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15:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Tark, Lv11 Half Orc Fighter (Battle Master)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Initiative: +0   Speed: 40 Ft(8 tiles)   Vision: Darkvision 60(12 tiles).
HP: 147  Hit Dice: 11/11 1d10+5(CON) [Minimum of 10+CON(5)= 15 roll minimum. Periapt X2 = 30 flat HP on HD now"]
AC: 21 (Dwarf Plate+Cloak)
Resist/Immunity: Resist 3 Mundane Physical. Immune Poison, Disease.
Prof Bonus: +4
Save Perks: STR(5+4+1=10), CON(5+4+1=10)
Melee Mod Mundane: 5+4= +9 To-Hit, +5 DMG
Ranged Mod Mundane: 5+4= +9 Thrown To-Hit, +5 DMG, 0+4= +4 Projectile.
Maneuvers DC: [8+Prof(4)+STR(5)+1]= 18
Superiority Dice: 5/5 1D10, recharge on Short Rest.

Armor Prof: All Armor, Shields.
Weapon Prof: All Simple, All Military.
Tool Prof: Mason's Tools.  Cooking Utensils. Vehicles(Land).
Trained Skills: Acrobatics(+4). Athletics(+9), Handle Animals(+4), Intimidation (+6/9) Survival(+4).
Languages: Common. Orc (Written, Dwarven).

Base Stats.
STR 20(+5)  DEX 10(+0)  WIS 10(+0)
CON 20(+5)  INT  8(-1)  CHA 14(+2)

Original Lv 1 Stats.
STR 16(+3)  DEX 10(+0)  WIS 10(+0)
CON 16(+3)  INT  8(-1)  CHA 14(+2)

Fighter Perks:

Fighting Style (Lv1); Great Weapon Fighting: When wielding a Two Handed or Versatile weapon in both hands, Reroll damage die rolls of 1 or 2, but must take second roll. (Roll20 code for such is.   ro<2  Example. /r 2d6ro2<+5 )

Second Wind (Lv1): With a Bonus Action, I can heal 1d10+Fighter LV HP. (1d10+11). Buffed to Minimum Roll of x2 CON(10)+LV(11)= 21. Recharge on Short Rest.

Action Surge; Lv 2: Basically an action point, (two at lv 17). Short rest recharge, can only use once a turn.

Indomitable; Lv 9: Reroll a Save throw, must take second roll. 1 per LONG Rest. (2/3 per, at lv 13/17).

Battle Master: Learn 3/5/7/9 Maneuvers at level 3/7/10/15.  4/5/6 Superiority Dice at Level 3/7/15.  D8,D10,D12 at Lv 3/10/18.
  Known Maneuvers: x7 known. Everything burns 1 Superiority Die to use and gets Sup Dice DMG unless otherwise noted. You can stack effects as long as there is no conflict on action economy. For example, you can burn a dice and reaction for Riposte, then burn a dice to apply on hit trip. But you can't use two 'on hit' effects on the same singular hit.

  Precision Attack: No action. When I make a weapon attack, add Sup Die To-Hit. Can use before OR After make attack roll to save a botch.

  Riposte: Reaction. When I am missed by a Melee attack, I make a melee attack vs attacker.

  Trip Attack: No action. On Weapon Hit. Target makes Save vs STR against being knocked prone. Target must be Large or Smaller to work.

  Commander's Strike: When I use my action to attack, I can use a Bonus action to grant one of my weapon attacks to an Ally. They may then use their Reaction, to make a single weapon attack (with Sup Die DMG bonus for ALLY if they hit).
(TERRIBLE action/resource economy for a Dual wielder. Good thing I am two handed Fighter. Exists mostly for pity hand out to Rogue botching their turn.).

  Goading Strike: No Action. On weapon hit.
Enemy makes a Save Vs WIS.  Target has Disadvantage on ALL attacks, until End Of My Next Turn, unless against me.
(Why take this before Menacing? Works on things immune to fear. Also unlike most abilities like this, they can NOT bypass the debuff by including me in a multi target attack).

  Menacing Attack: No Action. On weapon hit.
Enemy makes Save Vs WIS. Target is Frightened until end of my next turn.
Frightened Effects: If source of ear is withing line of sight.
Disad on all Ability checks (which includes skills), and All Attack Rolls.
Can't willingly move closer to source of fear.
(Tons of enemies are immune to fear, or get munchkin GM'd "Well realistically a dragon wouldn't be scared of an arrow so there!" coddled. Which is why you take this AFTER Goading).

  Brace (Tashas): Reaction. When a creature I can see enters my wielded melee weapon reach, I can make one attack vs them with that melee weapon.

BG: Outlander (Edit):
Origin: Ex-Miner. (If the Dwarf foreman says to go in anyway without a helmet, don't listen).
Feature; Wanderer: Perfect Recall for Maps, Geography, terrain, etc.  Auto Forage for Myself and five other people once a day.
Skill Training: Survival, Animal Handling.
Tool Prof: Mason's Tools.  Cooking Utensils.

Feats And Stats: New House rules in 2021 grant both stat and feat pick on gains class levels.
  Class Lv4: Durable, House Rules ver. +1 CON. Stock. Hit Dice are Minimum x2 CON mod on Hit Dice Roll. HR. AND add con mod to that result. 16+1= 17 CON.
Book (lv6 for timing): Heavy Armor Master. +1 STR. Resist 3 from physical damage (Slash/blunt/pierce) that is not explicitly "Counts as magical". 18+1 = 19 STR.
  Class Lv6: Mobile. +10 Feet/2 tile speed = 70ft/8 tile. No AoO for rest of that turn from enemies I MELEE attack. Dash ignores difficult terrain.
  Class Lv8: Tough. Retroactive +2 HP per level including lv1. (lv10*2= +20 HP)
total feat stat gains. +1 STR, +1 CON.

  Stat Gains:
  Class Lv4: +2 STR. 16+2 = 18 STR. (Combined 18 STR, 17 CON).
  Class Lv6: +1 STR, +1 CON. 19+1= 20 STR. 17+1= 18 CON. (Combined 20 STR, 18 CON).
  Class Lv8: +2 CON. 18+2 = 20 CON. (20/20 STR/CON reached).

Armor: Dwarven Plate (18+2 AC), Stealth Disadvantage. At will reaction -10 feet of forced movement.  Shield (+2 AC). Cloak Of Protection (+1 AC, +1 Save Throws. HR Warding quirk, Short rest recharge, Reaction for ADV on a save throw).
[Shelved] Mundane Plate (18 AC)

Weapons: Mundane +9 To-Hit, +5 DMG.
Maul: 2d6, Blunt. Two Hand, Heavy.
Javelin x6: 1d6, Pierce. Thrown **/120.
Pike: 1d10, Pierce. Two Hand, Reach, Heavy.
Battleaxe: 1d8 slash (1d10 Versatile).
Net: NO DMG. Special, thrown 5/15. Large or smaller (not formless) hit by net are Restrained. DC10 STR, or 5 Slashing (Vs AC10) to break free. Can only attack with a net once a turn.

Magic Combat Gear:
Attune: 3/3. Cloak of protection, Angel Arsenal. Amulet of Wound Closure (Custom).

Dwarven Plate: 18+2 AC.
As a Reaction, I can reduce forced movement by up to 10 feet (2 tiles).

Lightning Javelin +1: +10 To-Hit, +7 DMG(6+1 Lit).
1d6 +1 Lightning DMG (On top of normal +1 DMG). Thrown **/120.
Add STR or DEX mod where applies.

Cloak Of Protection HR Warding quirk(A): +1 AC, +1 Saves. Reaction to have ADV on a save throw, short rest recharge.

Angelic Arsenal(A): +10 To-Hit, +6 DMG.
Bonus action to switch forms. Half the damage is Force DMG.
  A: +1 Quarterstaff (1d6/1d8 Versatile). Attune needed for further forms.
  B: +1 Maul (2d6). Save vs Prone/flight cancel on hit, with +1 magic bonus. Assuming that works off of my Maneuver calculation.
  C: +1 Greataxe (1d12). +2d6 Radiant DMG vs Undead and Fiends. Light source 20ft Bright, 40Ft Dim.
  D: +1 Pike (1d10). +2d6 DMG Vs Dragons and Giants.

Quiver of Ehlonna: Magic quiver that holds lots of arrows or Javelins (18?). It also doubles as a bow/spear/Quarterstaff holster.

Bracers of Accurate Throwing: These bracers effectively grant the wearer the effects of the Sharpshooter feat except they only apply to thrown weapons instead of ranged weapons using ammunition. (No disadvantage for Long range, your attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover, and if you take a -5 to hit penalty on the attack roll, you add +10 to the thrown attack's damage roll.)

Other Magic Gear:

Haversack(Common). X2 Bag Of Holding(Uncommon). Broom Of Flying(Uncommon). Ring of Water Walking(Uncommon). Ring of Swimming(Uncommon). Periapt of Proof against poison (Rare). Heward's Handy Spice Pouch (Common). Survivor Control Amulet. Portable hole.

X5 Potion of Healing (Basic. 2d4+2 HP.).
Contingency band(??? Rarity); Currently. 3 potions of superior healing (rare) (8d4+3), each.

Amulet of Wound Closure, AKA Quirky Periapt of Wound Closure (Uncommon) (Custom). Attune.
Vanilla: Auto stabilize when dying. Hit Die healing, recovers double the total in HP.
Custom: Un****s the "More useful to wizards than warriors" Durability feat, then applies it to Second Wind as well.
X2 CON minimum on the dice roll is on TOP of the modifiers. Otherwise, I could roll a 1 and it wouldn't raise my result any.
(Also a major reason I'm even wasting an attune slot, AND a feat on this, is to make Lucy's life easier.)

Equipment: Non magical gear not often kept up to date. Because sometimes I'm lazy too
Update eventually:

  Kits; Adventurer's Kit; Backpack, Bedroll, Mess Kit, Tinderbox, Torches(10), Rations(10), Waterskin, Rope(50ft).
  Healer's Kit; 10 Charges, stabilize Dying without a skill check.
  Climber's Kit; Duh.

Containers; Case (Map/Scroll).
Pouch(2). Sack(2).
Vial. Flask(2). Bucket. Pot.

Lighting; Oil.

Tools; Mason's Tools. Cook's Utensils.
Hunting Trap.
Abacus. Crowbar. Pick, Miner's. Shovel. Hammer. Hammer(Sledge).
Grappling Hook. Spare Rope(50ft).
Portable Ram. Spikes(10).

Food; Spare Waterskin.  Fishing Tackle.

Misc; Blanket. Chalk.   Ink pen (yet no ink). Parchment(5). Soap. Tent. Whetstone.

Money: CASH
Update eventually:

Quick sheet for tile.

Hit Dice: 11/11 [HR fine print = "Flat 30 HP for Hit Dice use"]
Surge: 1/1

Tark, Lv11 Half Orc Fighter (Battle Master)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Initiative: +0 Speed: 40 Ft/8 tile. Vision: Darkvision 60
HP: 147 Hit Dice: 11/11 1d10+5(CON) [HR Fine Print = "Flat 30 HP Hit Dice"]
AC: 21 (Dwarf Plate+Cloak)
Resist/Immunity: Resist 3 Mundane Physical. Immune Poison, Disease.
Prof Bonus: +4
Save Perks: STR(5+4+1=10), CON(5+4+1=10)
Melee Mod Mundane: 5+4= +9 To-Hit, +5 DMG
Ranged Mod Mundane: 5+4= +9 Thrown To-Hit, +5 DMG, 0+4= +4 Projectile.
Maneuvers DC: [8+Prof(4)+STR(5)+1]= 18
Superiority Dice: 5/5 1D10, recharge on Short Rest.
Buffed Second Wind: HR Fine Print = "Flat 21 HP Second Wind"

Base Stats:
STR 20(+5) DEX 10(+0) WIS 10(+0)
CON 20(+5) INT  8(-1) CHA 14(+2)

Armor Prof: All Armor, Shields.
Weapon Prof: All Simple, All Military.
Tool Prof: Mason's Tools.  Cooking Utensils. Vehicles(Land).
Trained Skills: Acrobatics(+4). Athletics(+9), Handle Animals(+4), Intimidation (+6/9) Survival(+4).
Languages: Common. Orc (Written, Dwarven).


Angelic Arsenal(A): +10 To-Hit, +6 DMG.
Bonus action to switch forms. Half the damage is Force DMG.
A: +1 Quarterstaff (1d6/1d8 Versatile). Attune needed for further forms.
B: +1 Maul (2d6). Save vs Prone/flight cancel on hit, with +1 magic bonus.
C: +1 Greataxe (1d12). +2d6 Radiant DMG vs Undead and Fiends. Light source 20ft Bright, 40Ft Dim.
D: +1 Pike (1d10). +2d6 DMG Vs Dragons and Giants.

Lightning Javelin +1: +10 To-Hit, +7 DMG(6+1 Lit).
1d6 +1 Lightning DMG (On top of normal +1 DMG). Thrown 30/120.

Mundane: +9 To-Hit, +5 DMG.
Maul: 2d6, Blunt. Two Hand, Heavy.
Javelin x6: 1d6, Pierce. Thrown 30/120.
Pike: 1d10, Pierce. Two Hand, Reach, Heavy.
Battleaxe: 1d8 slash (1d10 Versatile).
Net: NO DMG. Special, thrown 5/15. Large or smaller (not formless) hit by net are Restrained. DC10 STR, or 5 Slashing (Vs AC10) to break free. Can only attack with a net once a turn.