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Welcome to After The Bomb: Have Bikes, Will Travel (Part 3)

04:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alexander 'Alex' Mullens

Player's Real Age: Twenty-one

Character's Name: Alexander “Alex” Mullens

Character's Age: Twenty-one

Animal Species: Ferret

Animal Adaptations: High agility, extreme flexibility, flexible bone structure, fur, small claws, padded feet, tail (Basically an anthro Ferret)

Psionics/Magic: Mustelid Sense (Sense other members of the Mustelidae Family)

Appearance: Alex’s fur is a light gray over most of his body, darkening as it moves onto his limbs until his hands and feet are a dark black. A “stripe” of slightly darker gray also runs down his back. His most notable feature is that he has grown the fur on his head out, spiked it into several rows of liberty spikes, and dyed it a bright green. The center row is the tallest, rising a good foot from his head. On either side of it is a row roughly six inches tall, then a row next to those that is three inches tall, with the final two rows being only an inch tall. It is a loud hairstyle to match his personality, and he loves it. He wears a pair of tough black canvas cargo pants with loops on the waist for his various tools, and several large pockets for holding possessions on the legs. All of the stitching is done in a bright red thread, and re-sewn several times for extra durability. He has several shirts that he wears, all in dark colors and most torn off at the shoulders, with his favorite being a black tank top which merely reads “If I can hear you I need to turn my music up”. Over this he wears a thick canvas duster-like coat with several metal accouterments and studs sewn into it. It can zip up in the front, but Alex usually just buttons the collar shut and wears it open to display whatever shirt he’s wearing. He also has a set of goggles which his wears to protect his eyes while on the road, as he didn’t include a windshield on his bike. As for his build, Alex is hardly what you would consider “big”. Standing at a little under five-foot six inches in height, and weighing in at a measly one-hundred and twenty-seven pounds, Alex is definitely not much of a fighter. He is a small man with a big personality and tons of energy.

His Build (More or Less)

Personality: Alex is an odd fellow when it comes to socializing. While he has absolutely no problem being social, he seems to lack a proper understanding of how one should carry himself. Often making minor faux pas or accidentally saying the wrong thing, his mouth usually runs faster than his mind can keep up. While he is loud and rambunctious, Alex is a genuinely good guy who often doesn’t realize how annoying he can be, and usually doesn’t care even if he does. He has a love of mechanics, and while he can barely hold his own in a fight, he can probably fix just about any bike, trike or other motorized vehicle out there. A fan of loud music, he almost always has some sort of loud rock or metal blaring from the speakers in his bike, and will put on headphones if he has to be quiet. He is also an artist, greatly enjoying sketching and designing new body panels or paint jobs for all sorts of vehicles. Alex is always smiling and always playful, even if sometimes his idea of "fun" can be more annoying than fun to those around him.

Background: Alex spent most of his youth running with the larger biker gangs, who valued the young mustelid for his mechanical talents and artistic skills in relation to vehicle customization. Moving from gang to gang as they dissolved or broke up amongst internal conflict, Alex always managed to notice as things came to a head and disappeared before the going got bad. When his last gang broke up, he decided to go solo for the near-future, and headed out on the road on his custom bike with his music blaring.

Bike: Alex’s bike is an extremely complicated machine which he custom built from the ground up using every penny he had and any favors he could call in from his past gangs. It is built on an omni-flex carbon fiber-reinforced polymer frame with a flexible middle section which can be locked straight, partially released for horizontal flex, or fully released so that it can be flexed in any direction by Alex using his own body strength. Due to the flexibility of the frame, a single engine was impossible, and thus Alex chose to have a smaller engine mounted right at each wheel and encased in a carbon-plated steel casing to protect it. While individually weaker than most bike engines, the two working together can power his small, ultra-light bike well enough to keep up with most larger bikes, and their power is delivered to the wheels via a pair of chains rather than one, allowing them to continue powering the bike even if one of the chains is lost, damaged, ect.. The crotch rocket-style seat is fully encased by a carbon fiber-reinforced polymer body, with the flexible portion covered by a pliable section of carbon-fiber weave, and the portion protecting his upper body also having a thin layer of carbon-plated steal embedded in it for added protection. There is no windshield, and the only visible part of Alex from the front is his liberty spikes and be-goggled eyes peeking over the edge of the body to watch the road ahead. On the inside of the body surrounding Alex, there are several speakers surrounding his head, a subwoofer built into the seat against his stomach, and small storage compartments where he can stash his few belongings and whatever small shiny objects that might catch his attention. There is also a rack where he stores his only weapon, an old, beat-up bolt-action hunting rifle. Alex chose tires for his bike which would grant decent traction on both pavement and dirt, and he tends to be meticulous in the maintenance and upkeep of the vehicle. The bike rides lower to the ground than most bikes, and is also disproportionally long in comparison to its height and width to match its rider’s lanky frame. In fact, it is unlikely that most others could even ride the bike due to the way Alex designed it to match him perfectly. Overall, it is an extremely agile machine with good speed and extremely light weight. However, it also requires constant maintenance and upkeep on the part of its designer and creator.