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Welcome to New Mutants: Coming of Age

18:41, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Phillip Goldfarb

Name: Phillip Goldfarb
Age: 16
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Codename: Visionary

It has been noted that Phil has two speeds: FULL SPEED AHEAD and Reverse.

Phil spends a lot of time trapped in his own head. Rather neurotic, he spends far too much time second-guessing himself. Eventually this led to a breakdown and a suicide attempt at 15. As a defense against this sort of behavior, Phil has thrown the switch in the other direction, and has become decisive to the point of arrogance.

There's probably a pretty normal kid between those two points. Finding it is the trick.

Phil creates illusions directly in the mind of his target. These illusions can be extremely minor, or completely immersive, and are virtually indistinguishable from reality.

This power relies on both Phil's imagination, memory, etc. as well as that of the target. Phil can have a person hallucinate his mother simply by implanting the concept of 'mother' in the target's mind, without ever having seen this person's mother himself. However, actions are still directed by Phil. As the power works with things in the subject's mind as well as his own, he can have a person re-experience their own memories in full detail.

Phil does not experience any of his own illusions. If he wants information out of a subject, he would need to trick them into saying it out loud, or communicating it in some other manner.


Phil is extremely well-educated for sixteen. (He's well-educated for twenty-six.) But knowledge doesn't often translate to skill. He has a high degree of skill with computers, more geared to hacking/security than coding, but most other facets of his education are book learning, not hands-on.

Phil is an accomplished chess player, but didn't have quite the requisite level of skill to be competitive.

He studied piano from age five, and is quite competent, but broke two fingers on his left hand at age fourteen. His little finger didn't heal correctly, and he cannot reliably exert pressure with it (the joint locks/pops). This can make playing difficult, but not impossible. Still, his overbearing mother immediately refocused him on other matters, and the lessons stopped.

Phil has been studying Escrima. He has a knack for it, but has only had a few months' training. Check him again in another six if you want him to actually fight someone.

Phil's dad is a dot-com mega-millionaire and his mom is literally the girl that never spoke to him back in high school. (Phil's dad showed up at their ten-year reunion, flush with cash, and the rest is history.) The former cheerleader had gone Green in a serious way, and uses her husband's money as a relentless crusader for the cause-of-the-week.

If asked, Phil would say his parents were never home, but the truth is that they often are. It's just that when they're there, they're not really there. Dad's always on his next project, and mom's always on her next cause.

Phil has been home-schooled his entire life. He lives in a Manhattan penthouse, and still knows very little about city life. Most of his time is spent in front of a computer. In terms of pure information, he knows a lot. He's smart, and he's been reading everything he could get his hands on for a dozen years. But in terms of experience, he's got nothing.

Fifteen Years Later...

Phil graduated the Xavier Academy and immediately entered the SHIELD training academy. He graduated at the top of his class, and was posted to PSI-OPS as Visionary. He spent several years in PSI, eventually coming to head the division. At the age of thirty, he became the youngest agent to ever be given command of one of the SHIELD helicarriers.

Visionary's power has expanded greatly, being able to affect vast numbers of people at a time. (He only does this during great emergencies.) His real advancement, though, is that he's learned how to see through other people's eyes.