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Welcome to The New X-Men (Marvel Freeform)

09:35, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Code Name: Serenity
Real Name: Rosalyn Kerr (Roz for short)
Gender:  Female
Age:  22
Height:  5’2”
Weight:  110 lbs
Hair:  Long blond tresses of flax, wheat and honey.
Eyes:  Deep blue, the color of the sky just after the rains have washed away the sun’s molten kiss.
Complexion: Sun-kissed and warm, accentuating the deepness of her eyes.
Other: The smile she wears warms her expression but never quite reaches the deep pools of her eyes. Rosalyn is always “put together”, even when she dresses casual extreme. A single, thin golden chain hangs around her neck with the tiniest of charms centered in the hollow of her neck.
Ethnicity:  Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Hobbies: Reading, Writing poetry, Music, Jujitsu, Yoga, Meditation
Likes: White wine, Indian food, stage magic/slight of hand gags, Asian action films
Dislikes: Sharing personal stories, complicated relationships, opinionated and overbearing people, noise/chaos
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Fade to Black Level (i.e., PG, R): PG

Physical Attributes:
Strength: 4th
Agility: 2nd
Endurance: 3rd
Appearance: 1st

Mental Attributes
Intelligence: 3rd
Intuition: 1st
Charisma: 2nd
Willpower: 4th


Empathic Detection: This psionic detection sense alerts Serenity to the presence of humans and superhumans. The power is also moderately sensitive to the mental activity of these people -- she cannot read thoughts, but she can recognize if people in her vicinity are awake or asleep. She can recognize mutants by their presence, and sense familiar ones she encounters. This enables her to target opponents, even if they are not visible.

Psychometry: Her empathic powers are so sensitive she can sense thoughts and emotions tied to past events merely by being in the same area the event happened and absorbing the psychic vibrations.

Emotional Manipulation
Projecting Empath: Serenity can read and manipulate the state of nearby beings, including their emotional state, intentions, truthfulness, and mental illness. She can impose her own emotional state onto anyone who has heard her speak or is within her proximity (approximately one city block radius, and can at extreme harm to self touch people in a one-mile radius), allowing her to convince others of things they would not normally believe or incite others to act on her behalf. She is able to magnify or diminish emotions and may affect large groups of individuals at a time. She is able to exert varying levels of empathic control over her targets, ranging from subtle manipulations that others are generally unaware of, to moderate control encouraging target/s to do something they are already predisposed to do without coercion.

Influence (Advanced Projecting Empath): Serenity can override the willpower in others through empathy, with the potential to push others to harm themselves or loved ones. This is an evolution of her powers, allowing her to compel others to do what she wants (“pushing”). Beyond mere projection, she is able to reduce her target to a zombie-like state in which she can command them with little effort, coercing targets to complete tasks that they would naturally be opposed to, including potentially harming themselves or loved ones To push, she must have eye contact with her target and her power only lasts for a brief period of time. The extent to which she is able to control a person during a push is somewhat dependent on the person being pushed. This is a very heady experience, and while Serenity has shown control/restraint, the potential to lose control over her ability exists, due to the hunger of it/becoming power hungry (addictive qualities, the more you push/mind control, the more you want to and/or the less ethical qualms you have doing it).

Emotion Enhancement: Serenity has the ability to stimulate a person’s neural system to an incredible state of ecstasy, making them calm and open to suggestion; or agony, to the point of physical harm. It has been suggested that when there is a direct line of sight between the subject and target, she can use this euphoria effect to cause a person or persons to become infatuated with her, objects or people of her choosing or simply make others feel good while in her presence. THIS WILL NOT WORK ON BEINGS WHOSE BRAINS DO NOT HAVE PLEASURE CENTERS.

Mania (Advanced Emotion Enhancement): A specialized form of insanity-inducement that immediately affects those she makes contact with. She has the ability to stimulate the inhibition centers in other people’s brains. People affected by this power act in a euphoric, outlandish, uninhibited manner that verges on or becomes insanity and can end up killing themselves. Serenity cannot control how the person acts. The duration of the state seems to be approximately 15-30 minutes, though she risks making a person “pleasantly loony” permanently if she makes additional eye contact with them. This power can interact unpredictably with individuals already affected with mental instability.

Emotional Healing: Serenity senses the pain of others and can absorb pain, suffering, hatred, and fear from OTHERS into herself by empathically absorbing the negativity of injured people to ease their suffering.

Pathokinesis: Serenity can use her powers to attack her enemies to incapacitate or even kill another person by reflecting the target’s emotions back onto them, flooding their mind with painful emotions and memories, causing their brain to overload.

Life for Serenity began (and ended) with X-Watch and her fast friendship with Pinnacle. He was the brother she never had, and despite her sunny disposition, she never spoke of life before the ‘team’, always stating that her family was now X-Watch and whatever was past was in the past. There, she flourished and excelled, becoming a valued team-member and strong contributor to their cause.

And then it all changed.

While she was working with X-Watch and Pinnacle, they were attacked. She saw her boyfriend, Crash, killed in front of her. She used her powers to convince the attackers to let her go. Since then she has been on the run, learning new skills and been deeply afraid for her life. Her powers have since strengthened and evolved, granting her the ability to persuade some experts to teach her ju-jitsu**, giving her a physical as well as mutant way of protecting herself.

She has done terrible things to survive; the memories are a never-ending nightmare that continues to haunt her nights and plagues her days. Her despair shines plainly in her azure eyes.

Her friend Pinnacle, will be shocked at the changes in his old associate. She has not worn a costume since her X-Watch days. She is always watchful and quick to react to any potential threat, bordering on distrustful of friends and strangers alike. She is far higher strung than the old days. She tries to mask her tortured soul by being cheerful and easy to talk to, though she doesn't share anything of her past, especially the days between X-Watch and today. And yet, Serenity’s glow would be clearly diminished to any from her past that see her now; so much, that, it could be said that she could be a mere specter of her former radiance.

**Kitō-ryū (起倒流?) is a traditional school (koryū) of the Japanese martial art of jujutsu. Its syllabus comprises atemi-waza (striking techniques), nage-waza (throwing techniques), kansetsu-waza (joint locking techniques) and shime-waza (choking techniques). Many of these techniques are performed while in full armor.