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00:53, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Haven Bellamew

Haven Bellamew

Height: 5’4”

Weight: 115 lbs

Age: 22

Eyes:  Pale to the point of almost colourless which makes them appear quite piercing, however one has a hint of green and the other a hint of blue.

Grace: Disguise  - Haven is able to use her grace through altering the perceptions of others, be it changing the appearance of herself to blend in with her surroundings, another or an inanimate object, she is able to disguise or hide it, however her Grace takes a great deal of focus and if her focus is broken, then so is the perception she has created.  Dependent on how elaborate it is, the more difficult it would be to gather enough uninterrupted focus to achieve it.

Bio: Haven was a spritely child with white-blonde curls and  cornflower blue eyes, her Parents, Servants within the Kingdom were ecstatic with their first born, the bonnie child grew to infancy and drew lots of attention and compliments due to her scintillating personality and intelligence, her Parents made no attempt in hiding her, why would they? Most that encountered Haven enjoyed her exuberance and she soon became well known around the Palace grounds.   When Haven turned four years old the worst of their nightmares became a reality, the rich blue hue of her irises began to lose their colour as though draining away.  Haven developed Heterochromia and as her eyes paled their distinct colour changed, one keeping a pale hint of blue they once were and the other developing a subtle green hue.  It was a sign that the child was Graced, but her Grace itself never became apparent to them by growing into fruition immediately, however just the distinct change  of her eyes was enough to raise suspicion and they needed to act fast in salvaging their daughter from the attention of the Kingdom by creating a ruse.

Her Parents devised a plan, Haven had got sick, highly contagious so they said, they refused the help of the Palace Doctor relaying their concern that it may spread, in the meantime they made arrangements for Haven to be taken to her Great Grandfather, a mythical man who lived deep within the belly of the woods, nobody knew of his true existence but for his immediate only living family - Haven’s Father. Jerimiah Bellamew had disappeared a number of years prior, only urban legend spoke of his existence, a recluse that lived within the woods  his whereabouts were unknown but most thought him long dead. Jerimiah had a Grace of his own, that of Archery, however under the control of the King, Jerimiah had grown bitter, an otherwise honest man who by order was commanded to carry out some of the most heinous acts with his skill.

Haven’s Parents were unconvincing in their Daughter’s sudden disappearance, her death was not believed and suspicions were raised, they refused to give away their secret, keeping to their story that Haven had perished with no body to prove it, no amount of torture or compulsion could make them reveal the truth behind where Haven had gone, even the King’s most imaginative and Graced couldn’t gain the whereabouts of Haven, her grace was still unknown and because of that, she was a direct threat to the King.  The torturous persuasion seen to the death of her Parents and the secret to Haven’s whereabouts died with them.