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12:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Aurora Carey

Name: Aurora Carey
Age: 20

Aurora Carey is a witch who's pureblood family goes back to the reign of Henry the 8th, more specifically she can trace her family back to Mary Boleyn, sister to Anne Boleyn. Her family had been mostly lost to her because when Voldemort had risen they had actually chosen to side with the order and with Dumbledore. She had been 8 years old when her parents had died for they had been trying to protect the Potter boy. She soon after was sent to her grandmother to live in the Hever Castle to love until she could attend Hogwarts. her inheritance vast and set she attended school and did well and  graduated with honors 2 years before Harry had come to the school.

She managed to snag a coveted job at the ministry for everyone seemed to want to work there. She was given and opportunity as Magical Law Enforcement Patrol agent and with the potential of moving up to Auror once trained in the basics. With this she kept in contact with Dumbledor and kept a special eye out with anything involving the Potter boy. It seemed, now that the whispers of he who must not be named  was back and to haunt them all, that she was destined to join a fight for justice and to keep those who were innocent safe.

She had been watching as of late all those who were being tortured for even mentioning their disagreement for she had been in the front line and it was the more ruthless of them that acted out the worst torture. She tried to get to as many as possible and get them safely away from the danger of her colleagues and cover it up somehow. She had become adept at doing this and having already talked with Dumbledore and several other members of the Order she had set up a warning system to get their help when she would be stuck in the ministry.

In he home she had set a safe house after the death of her grandmother. She ensured that those who needed help or somewhere to hide she  could at least give them a comfortable place to be. Also with the lands and the protective spells one could even walk the lands without being seen. All that could be seen is what would be a ruin of the castle to signs to stay off the property.

She can easily use apparition or the flop network  to get places when she is not using her broom  and thus she is constantly making sure to go where she is needed but also to make for quick transportation. She had been lonely of late because of what she mainly lived for which was to try to protect and save those who needed it. Yet she wished she had someone who understood and would help and stay despite it all.