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Welcome to The Walking Dead: Remnants

15:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Malcolm York
Race: Caucasian
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Age: 21
Height: 6'2
Weight: 130 lb.

Base Attributes

Derived Attributes
Resolve3/13Look at this meat gamer being OP with his CHA


Background: Born and raised in the toughest neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts Malcolm learned at a very young age that he had a way with words something he quickly put to use in everyday survival. Growing up in the rough and tumble city life shaped who he was and forced him to make up for his lack of physical prowess with unending charm and failing that, bigger and tougher friends.

Moving down South to attend college in one of the quieter regions was thought to be a god send from the city life he was accustomed too but once the apocalypse hit the world Malcolm found himself starting over with no friends, no reputation and thousands of walking corpses that cant be talked out of it.

Appearance: Malcolm stands tall and lanky being over 6 feet and underweight. His face is normal at first glance, a nose that was broken at one point the only deformation. His eyes are blue and behind a pair of glasses. and he keeps a goatee that's the same dark brown color as his short cropped hair. He looked attractive once, a mature handsomeness that has been waned by weeks of malnutrition and the stress and trauma that the apocalypse brings with it. Sleep deprivation has caused sunken eyes, his lean body taking a skeletal frame and his skin is paler than it was and his resting 'bitch face' portrays him to be cold and hard. Through the cracks of this exterior is a sense of what was before just needs to be brought out again.

SEASON 2: Malcolm now sports stubble all along his jaw and cheeks with his goatee growing in fuller. Due to three weeks of finally have the security to take care of himself Malcolm's color has started to come back and his once deep sunken eyes have started to look normal once more. Even during the apocalypse some of Malcolm's old handsomeness is starting to return.

Malcolm now has light scarring on the left side of his cheek and many small shrapnel scars on his forearms. His chest and back are riddled with gunshot wounds.

Clothes wise he wears black sneakers worn from days of travel, dark jeans frayed towards the bottoms. a black shirt underneath a light burgundy hoodie with sleeves rolled up depending on the weather.

SEASON 2: Clothing wise he now wears stained brown boots miraculously in his size. A pair of fresher jeans with a brown belt clipped tight around the waste. For a shirt he wears a long sleeved khaki colored shirt with a picture of a sleek looking submarine on the back with text underneath reading "USS RAZORBACK". Forgoing the rags of his old top he now wears a black zip up hoodie with the stings pulled out. Continuing to keep his hair cropped as short as he can sitting atop of his head is a blue Texas Rangers baseball cap.

Personality: Malcolm is friendly and enjoys talking to others however sometime doesn't take the hint as to when to stop. Years of having his words solve his problems and, failing that a group of friends solve it for him have made him arrogant, occasionally talking down to others even those he calls his close friends. A lack of physical prowess has made him lazy, preferring to have others do all the heavy lifting if he can help it. His lack of strength is a point of concern to him and he will get defensive about it. Malcolm has bouts of anger and under certain conditions becomes violent. Despite his faults Malcolm still feels he a deep loyalty to his friends that he will go to great lengths to keep.

SEASON 2: Due to the closeness with a group he spent three weeks with Malcolm is now a bit more calm when dealing with disagreements and more than willing to help out a friend in need. Generally more friendly and understanding he has taken a deep liking to his new friends.

Character Keys
Key of Loyalty:“We are all in the same boat, in a stormy sea, and we owe each other a terrible loyalty.”
Key of the Inner Circle:"I think there's a million things I'd rather talk about than what happened back then."