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Welcome to Gamma World 4E: Into The Sprawl

05:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


”Ranger” Arcus ‘Starborne’
Experience Points: 1,000;  Level: 3
Pyrokinetic -Primary (PSI; +2 to PSI overchage) / Gravity Controller-Secondary (Dark; +2 to

dark overchage) “Living Star”
-Cryptic Alliance:  Radioactivists
Arcus Starborne  Pyrokinetic/Gravity Con  3  38/38 21/16/16/16 05 +4 +07 +04 00/09  Rst. 10 Fire, Fire 5, No dam. fall

Personality:  Open-Minded, Hopeful, Adaptable, Scrupulous, Charitable, Reckless

Appearance:  Male human-like youth. Age:  18, HT:  5’5”, WT:

220lbs, Eyes:  Amber,
Hair:  Crimson Red {Powers in use: Golden-Red Flames ‘cool to touch’}
Skin:  Pale White {Powers in use: Deeply tanned with reddish

Arcus is a handsome youth with a fresh hopeful and courageous bearing… inspiring
and kind.  When using Pyrokenitc powers body is wrapped in flames. When Gravity
Control powers in use skin sparks with purple-black radiance. When both powers
used his skin roils with multicolored flames like the surface of the sun.
Leaves fine ash and sooty footprints.  Arcus wears a battered Golden hued
chassis from some robotic frame that has been backed with leather and worn as
a suit of plate armor.  Has a STOP sign with riveted leather straps he carries
as a shield.  His shotgun is strapped across his back in a rifle sheath.
His beaten flat and sharpened street-sign u-channel bastard sword with its
railroad spike crossguard and leather wrapped hilt is sheath in a metal
scabbard at his side.  Upon his chest is a piece of metal shaped like a badge
with a Texas Ranger’s Lone Star heat etched into it.

10 {+0}  STR
16 {+3}  CON
12 {+1}  DEX
8  {-1}  INT
18 {+4}  WIS
14 {+2}  CHA

Hit Points:  28 + 10 = 38
Bloodied Value:  19
Armor Class:  20{21 sh}   [ 10 + {Lvl} +7{+8} (Heavy Armor + Shield) ]
Fortitude:  16   [ 10 + (Lvl) + 3 (Con) ]
Reflex Defense:  16  [ 10 + {Lvl} + 2{Origin} + 1 ]
Will Defense:  17  [ 10 + {Lvl} + 4 ]
Carrying, Lifting, Dragging: Normal 100lbs/ Lift 200lbs/ Heavy

{Slow-Mv 2} 200lbs/ Drag 500lbs

Speed:  6 {5}
Initiative Modifier:  +4  [ +3 {Lvl} ]
Passive Perception:  17
Passive Insight:  17
Unarmed, Powerful: {Con} = +8 { 1d8+6 }
Attack Bonus: { Hvy-1hd Melee “Bastard Sword” } (Con) = +9 { Acc +3, 1d10+6 }
Attack Bonus: { Hvy-2hd Melee “Bastard Sword” } (Con) = +9 { Acc +3, 2d6+6 }
Attack Bonus: { Hvy ‘Gun’-1hd Ranged “12mm ElectroMAGNUM, Revolver” } (Con) = +8 { Acc +2, 2d6+6, Ra 10sq; Uses Ammo 'powercells & slugs' }
Attack Bonus: { Hvy ‘Gun’-2hd Ranged 'RECKONER' “MEGAShotgun” } (Con) = +8 { Acc +2, 2d10+8, Ra {20}10sq [@ 5+sq hit two adj. targets]; Uses Ammo+1 'shells' }
Attack Bonus: { Hvy ‘Gun’-2hd Ranged “Shotgun” } (Con) = +8 { Acc +2, 2d10+6, Ra 20sq; Uses Ammo }
Attack Bonus: { Fiery Flare } (Wis) = +7 vs REF { 2d8+10[Fire], Ra 5 }
Attack Bonus: { Gravity Pulse } (Con) = +6 vs FORT { 1d10+9 [Ph]+Slow, Ra 10 }

Acrobatics (Dex)  - Lvl + 1 = +4
Athletics (Str)  - Lvl + 0 {+4} = +7
Conspiracy (Int)  - Lvl - 1 = +2
Insight (Wis)  - Lvl + 4 = +7
Interaction (Cha)  - Lvl + 2 {+4}= +9
Mechanics (Int)  - Lvl - 1 = +2
Nature (Wis)  - Lvl + 4 = +7
Perception (Wis)  - Lvl + 4 = +7 [+12 w/Binoculars]
Science (Int)  - Lvl - 1 = +2
Stealth (Dex)  - Lvl + 1 = +4

“Fire Resistance” = Resist 10 {fire}
“Fiery Aura” = "Whenever a creature ends its turn adjacent to you, it takes 5 fire damage"
“It Fell Sideways!” = +2 REF
“Gravity by Choice” = Take No fall damage
Pyrokinetic Critical = When score Critical target gains ongoing 10{fire} damage – Save ends

Fiery Flare {pyrokinetic novice}
At Will; PSI; Fire
Standard ActionRanged:  5
Target:  One Creature
Attack:  Wis + your level vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + Wis + 2xLvl {Fire} [+10]

Gravity Pulse
At Will; Dark; Physical
Standard ActionRanged:  10
Target:  One Creature
Attack:  Con + your level vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + Con + 2xLvl {Physical} [+9] + Target ‘Slowed’ [ Speed becomes 2 - until end of next turn ]

Blazing Rocket {pyrokinetic utility}
Encounter; PSI;
Minor ActionRange:  Personal
Effect: You gain a fly speed of 10 until the end of your next turn. If you don't land before this effect ends, you fall.

Alpha Mutations:
Shimmershield (A; U; Dark, Healing)
You surround yourself with a shimmering shield of electromagnetic force.
Benefit: You gain resist 10 physical.
Overcharge: When you start your turn, you can roll a d20.
10+: While this card is readied, whenever you take electricity damage, you instead regain that many hit points.;
9-: You slide toward the largest metallic object (if any) within 20 squares of you and slam into it; you take 3d8 physical damage and are immobilized (save ends).

Arcus was a simple mutant child from the village of Stone Pillar a small
village some 50 miles west of Fargo… until the robots from the Legion of Gold
attacked and killed or abducted everyone while Arcus was away delivering sold
goods to a nearby town.  Arcus returned to find his home destroyed and him the
sole survivor.  Stone Pillar did not go down without a fight though, and he
found golden pieces of destroyed the Legion robots scattered in the ruins.
He gathered the parts in hopes of taking them to another village to find
someone who knew who did this.

Many identified the Legion of Gold robot parts but all were too busy trying to
eke out their own existence or, fight off more local warlords & raiders to do
anything about it.  There was no authority to go to for justice.

Arcus remembered the stories his father ready to him from the few books he had
of the old world… one was named “The Legend of the Lone Ranger”, Arcus wished
there was some lawman that would come to bring justice for the innocent slain
victims of Stone Pillar.  Then he decided if someone would not help then He
would be that lawman!

Taking the parts of the Legion of Gold robot he had made a suit of heavy plate
armor made.  Arcus ‘Starborne’ took up the sword & gun declaring himself a
Ranger... and sought to find others who were tired of the strong preying upon
the weak, those who had the courage and skill to stand up for justice to fight
against the raiders and the warlords… to bring Law to the Lawless!  He started
recruiting fellow Rangers to take up his cause and fight for Justice and peace
in the Gamma West.

Arcus ‘Starborne’ now roams the Wastelands holding to his faith in “The Glow”,
his family revered in life, to show him the way to forge peace and justice with
the power of the Atom fueling his might to bring justice to the Gamma Wastes!

Arcus also still hunts for the Legion of Gold… seeking the day of reckoning
when he can get justice for the slain villagers of Stone Pillar… and vengeance
for his murdered family!

Starting Gear
Explorer's Kit { Backpack, Bedroll, Canteen [0.5 gal], Flint & Steel ‘heh… why?’, Rations-Trail [10days], Rope [100’ft] }
Heavy Armor – Golden Legion Robot Chassis formed into Full Plate Suit
- {Helm, Breast/Back Plate, Shoulder Paulderons, Forearm/Theigh/Shin-guards,
Armored Skirt, Plated Leather Boots}
Shield – Stop Sign w/leather straps riveted on
Heavy Melee Weap {1hd} – Street sign U-Channel Post beaten flat, holes
down center, edge sharpened, twin rail spike cross-guard,
leather wrapped hilt {Bastard Sword}
Heavy Ranged Weap. {2hd Gun} – {Shotgun *}

Scavenged Gear -
Heavy Ranged Gun {1hd Gun) - (12mm ElectroMAGNUM Revolver *)
Black Leather Gunslinger's Gunbelt w/Ammo and Powercell pouches

Cryptic Alliance - Radioactivist’s Faith Trinket {Necklace w/Atomic Emblem}

Starting Gear -
Binoculars = +5 to perception on observe distant details
Duct Tape
Water Purifier
Lantern {8hrs lamp oil}

Battered Faded Red Travel Cloak w/Hood

”Rangers” – Lone Star Badge

Mega shotgun. Ability Str/con, accuracy +2, damage 2d10, range 20 squares.
However, am changing the range to 10 and adding +2 to damage for this puppy!
Also, at 5 or more squares range you can attack two adjacent targets due to weapon spread.
+1 ammo

3x Mutation Nullifier Collar {Ophelia's, Crinkles' & Arcus’}