thomas Riley Edwards when she was 23 as a career Communications Ops Officer for the Greater North East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere Military during the Global Civil War. He swept her off her feet and she was charmed by his 'naughty' ways. But as the relationship continued, she found him to be controlling, manipulative, and secretly sadistic. Hotshot decorated pilot though he was, he had a deep meanstreak in him that knew no restraint. Thomas Edwards was ambitions and domineering seeing his career as a way into real power in the developing world order through the military. He had a reputation for getting the mission done, no matter how many of his fellow pilots died to accomplish it. Eventually the relationship turned violent and Barbara left T.R. Edwards. It was no loss to him, she was 'merely' a good source of entertainment when off-duty; he was more than handsome, and famous enough to find another distraction.

Cain was born 9 months later after the end of their 6 month long fling. Barbara named him after her paternal uncle a retired US Pilot - Lieut. Commander Cain Rumey {Interestingly actually related to the World War I - German Ace Pilot 'Leutnant' Fritz Rumey}. Cain was a difficult child full of his father's fiery restless spirit and short tempers. Barbara returned to the states in the civil war cease fire with the crash of the Super-Dimensional Fortress to do all she could to direct the boy's energies to constructive activities. With the help of her Uncle Rumey she succeeded as Cain came to love both his mother and his uncle's stories about flying and aerial combat. It was obvious, he had flying in his blood - and he dreamed continually of being a pilot someday. Barbara eventually told Cain about his father and why he was never around. Cain desired to met his father and learn about him. Barbara knew the truth but tried to be fair and not color the child's feelings for his father from her bad expe
riences with T.R. Edwards. At age 10 Cain met his father for the first time; it did not go well. '1st Lieutenant' Thomas Edwards made it perfectly clear he had no interest in a 'bastard son' and wanted nothing to do with some 'bimbo he knocked up'! Cain was crushed, but it built within him a burning desire to prove his worth; no SUPERIORITY to his father and a hatred that has not subsided to this day.

A year later Cain's mother fell in love with a young, kind, talented - RDF Pilot, '3rd Lieutenant' Jackson Harris and she married him. Barbara was happy and Cain made fast friends with his step-father. A year later his little sister Alia Harris was born. 'Jack' helped Cain direct his schooling to become a pilot and taught him many things about aerial combat taking him flying with him many times. Jack understood Cain's hatred of his father but tried to help him get over his feelings of abandonment and anger at the mistreatment of him and his mother. Cain insisted on taking the surname of his father as a constant reminder of who he was and as a slap in the face of his estranged father.

4 years latter Jackson died on mission. It was later learned by Barbara and Cain that he had been on mission with 'Captain' Thomas Riley Edward's as C.O. with his unit "Ghost Squadron". The military review board's report revealed it was a bad twist of circumstances that led to 'Lieut' Harris' death but no fault was found in the operation commanding officer's actions in the mission. But after the court session was adjourned, Cain caught sight of his father smirking at the whole situation and he knew; no matter what the evidence said - T.R. Edwards had seen to it Jack Harris died on that mission out of spite.

Cain 's little sister, Jack Harris' daughter - Alia is precious to him. They are very close and little Alia idolizes her big brother she wants to become an Ace Pilot just like him and her father, whom she remembers little of as he died when she was only 4, but her mother speaks very fondly of him. Cain when given leave always comes home to take his lil' sis flying either in Jack's old turbo-prop sportsplane he used to take Cain up in or his Uncle Rumey's decommissioned antique U.S. Navy Jet {F-14 Tomcat}.

Unknown to Cain he does indeed have a sister, daughter of T.R. Edwards, 'Lieut.' Nina Petrovic - Age 24, who is also a pilot in the UEDF but she does not bear the last name of Edwards and has never met her. Her relationship with her father is unknown.

Cain joined the UEDF as early as he could join and has obsessively pursued excellence in his flying to become the best pilot possible. Pushing himself harder than any of his fellow pilots always trying to prove to himself he's better than his evil father and best him.

As a flight trainee, Cain proved himself to be a very driven and obsessively studious pilot, spending long hours in simulators and methodical in his familiarity with the planes to be flown. He pushed himself to the head of the class proving himself to be every bit of as aggressive and ambitious as his father. His flight school rival was a 'Midshipman' Ryan Barker who saw Cain as a 'know-it-all' who just talked big, they never got along but grudgingly he had to give respect to the obsessive Cain, he knew his air combat tactics well!

In a one air tactics class the instructor indicated that a tactical move that Cain suggested was not advisable due to the g's pulled in the maneuver to which Cain replied, "I could pull it off...", Ryan Barker, his class rival responded "Horseshit!", the class laughed. Next In-flight training maneuvers, Cain pulled such a maneuver just to prove he could do it. Got him into trouble, of course, but Ryan was shut up and his classmates impressed & amused. Ryan's only remark, "Well you're a regular Pegasus! I guess your horseshit does fly!" The name stuck.

'Sub. Lieut.' Cain Edwards did not graduate 'Top-Gun' of his class,'Sub-Lieut.' Ryan Barker did but, he did graduate with more flight commendations than 'Sub-Lieut.' Baker. The Base Commander, 'Colonel' Karl Emerson, called Cain to his office on his graduation and told him this, "You are the best pilot trainee to come out of this school in some time; you've got a real feel for air combat, a natural talent and you are the best pilot of this class, which is really a shame cause you're not 'Top-Gun'; only because you are unpredictable and an unpredictable pilot - though 'potentially' may be a great Combat Ace is unreliable, reckless and potentially dangerous to his fellow pilots! You're not up there alone 'Sub-Lieut.' Edwards! I know about your 'family issues'. Stop chasing that 'phantom enemy' of your father - everytime you go up! You be you, let him go and I know you'll be an even better pilot!"

Cain took the Col.'s words to heart and has tried to calm his hatred of his father and focus on his own service to strive to become a UEDF Ace Pilot through his own merits. He remains however, ever watchful of his infamous father's achievements; always setting his personal bar ever higher in his personal war of one-up-manship.

Name: Thomas Riley Edwards {Callsign: Ghost 1}
Rank: 'Captain'
Age: 45

Virtue{s}: Analytical
Flaw{s}: Cruel
Personal Logo: Red Skull pierced diagonally by an arrow on a Black Shield

Appearance -
HT: 6 '2" / 182.5cm
WT: 180lbs / 81.8kg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Skin Coloring: Tanned-Caucasian
Distinctive Features: Sardonic grin {more like a sneer}

Description -
Snide, arrogant, pushy, bully type, a brooding loner, but a very clever, cunning and excellent tactician. Obsessed with power. Tends to behave paranoid. Edwards is a treacherous man. He is a Fighter Pilot Ace of deadly skill. He has a superb military mind and a excellent sense of strategy. Unfortunately, he is a superb leader, but a terrible team player! If Captain Edwards is not in charge he will never give his best effort and will try to make his superiors look incompetent at the cost of innocent soldiers' lives.

He is a mean, conniving man who joined the RDF for personal glory and schemes of power. His usual goals involve showing rival accomplished soldiers vying for the promotions and or commendations he is after to be the incompetent wimps that he knows them to be. He's a 'chicken shit' officer who dominates his troops with an iron fist. He has little tolerance for failure and will harshly punish soldiers under his command for the slightest infractions or failures. The lives of his troops mean nothing, only victory counts. Captain Edwards is a bitter loner disliked by all and feared by many. His hand-picked Squadron of Ace pilots the GHOST SQUADRON is made up of similarly infamous soldiers.

The "Ghosts" started as a reprobate squadron a 'last chance' squadron of skilled pilots who continually ran afoul of their superiors for attitude conflicts, insubordinate behavior or frequent breaches of the Uniform Code of Military conduct. Captain Edwards pushed hard to gain command of this squad of pilots as few would care if a few of them ended up dead for they were all on the road to their own end as they were unreliable, at best, hot-shot 'maverick' pilots. T.R. Edwards domineering personality and iron fist whipped them into shape, indeed at the cost of a few lives, but the "Ghosts" soon made a name for themselves for excellence as the Captain made them into a dangerous flight of motivated miscreants. "Ghost Squadron" has a reputation of getting the job done and being if not the best one of the best squadrons in the RDF

Edward 's cares nothing for the 'Ghosts' they are all simply part of Edwards own ambitious plans for glory and higher command.

His one redeeming quality is his twisted sense of honor in the aerial duel. He must triumph 'personally' over his foes and rivals!

Actually, in a twisted sense of pride, 'Captain' Edwards is somewhat impressed by Cain's accomplishments, "Kid's got potential, nice to see one of my lil' bastards takes after his ole' man! He might make a decent pilot someday if he gets over being such a bleeding hearted pussy! The 'Ghost's' could use some fresh blood! {Heh!}"