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Welcome to More Than Human

12:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Alexander Wagner appears to be an entirely unremarkable man. A quick Archive search returns a brief public record. A high school diploma, an Associate's Degree in Mechanics, and a Master's Certification for Mechanical Upkeep from Germany. Class of 2180. No criminal record. No property taxes on file.

A social media search reveals more information.

Current City: San Francisco, CA
Place of Employement: Braeburn Industries

Senior Experimental Test Engineer [R&D Division, Personal Defense Suit Section] 2184 - Present

Before that, Associate Senior Protection Specialist [Corporate Resource Protection Division]

Likes: Sushi, Oldies Electronic Dance Music, History, Popular Mechanics Magazine, Dietrich's Bavarian Taproom
Hobbies: Hiking, Camping, Reading

Alexander's Braebook page is well maintained, but a casual perusal shows only occasional use in the past year or so. It would appear that most friends call him 'Xander.' When he is tagged by others, it is usually in reference to something being broken, along with a request for help. He has a medium-sized circle of friends and connections. Digging into his friend list indicates that most are from his college years, with a smaller group from his high school represented. An unusually small number of work connections. Just a handful.

One post stands out, remarkable both for it's recentness as well as the connection being one of Xander's few work friends. One Steven Roland. "Hey man, missed you at the keg-tapping Friday. You go on vacation without telling anyone?"

No glamour shots or unnecessary selfies. Almost all self-uploaded pictures are works in progress of some mechanical nature or another. An engine. A refrigerator-turned-keggerator. The names on the kegs look German. Almost all pictures of Xander have been uploaded by his friends, and show a physically unremarkable man unobtrusively hanging at the corner of crowds. Smiling, but distant.

When viewing photos of the man, one is struck, if anything, with the sense of how average he is. Average height. Average build. Brown hair, brown eyes. Neither ugly nor attractive. The kind of face you could see three times and still lose in a crowd, or not remember meeting the next day.

An online dating profile, again, thoughtfully put together but mostly inactive.

In person, there is one notable difference not apparent in his online footprint. His face and neck bear the marks of Cybernetic Implants. Ports of some kind. His brown eyes are unusually alert, seemingly taking in everything at once. He watches and listens far more than he talks.

When Xander does speak, it is in a quiet, unassuming baritone. His words, however, reveal a highly intelligent mind, keen insight, honest candor, and occasional surprising dry wit. Every so often, however, he seems to lose his train of thought. Breaks off mid-sentence, eyes distant, before coming 'back to earth' and back to the conversation, frequently answering a question you hadn't asked or even thought of.

When asked about his past, Xander describes a quiet, idyllic childhood in Montana. When asked about his more recent past, he clams up.



Logos, Mithra, Aletheia