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Welcome to The Walking Dead: Remnants

07:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Terrence "The Demigod" Johnson
Race: African-American/Samoan
Gender: Male
Occupation: Professional Athlete
Age: 28
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 251 lbs

Base Attributes

Derived Attributes


Backpack Inventory

Church Personal Storage Inventory

Background: Current off-season Tight End for the NFL. While athletic, strong, gifted, and a noteworthy prospect, Terry comes out as a top-tier player but next to his players he isn't a star. Formerly convicted (but not prosecuted) sex offender. The validity of the charge remains a mystery as the trial was placed in indefinite hold when news of the outbreak began. The scandal was widely publicized.

Appearance: Terry is a large, heavily muscled man with skin of bronze and a well-defined physique. He sports a Pe'a sleeve tattoo on his right arm as indication of his culture, which he prides himself upon. Terry also bears a full goatee and wild chest-length curly hair. Cinnamon brown eyes coupled with a strong jaw and clean-cut features makes it difficult to pinpoint exact ethnicity at first or even second glance. Terry is considered relatively attractive.

Personality: Vulgarity and immaturity blend to craft the rough charm the Samoan bruiser is known for. Terry is eager to either take charge of situations or otherwise demonstrate his prowess and worth to "the team". Terry feels he is at his best when he is physically active--from his actual career to his off-season hobbies, among them an amateur boxing stint which has him at five straight knockout victories. To his credit, Terry is best described as the utility knife. With the right motivation he can play to any strength, making him an asset on any team. As such, despite a rudimentary knowledge of the outdoors, Terry feels most in his element and is able to take the proper steps to ensure survival. It's the dead people that are the problem.

His blood runs hot but overall Terry's manner, while aggressive, more than welcomes companionship. Given the sensitive nature of his scandal before the outbreak, Terry's current intentions concerning women are dubious and his temper may become his undoing. In spite of his waning chivalry, Terry projects his fear and anxiety onto others. His "big and bad" persona is the means he uses to do so. What Terry lacks in humility he makes up for with action and a rough charm. He appears open and welcoming, while offering a lightly-veiled threat.

Character Traits

• Personally believes that he fits a lot of the criteria for being a sociopath, and it frightens him.
• Has N-Word privileges.
• He pisses and moans about it, but he won't refuse a request from a friend, no matter how stupid or dangerous or how little reason he has to go along with it.
• Terry's loyalty seems to border on the submissive, like a regularly disciplined dog.
• Has rather poor impulse control.
• In spite of intimidating size he prefers to bribe or intimidate people into submission rather than outright harming them.
• Ego is a tad inflated.
• He is quick to anger, yet quick to forgive.
• He is by no means a gentle person, but deep down, he knows what's right.
• Overrides any sense of self-preservation or logic if revenge is the reward.
• Cool Shades. They started as normal shades, but considering that everything Terry touched got a bit of his coolness, they ended up this way.
• The post-apocalypse is really cutting into his gym time.
• Was the perennial jerk jock throughout his youth.
• Badass baritone.
• Will only go so far as he needs to to take care of a problem with violence.
• Reserves his double-barreled shotgun for problems that just won't go away.
• Wears hazel contacts to keep people off his trail.
• Elephant in the Living Room.
• No indoor voice.  However with him its the most noticeable since he talks intelligently [when he isn't fatigued or flustered], but the tone of it sounds like he's about to go berserk and beat you to death with a hammer.

Character Keys
The Key of The Commander: "Who the fuck y'all thought it's supposed to be?"
The Key of The Mean Stare: "I'm gonna get it even if you're in the way. And if you're in it better run for pete's sake."