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15:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Margaret Quinn

Full Name: Margaret Quinn
Nickname/Alias: Maggie, Mags
Age: 28
Age apparent: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Mechanic
Species: Lycanthrope - Lion
Powers: Acute Senses-3, Fast Healing-6, Physical Prowess-2, Silver Vulnerability-3, Aura of Power-2, Feel the City-2, Feel the Call- (unsure what number, she essentially can’t resist the call of an alpha)

Overall Appearance: Maggie is pretty in that way cheerleaders are supposed to be pretty. Her face has that soft, girl-next-door quality. And she looks almost delicate. Her brown eyes light up when smiling, though that’s rare. Mostly they look suspicious these days. If you can get her to smile though, it brightens up her face, and reveals her dimples.

Like all proper red-heads, she has fair skin that freckles. Or it used to. Now, apparently, her healing erases even those. She is thin with very little curves, making her look more delicate. And her height doesn’t particular help that impression. Her red hair is long and straight, usually cut to one length and kept down.

While, she doesn’t have an accent most of the time, she can do a perfect impression of an Irish brogue. On occasion, when meeting someone new, or just for fun, she’ll pull that out.

Height: 5’5”
Weight: 115
Eye Color: Brown
Hair color: Red copper
Hair Style: Long, generally kept down, straight
Complexion: Fair with a smattering of fading freckles
Body shape: thin
Clothing: Maggie would generally wear comfortable clothes, such as jeans and t-shirts. Since she’s been running, she tries to make herself seem like something else, less of a victim and someone people would think twice about messing with. Her wardrobe consists of a lot of denim and leather, mostly in black.
Character Model: Karen Gillan

Basic Personality: Maggie is all about false bravado. She does her best to look and act tough, but really she’s just skittish, scared and alone in a new city. Strangely, she isn’t angry about her place or her situation. More, she’s just resigned; not that she would let it show. She has a bad tendency to act haughty when she’s scared. It’s too dangerous to seem vulnerable. Her last Pride taught her that.

Though she tends to be distrustful of others, she does her best not to show it. However, it makes for a lot of indecision while she tries to decide if they’re lying to her or not. Complicating matters, she’s not the best judge of character. Though, when she decides that a person is trustworthy and she gives them her friendship, she is fiercely loyal.

Sexual Likes: Men and women, though she likes men to be more aggressive than women. Not that she minds aggressive women. She’s also a fan of bondage, playing either role. Though preferably, she plays the submissive role.
Sexual Dislikes: Pain. Anything resembling pain. And men that are too emotional.
Sexual Strengths: She can play any role and isn’t a prude.
Sexual Weaknesses: Emotional attachment doesn’t come easily, especially now.

Merits: Intelligent, loyal,

Flaws: Distrustful, scared, alone

Character Motivations/Goals: Her main motivation is getting away from the Pride. She’d still eventually like to go back to school, but she’s not in the space she needs to be in for that. For now, she’s more concerned with getting some semblance of life back and not being a victim anymore.

Player Motivations/Goals: To have fun :p

History: Maggie had a good, all-American childhood. But, let’s start a little further back. Her parents, Aiden and Emma, both from Ireland, met in college in the U.S. and emigrated there after they finished. Her father, a heart surgeon, worked at building his reputation, becoming very prominent in his field. Her mother was a math professor at the local college.

A few years after they moved to the suburbs, Maggie’s brother, Liam, was born. And a short five years later, Maggie was born. Planning on a large family, Emma was pregnant again in a couple years. Unfortunately, there was a problem with the pregnancy. The baby was stillborn and Emma had to have a hysterectomy, making Liam and Maggie their only children. Not letting their misfortune get them down, they focused their attention on their children’s education.

Maggie and her brother had a comfortable life, not wanting for anything. Both were popular in school and very bright, graduating in the top 5% of their respective classes. Their parents wouldn’t have it any other way. Even with that, Maggie was a cheerleader, with an active social life. They also insisted on college, not that there was any argument. Liam went to Baylor and on to law school. Maggie went to MIT and graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. She seemed to have an innate understanding of how pieces worked together and what pieces were needed to make things work better.

She had plans to get her Master’s degree, but the summer before, her boyfriend who she dated through college was killed in a car accident. Broken hearted, she decided to take a year off to grieve. That was when the trouble started.

In her effort to work through her grief, she went on a road trip. While in Arizona, her car started having issues. Taking it to the local mechanics, they agreed to work on it while she worked in a local bar to keep her busy while waiting for the repairs to be finished. She didn’t know that the mechanics and the owner of the bar she worked at were shifters, lions to be precise. And she certainly didn’t know they had decided to keep her. The Pride was very hard on its females and they wanted more. One night after work, as she was heading back to her motel, she was attacked.

Bitten and mauled, she nearly died. But her boss was supportive, showing up every day at the hospital until she could leave. Little did she know, he had another purpose for his visits. It was there that she was diagnosed with lycanthropy; the very thing he was trying to discover. Of course, he made sure she didn’t end up in a halfway house and assured her that there were people who could help her.

At the first moon, she found out that he was one of them, as were the mechanics working on her car. But at that point, she was already in. The Pride believed they could make her tougher by abusing her mercilessly. In a way it worked, her healing began to work astoundingly fast in a subconscious effort at self-preservation. To keep an eye on her, she spent most of her days at the mechanic’s shop, helping as much as they would let her. But her eyes saw more than they thought it did. Simply by watching them, fetching tools, and holding a light for them, she learned to rebuild a motorcycle engine, transmission, and do basic maintenance on cars.
After six months, they relaxed their watch on her. This is when she made her move. Buying a beat-up motorcycle, she began to rebuild it in private, never letting them see her doing it. When she was done, she waited another month, then took off a week before the next full moon. They didn’t know about the bike until she was long gone. And since then, she’s carefully avoided cities with lion populations, unsure if they would turn her over to the other Pride. This is how she ended up in Marquette.

Since she’s gotten away, she’s contacted her family, though they don’t know of her condition, just that she decided to stay on the road for a bit longer.

Living or dead Family:  Aiden Quinn – Father (Living)
Emma Quinn – Mother (living)
Liam Quinn – brother (living)