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Welcome to Til The Cows Come Home

15:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Slythe
Class: Paladin
Align: Lawful Good
Race: Minotaur
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Utopia
Residence: -
Occupation: Wanderer/Unexpected Ally
Religion: God of Divine Light (see history)
Eyes: Indigo
Hair/Mane: Black
Height: 9’2”
Weight: 765lbs give or take
Build: perfect bodybuilder body
Skin/Hair: White
Identifying Markings:

Slythe is truly a beast.  Huge and muscled, most of his body is covered with a thick white fur.  His most remarkable feature is his indigo eyes.  His horns bend out and forward muck like a yak’s horns do.  His mane, which goes down the back of his neck is black, long and braided.  His hands are clawed with long black nails and his legs are like a satyr or a bull, they bend backward at the knee and end in a cloven hoof.

Slythe is kind and reserved.  Really a gentle giant, Slythe is good natured and does not like to see others suffer.  He has a great sorrow from his past that he would rather not talk about.  He does not carry airs and pride but looks to fulfill his purpose with as little pain as possible.  He has a weak spot for the ladies and children.

With Slythe’s home world invaded, Slythe seeks to gain enough power to right the wrongs of his past.   He cannot help but stop to help the downtrodden along the way.

Once upon a time, in a world far away, there was a good god.  He had fantastic power over light.  This god once felt sorrow for creatures who knew only a hard chaotic life, full of strife, misery, and hatred.  So he gathered a group of them in their own harsh world and built them a city and began to teach them the virtues of a good life.  Some accepted the teachings and became paladins to the god.  Some tried to accept but failed miserably, he loved them perhaps most of all and forgave them and helped them to be better.  Others refused the gift and were permitted to leave and continue the only life they knew.  The god blessed those who remained with greater intelligence, gifts of music and song, and a beautiful culture of mutual caring and understanding.  A culture in which little or no government would be required because of the bonds each held for the other.

The rest of the world got worse, much worse and soon demons walked in their midst.  The city became threatened.  But the god of divine light built three sacred pillars made of the most radiant diamond.  The pillars were placed leagues apart and surrounded his city.  Light shone between the three pillars at all times, even in the darkness.  And so the three pillars or towers protected the people from the demons which slowly overpowered all other life on that world.  The power of the pillars was such that if any unholy creature were to step between two of the pillars and they would be struck with such a blinding pain, that they become weakened to the core.

The land within the pillars was called Niveous, the White Lands, or Utopia in the common tongue.  The land outside the pillars was called the Great Waste or Abaddon.

At this time the god of divine light left the people for a season.  Some say it was to find them a safer land.  Some say it was to prepare an afterlife for them as the known world was doomed to destruction.  Others say it find more people to share the ways of truth and love with.  Whatever the reason, he left.  But before he did he left the people a demi-god to judge them and a book of prophecy.

One such prophecy read, “The pride of one will cause the fall of all”

Thousands of years later, life continued on in Utopia.

The paladins had a job of patrolling the borders and protected the growing population of Utopia as people were forced to live closer and closer to these borders.  Demons on occasion would suffer the pain of the towers to slip in and steal someone away.  Even greatly weakened, the demons were a force to be reckoned with.

One day a demon stole away a young girl and the paladins were nowhere to be found.  A nearby minotaur heard her cries and left the safety of the towers to rescue her.  He became famous and was offered any reward he chose.  He had one son Slythe who wished nothing more than to be a paladin.  So the old minotaur gave his reward to his son and asked that he be made a paladin.  This caused no small stir, as the original paladins were races weaker than the minotaurs and minotaurs were clearly better suited for the job.

Slythe the training was completed in record time, the other paladins were stricken with jealousy.  They started to taunt him telling him he wasn’t as good as his father.  They challenged him to leave the safety of the borders and fight a demon there.  While he didn’t give in to their taunts… slowly it affected him.

One fateful day, Slythe was close to finishing a patrol and a Chal-Tur demon had entered Utopia and was dragging away two children.  Slythe fought the demon and while other paladins were around to help, he forbade them because he wanted to prove himself.  The demon slaughtered him… even whilst blinded and overcome with the curse.  Little did the small group of paladins know but the demon hordes had all gathered around the borders of Utopia.  The demons own prophecies were being fulfilled.

As Slythe fell to the earth, healing immediately started to take hold of his body, for that was what happened to the wounded in Utopia.  His blood fell on the soil, and the demons horde all began to howl and shriek.  Then they charged the borders all of them.  The shrill sound was overpowering.  And as the demons all stepped between the towers all at once, the towers shattered into a million pieces.  Slythe was immediately teleported to the center of the city where the demi-god judge dwells.

Slythe was judged as having broken the spell over Utopia when he put his pride above the safety of his fellow beings.  He was immediately banished from the world and sent to another, where he would have a chance to gain power and undo or fix the damage he caused.   He was told that time would be stopped in Utopia while he did his quest, so that when he returned there would have a chance to make things right.