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Welcome to Shadowrun: The King's Seal

15:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name:  Thomas James Repsher
Shadowname:  Flashpoint

Gender:  Male
Race:  Human
Age:  26
Role:  Non-standard; backup Street-Sam

Looks:  Decent looking; blond haired, blue eyed kid.  Still looks to be 18.

Personality:  Normally outgoing, but with a very hard layer underneath.  Very likable, but once some time is spent with him, it is obvious he has issues.

Skills/Powers:  Having spent 6 years in college and being highly intelligent, he possesses a lot of different skills.  Quick to learn and quicker to move on to a new subject, he is a jack of all trades, even spending 2 years of college in the ROTC program before dropping out to avoid the military service.

Weaknesses:  Curiosity and impulsiveness.  When the thought overtakes him to try or do something he has trouble stopping himself even if it is his best interest to.  Even more so than his impulsiveness, his curiosity has been troublesome for him.  When something has caught his attention and roused his curiosity he literally can not put it down until he either has figured it out or ends up bored with it.

Background:  Thomas grew up to two parents, both independent financial traders, his mother died when he was young.  Raised by an indifferent father who was more interested in stocks and making money for his clients that his son, Thomas found solace in knowledge and a constant influx of new pursuits.  This is something that never really changed for him.  Even once into college and his constant switching of majors.

His father finally had enough at the end of his 6th year of college and informed Thomas that he WOULD get a major and he WOULD get a job and support himself or he would be cut off from the family fortune.  Thomas responded by clearing out his father's accounts with the help of a decker friend of his.

His path would end up taking him into Seattle's shadows.  Thomas spent the fortune garnered from his fathers accounts on 'upgrades' both to his body and to his lifestyle.  Quickly earning the street name Flashpoint for his sudden bursts of emotion along with a love of fire, explosives, and general mayhem.