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04:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Connor Velthoven

Age: 38
Age Apparent: 26
Sexuality: Bi-sexual (prefers men)
Occupation: Owns an auto shop
Languages: English and Russian
Species: Lycanthrope (Cougar)

Overall Appearance:  He keeps his hair cut short, messy and most of the time it looks like he just crawled out of bed. Green hues are bright; the right one has a lighter green halo surrounding the pupil.

The corner of his eyes crinkle when he smiles, his cheeks dimple. His face is scruffy the majority of the time though occasionally he goes for the clean-shaven approach. Lean and toned, it’s clear that he takes care of himself and isn't one you’d want to pick a fight against.

Weight: 185 lbs

Personality: For the most part he’s a warm-hearted and kind person, willing to do anything for those close to him. Others tend to feel at ease around him like they've known him for years if even it's only been a few hours. He's the type of person that you don't want to wrong however, he tends to hold a grudge and strike back with a vengeance against any that intend him or his harm. He has a southern accent, it's not as strong as it was a couple years ago but occasionally when he gets worked up it comes on thick.

Connor tends to put the needs of other over his own needs the majority of the time, he has a strong sense of responsibility and duty. He's hard working and always makes sure that he follows through with everything that he does, but when things get out of sorts he tends to feel frustrated.

Merits: Patient, Perspective, Focused, and Industrious.
Weaknesses: Possessive, Vengeful, and Cynical. Afraid of fire.

History: He grew up in Texas on a small farm with four other brothers and two sisters, it was a simple life and then he wouldn't have wanted it any other way. They worked the fields together when they weren't at school or participating in sports, it was the one thing that their father would allow them to miss chores for. Football was his sport, which made him popular with his classmates because the Velthovens always excelled at football. His oldest brother had been a star athlete and the others all held their own in different sports so it was expected, not completely enjoyed. As each sibling grew older, they married and started a family of their own but still stayed close to the farm and continued to help. It was his younger sister and him that were the last to leave the farm, their mother and father were looking forward to their last two finding happiness. After graduating high school, his sister went off to Arizona while he hung around town unsure of what he wanted to do.

One night he was working out in the barn on an old pickup truck that he refused to scrap, a couple of buddies had come over and they'd been drinking. Looking back he wasn't sure why he'd ever thought using a kerosene lantern had been a good idea, it'd sat perched on the engine frame though. Forgotten about until his buddy Joe had shoved him back against the truck sending it crashing to the ground where it'd ignited the oil that had pooled under the body. It seemed like a matter of seconds, everything had been set just perfectly causing one thing to catch until the truck was engulfed in flames and the gas tank blew. The barn had been leveled; chunks of debris caught the fields and eventually the farmhouse. His family lost everything, his friends were killed instantly but amazingly he'd only been embedded with a piece of sheet metal in his side and thrown into the fields. They found him a mile from the barn among a group of trees, sheet metal from the bed of the truck pinning him to the trunk of an old oak tree.

How he got down from the oak tree, he doesn't remember exactly as his vision grew hazy and bordered with a bright white light. There was noises, he’d assumed at the time that it was one of his family members looking for him. Connor remembered falling to the ground after an immense pain as the metal was pulled from where it had embedded itself (and him) into the tree. As he’d laid there he was aware that he wasn't alone, he faintly heard the breath of another as he drifted in and out of consciousness. Then he felt the bite, something sunk its teeth into his collarbone and in that moment he was certain that death was next.  Connor blacked out after that and the next thing he knew, he was waking up in the hospital, alive but in bad shape. He told his sister about what happened in the woods, the story sounded crazy as it left his lips and he had wondered out loud if it had been a dream. Mary assured him that most of it had been, but that he had been bitten by something, she’d showed him the teeth marks that were healing. The consensus was that he was lucky to be alive and that he must have fallen from the tree and attracted a wild animal with the blood he’d lost.

After he'd healed, things grew troublesome for him. It was a small town, people blamed him for what had happened and he saw it on their faces. He saw it on his parent’s faces. The way they looked at him made Connor feel like a criminal, he tried to go back to the way things were but the accident had changed everything. He also starting noticing things were ‘different’ with him, he was beginning to smell things he’d never smelled before, pick up on conversations that he shouldn't have heard and his sight seemed to improve. There was also the urge to hunt, particularly small game, he’d found himself craving rare meat and one day actually found himself biting into a piece of uncooked steak that he’d been getting ready for cooking. One night after being unable to sleep, he’d gone out on a walk through the woods back to the spot where he’d been impaled. As he ran his fingers over the gouge left in the tree, someone cleared their throat behind him. Turning, he came face to face with a man, the man that had bit him. He wasn't sure how he knew but he did and from then on he spent most of his time with the stranger who later introduced himself as Dylan.

Over the next handful of months he learned from Dylan, the man taught him how to control the beast and use the gifts that had been bestowed upon him. At first Connor was stubborn and angry but eventually realized it was learn now or struggle on his own. It took time but Dylan was able to teach him and then one day announced he had to leave. Connor was distraught and confused, he argued with the man to explain why he was leaving but received no more of an explanation then it was time. For a year afterwards he struggled to make things work staying with him family but his sister Mary started to put things together especially remembering them discussing the bite in the hospital. Eventually he packed up his things and left the small town to attempt to start a life somewhere else, an attempt to protect his family from having to deal with what he was.

After this time, he lost complete contact with his family and settled eventually with a kiss of vampires that occupied a small secluded area. They didn't judge him for what he was and though his gut warned him, Connor happily lived among them.  His memories of that time was foggy and scattered but he knew he'd become a pet. He lost who he was and gave in to what they wanted. He killed for them, no questioned asked he just did as they requested until one day a switch flipped. His life had taken a turn in a direction that he never would have picked. It was a mark that they’d given him, one that reminded him too closely of his sister and he couldn't do it. Connor went back to the coven and explained he wasn't going to kill for them, they didn't take the news too well. As tensions rose, they tried to restrain him but he attacked managing to kill one of them before he was wounded to the point he had to run or he was going to die.

So he fled. He’s been moving around from town to town taking small jobs to survive as he looks for a place more permanent. He's plagued with nightmares of the fire as if he was remembering walking among it all while the barn was engulfed with flames, while his friends burned around him.

Finally he decided to head to Marquette, Michigan on a random whim. Moving into the city, he purchased an old abandoned auto shop with most of his savings. He was convinced that for once he’d be able to remain in one spot, he didn't have any ties to anyone in the city nor knew anything about it. A fresh start with a clean slate, or so he wants to believe.

Family Members:
Mary Velthoven (mother)
Tony Velthoven (father)
Aaron Velthoven (oldest brother)
Jonathan Velthoven
Lucas Velthoven
Caleb Velthoven
Meredith "Mary" Velthoven
Sara Velthoven (youngest sister)