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Welcome to Mondlicht Garten (Changeling: the Lost)

09:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Genevieve Sonenclar
Nickname: Ginny
Age: 73
Age apparent: 23
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student
Languages: Fluent English, Written French, poor spoken French

Seeming: Fairest
Kith: Telluric
Court: Spring
Keeper: Lady of Midnight and Shadow
Faction: Garten Flüchtlinge
Wyrd: 3
Glamour Pool:
Willpower: 5


An aspiring actress that gained some popularity in theater. Turned Fairest through a lie, she seeks to right a wrong that was never made and to salvage a life lost through the machinations of the Fae.

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 124 Lbs
Eye Color: Red and gold with black sclera. (Pink and honeyed brown, almost yellow as human with white sclera)
Hair color: Red(Honeyed Brown)
Hair Style: Short and messy.
Complexion: As a human, she was fair skinned, but relatively plain. Her beauty wasn't so much in her looks so much as her expressions. Especially her eyes.
Body shape: Statuesque
Clothing: As an actress, she'll wear whatever she needs to. However in her personal life, she tended to wear skirts(Ankle length) and various not-pants.

Mien (Description): (Insert Description)

Ginny has horns like a ram and reddish short messy hair with pointed ears. She sports multiple piercings(Ears[multiple], Bridge of nose, Septum, cheek, Lower lip, Horn tips.) and smaller horns over her eyebrows. Her right eye is red on black, while her left is gold on black. Ginny also sports cloven feet and the same coloured fur as her hair to her knees. She has a small tail at the small of her back that twitches occasionally as well.

She stands just on the lower side of five and a half feet, and weighs just over a hundred pounds.

Mask (Description): (Insert Description)

Her mask is much like she used to be. Five feet and a little bit tall, girly shaped and the same colour hair. One of her eyes is pink while the other is a light brown. Her parents said there could be some albinism in there. She is mostly seen in skirts (Mostly due to her cloven feet actually) and prefers things with a low neckline.


Ginny likes to think she'd help those in need when they need it, but she's just looking for her own little niche in life. She trusts others to do what they're want to do. It's the easiest way to succeed, right? Do what you want?

Virtue: Faith
Vice: Wrath

(Insert Description)

Your Story
Passions/Goals: to be FAMOUS and FABULOUS! To be wanted and loved.


Gin moved to Milwaukee from out of state for university but stayed for the acting. It was like she was born to do it. She'd enjoyed Halloween as a kid and this felt like Halloween 24/7. What was NOT to like? She was a natural, so said her peers.

Ginny's home life was a little complicated, as she'd married young to her high school sweetheart. He was kind of a deadbeat, but high school kind of blinded Ginny to that sort of thing. She actually felt somewhat stifled from exploring her sexuality with him around but was too afraid to let him go. To brave the world alone. He didn't give her what she needed emotionally. He gave her more than nothing though. Things fell into a routine, she wasn't getting anywhere. Something had to change, but what? Her parents were too far away to help on a regular basis. Even then, they would let her deal with her own problems.

If she voiced them.

Then came the night of Peter Pan.

They had been rehearsing for weeks and weeks. All the props and stage wires were a go and the show must go on, so break a leg! The play itself was not a problem. Ginny could mask her emotions so very easily it was painful to see how easy people were fooled. She hurt on the inside, but nobody ever saw it.

...Except her.

The most beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes on. Hair like the darkest of nights and soul-piercing eyes that seemed to see the truth behind the mask. Ginny's breath caught in her throat and it was like the world stopped for a small eternity. The rest of the world went gray as the Lady was the only vibrant thing in the room, or she'd ever seen.

I can fulfill your desires. You need but only take my hand.

Ginny was transfixed. She couldn't look away and everything she saw could only make her trust the strange woman. With dumbfounded slightly parted lips and a barely perceptible nod, she took the Lady's hand and left her old life behind.

If only she'd said 'will' instead of 'can'.

::Time in Mondlicht Garten::

Most of her fifty years in the Garten were lonesome. She could see, but not touch. Be seen, but not spoken to. She was not left to want in her little gilded cage in the sky, but that was not the point. She was comfortable as one could be in such a predicament but a cage was still a cage.

The only highlight of those times were when the Lady would visit and admire her from afar, when she could see the smile on the Lady's face.

Except the last time. The last time she would never forget. The Lady's terrible wrath as she had thought she had been wronged. Ginny had pleaded. She'd begged. Even though she hadn't a clue as to why the Lady was so angered.

Ripped from her gilded cage in the sky, Ginny was thrown to the Garten below. With no role, unknowing what a star should do in this lush green paradise, she hid. Which was decidedly hard. Ginny stood out very much so among the denizens of the Garten. At first, she let them fawn over her. How could she not? She adored attention but more importantly, had to learn how to walk on her cloven feet.

Where she went, things glowed. She glowed. The denizens of the garten found it unique. Interesting. They got so very close. Ginny felt so crowded. Nobody left her alone. Which is what she wanted. Sort of. For a time, it was alright. Questions. Fawning. But it grew old.

Though they steadily became worse. Coming closer, the ferocious ones, mean ones becoming more daring. She had to get away, but it only got worse! She hid in the underbrush, in the wilder areas of the Garten, but it only got scarier. She tingled when she moved and glittered when the sunlight hit her. There was no hiding. No peace from this world she hadn't wanted to be part of.

When the Gardener made escape, Ginny followed. Not necessarily because she remembered who she had been, but because she had been scorned, had no place. She remembered being lied to and the life she hadn't wanted in the first place. No. Not the life she hadn't wanted. The life she needed to change.

::Through the Hedge and into Reality::

Once through the hedge, Ginny learned that her life had been taken over. That she no longer had a place in her own life.

With nowhere else to go, she turned to the very person who tended to the flock so to speak in the Garten. The Gardener. Although she was a little stern, she was helpful. Many of the new Changelings reside at Ginny's place as she helps them get back on their feet, just as the Gardener helped her.

The only thing she requires as payment is glamour, a weekly donation into a token left by Nathalie. As a communal home, the glamour is there to help those who are learning to harvest it in the real world as well as Ginny's hyperactive bleed of glamour.

Family: Good but distant. She's an only child to Jim and Annabelle Moroe
Friends: She kept in touch with her hometown best friend, but otherwise her new friends were her coworkers.
Other PCs:

Merits and Flaws

Attribute Merits

I am memorable.
I am persuasive. (x3)
I am composed. (x2)

My hands are a blur.
I am hearty and healthy.

I am Cunning. (x2)

Attribute Flaws

I'm not very strong.
I am not very intimidating.
I'm manipulative.
My feelings distract me.

Skill Merits:

I am a great actress.
People trust me even when they shouldn't.
I can hold my liquor with the best of them.
I am skilled with knives. (x2)
I can sit impossibly still for long amounts of time.
I can talk my way out of most situations.(x2)

Skill Flaws:

Background Merits:

Background Merits


Background Flaws:

Rare Abilities:

Starborn: Holds more Glamour than a normal fae.
Side effect: Starts to glow with a mild ethereal light. Visible in the darkness(Or pitch black) and clearly through her mien, to a lesser extent through her mask.
Bad stuff: She can't hold her glamour well. It bleeds off, infusing the things around her with Fae energy. If she's in contact with it for too long, it takes on magical properties. Be it living or inanimate. It doesn't last too long, and she can't control what those effects will be. The only constant is they glow a bit. Just like her.

Seeming and Kith Abilities


These changelings really are the Fairest of Them All, and their magic only emphasizes this. The player can spend Glamour to improve dice pools that include Presence, Manipulation and Persuasion. Each point spent increases one dice pool by one point.

A changeling counted among the Fairest also suffers no untrained penalty for using Social skills in which she has no dots.


The Fairest, similar to the creatures who stole them, can be callous and unfeeling, vicious and prone to toy with others, even people who love them. Their inner balance suffers for this. One of the Fairest suffers a -1 die penalty on dice pools to avoid losing Clarity (for example, the player of a Fairest with Clarity 5 who kills another changeling rolls two dice to avoid losing Clarity, rather than three).


Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Ginny has to cause violence to anyone who sincerely compliments her looks.
Can't openly stab or cut.


Cupid's Eye (o)
This clause takes the first step in fulfilling a person's desires -- or teasing him and stringing him along -- by revealing what those desires are. The changeling must touch the subject to use this Clause.  Each Glamour spent reveals one desire, and the changeling can determine what kind of desire they wish to learn (from sexual to career advancement to desires the subject keeps hidden, or desires the subject keep hidden from himself).

    Prerequisites: None
    Cost: 1 Glamour
    Catch: The character has kissed the subject within the past 24 hours, or the subject's object of desire is the character.

Tread Lightly (o)
The changeling can partially remove herself from gravity's influence. She cannot fly or even jump further than normal, but minimal damage from falling, regardless of the distance. In addition, she can walk or run over any solid surface even if it would not normally support her weight, such as tissue paper or thin panes of glass. She can also walk across mud, dry sand, snow or any other surface without getting her feet even damp, and it is nearly impossible to track her using footprints.  Furthermore she can climb surfaces too fragile to support her normal weight.

    Cost: 1 Glamour
    Catch: The character is wearing fancy and delicate footwear that would be ruined if she did not use this clause.

Evasion Of Shackles (oo)
The character can automatically slip out of any handcuffs, straightjacket or other restraints. This clause can open locked doors only if the character is in a small compartment, such as a steamer trunk or trunk of a car, that significantly restricts her ability to move her body.

    Cost: 1 Glamour
    Catch: The changeling has been unjustly imprisoned for some crime or offense she did not actually commit.

Breaching Barriers (ooo)
The changeling can walk through any closed or locked door or window that he could fit through if it were open. The changeling simply walks through the portal as if it weren't there. The door or window doesn't open, but the changeling simply moves instantly and effortlessly from one side of it to the other without disturbing it or setting off any alarms. This clause also leaves no marks or traces on the door.

If the changeling wishes, she can spend an additional point of Glamour and take along one other individual, as long as she holds this person's hand while walking through the door or window. The changeling cannot take along more than one person in this fashion.

    Cost: 1 or 2 Glamour
    Catch: The character has been deliberately imprisoned by another changeling.

Elegant Protection (oooo)
Attacks swerve to avoid the changeling. While using this clause, the changeling always looks elegant and poised, even when in a fight and while dodging.

The character adds a number of merits equal to 1/2 Wyrd (rounded up) for the purpose of avoiding injury during a fight. The changeling does not lose this bonus even if she is restrained, immobilized or unconscious, since attacks naturally swerve to avoid her body. This bonus applies to all attacks, including firearms attacks and attacks made when the changeling cannot normally defend herself.

In addition, even when dodging, the changeling always appears to be moving in an elegant and carefree manner, and could fight without spilling the cocktail she is holding or even wrinkling her gown.

    Cost: 2 Glamour
    Catch: The changeling is unarmed and not attempting to attack anyone. If the clause is invoked while using this catch, the clause will instantly end its effects and burn away three of the changeling's Glamour if she attacks anyone while it is active.

Reflections Of The Past (o)
The changeling can look into any reflective surface, from a mirror, to a pond, and see anything that has been reflected there in the last week.

The quality of this reflection is the same as it was at the moment when it was originally reflected. The changeling can review the reflections as rapidly as desired or she can state a specific day and time to see exactly what the surface reflected at that moment, freezing this reflection in place for as long as desired. These reflections can be seen by anyone, though they can't be photographed. The changeling can use this clause on any reflective surface, but many surfaces yield only vague and blurred reflections.

    Cost: 1 Glamour
    Catch: The mirror belongs to someone to whom the changeling has a close emotional connection.

Glimpse Of A Distant Mirror (oo)
The Lost can look into any reflective surface and use it to see out of another reflective surface in which his face has been reflected.

The character and anyone he is with can see out of the mirror he wishes to see through as if it were a window. However, the target mirrored surface also displays the changeling's image. This clause works at any range, as long as the changeling has seen his face in the target surface within the last week. However, he must choose the specific surface, and cannot merely attempt to look through any surface in a general area in which his face has been reflected. If the surface reflects poorly, like a somewhat dirty pot lid, the image the changeling sees is similarly distorted and blurred.

    Cost: 1 Glamour
    Catch: The mirror the changeling is looking into belongs to someone who has sworn enmity against him.

Reflection's Grasp (ooo)
The changeling can reach through a reflective surface he has touched and manipulate any object within reach, including pulling objects through the reflective surface.

The changeling can physically reach his arm into one reflective surface and out another, assuming both are large enough for him to reach his arm and hand through. In effect, the character reaches through one reflective surface and his hand comes out of the other's surface. The destination surface must either be within the character's line of sight, or a surface he has physically touched within the last day. The character can manipulate objects on the other side of the reflective surface and can even bring small inanimate objects back through a reflective surface large enough to fit them through. The changeling cannot see through the reflective surface he is reaching through, unless he uses the Glimpse of a Distant Mirror clause at the same time.

    Cost: 2 Glamour
    Catch: The character attempts to reach through the mirror that he uses most often to look at himself.

Mirror Walk (oooo)
The changeling can step into one reflective surface large enough to fit his body through and out of a similarly-sized surface that he has touched and that his whole body has been reflected in for at least one minute.

Once the character begins stepping through, she cannot stop. If she holds another person's hand, she can bring that person through with her, but must spend another two points of Glamour and a point of Willpower to bring them through. The clause's catch cannot negate the cost of bringing through an additional person. The changeling cannot see through the surface from which she is emerging, but she can use the Glimpse of a Distant Mirror clause to take a look through it before stepping through.

    Cost: 3 Glamour
    Catch: A blood relative is currently reflected in the surface out of which he is stepping.

Stealing The Solid Reflection (ooooo)
The changeling can reach into a surface and remove the reflection of any object of moderate to large size or smaller, depending on his Wyrd. Once removed, this reflection is a solid object--a duplicate of the first, real object.

The entirety of the object or person must have been reflected in the surface and the surface must be sufficiently reflective that the image is clear, detailed and relatively undistorted. Images from mirrors, large sheets of polished metal, or large ornamental reflecting pools all work well; muddy or windblown puddles or a sufficiently dirty and chipped mirror cannot be used. In addition, the surface must be large enough to remove the object from. The changeling can only pull out full-sized objects, not those that have been increased or reduced in Size. To remove an object or living being from a reflection, it must also not be too large, though Changelings with Wyrd of 3 or higher could effectively pull a car or boat from reflection.

Any object or living being removed from a reflection is an exact mirror image of the actual object or person -- the reflection of a car has the steering wheel on the other side and all lettering, including the license plate, is also reversed. However, sound is not reversed, and so the reflection of a CD sounds the same as the actual CD. A reflected car can be destroyed, but this clause only makes reflections solid for one scene. After that time, the reflection returns to the mirror and all damage, including death, is removed. While a reflection has been made solid, the original object casts no reflection and neither does the temporarily solid reflection. Also, no matter how many reflective surfaces the changeling possesses, it is only possible to create a single solid reflection of a single object.

    Cost: 3 Glamour + 1 Willpower
    Catch: The changeling removes an image of an object owned by someone who is in debt to him.

Residents of the house

Sylvie Drys

Gia Rainmayr
Inori Nine-Tails