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12:46, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jayden Kelso Morrismith

Full Name: Jayden Kelso Morrismith
Nickname: Jay
Age: 24
Age apparent: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Occupation: Currently the owner of a night club. Club Pyro  languages: English, Spanish, Latin, French, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese
Species: Human (psychic)
Powers: Pyrokinesis(Manipulating/Creating Fire Energy with the Mind) can do bolts of fire or flame thrower like blasts

Telekinesis(Manipulating/Creating kinetic Energy with the Mind) at this point,Jay can move a car slowly. The smaller the item or creature the more control and hitting speed he has over it

Personal Shielding - To resist assault or external injury. Known to deflect a few bullets befor needing a few minutes to recharge. Drains him

Precognition (seeing the future) mainly gm controlled

Postcognition/Retrocognition (seeing the past) gm controlled

Telepathy: Communication without the use of physical senses.(this power is newly developed) ("mind speak") sometimes he slips and broacasts without trying to

Overall Appearance: Light seems to catch on the young man's hair, the wind seems to make his clothes hug and catch at just the right angles. Jayden is as close to a male sex kitten as you can get. Every action and every nuance seems to ooze sensuality though the young man doesn't seem to notice. His nearly perfectly chiseled features and very well toned body are what most people see first, however once his eyes are discovered most loose themselves in the Electric haven of those smokey bedroom eyes.

Character Model: Marco Dapper

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 187lbs

Eye Color: Electric Blue

Hair color: Raven Black

Hair Style: Long down to mid back. Tightly braided

Complexion: Tanned Skinned man

Body shape: Dancer and Gymnast's build

Clothing: Generally found in a loose pair of jeans and a baggy t-shirt

Basic Personality: A timid creature by nature due to his past, Jay is nice enough for those who know him but they never seem to be able to get him to open up. The gentle giant is one of the best ways to describe him. His voice ranges from gentle smooth baritone to crisp clear tenor. His mannerisms would suggest an abusive upbringing by the way he twitched or flinches at fast movement. His ;looks however seem to always garner him attention of the kind he does not want.

Sexual Likes: Very Timid but very open-minded

Sexual Dislikes: Rpol Limits Sexual

Strengths: Gifted in the areas of body and stamina Sexual

Weaknesses: Being Seduced. He has a hard time saying no. He tries not to be alone with "Hunting" women or men for this reason.

Merits: Gifted with a Very Attractive appearance

Flaws: Easily mind Controlled Has not learned yet to close off his mind.


Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Being the son of an alcoholic is not always easy. Sometimes its quite the opposite.

 Jayden grew up in a household where beatings were the norm and anything that made you special was beaten out of you or at least beaten until it stagnated. It was him and his older brother, his mother and father (Jackson Morrismith). Moreover, his father ruled the house with an iron fist that was made stronger by the drink. That was life, as he had known it. Once his brother Jordan had reached thee age of 16, he ran away looking for a better life. The only problem with that was he left a 7-year-old Jayden behind to deal with the wrath of an enraged father. That year he ended up in the hospital. His mother knew what to say in order to get the doctors to believe that he had fallen out of a tree and broke several ribs. One he got home his father laid off of him for a few months.

The peace could only last so long however when you have a restless tyrant in your home. A few months after his "fall", Jayden's mother Lula, enrolled him in an after school dance program in order to limit the time that his father could have access to him. It worked at first until his father began to wait up later and later to beat him for some imagined slight or wrongdoing. After a while, his mother's maternal instinct kicked in and she tried to shield the boy from harm. He quickly locked himself in his room and began to rock back and forth to close out the noise when it stopped... It was a long year living at home with only the tyrant as a parent. Visiting a grave site of your mother is not something a child should have to do. For the next few years of his life, Jayden figured out the trick to avoid his father for the most part. School. If he was there he wasn't home getting the tar beat out of him. It's not to say he didn't come home, his father threatened to kill him if he tried to run away like his brother Jordan. Jayden had to do all the chores that his late mother would have normally have done as well as go to school and his many various clubs.((He forged his dad's signature to get into these))

 He also found that his life was changing in more ways that one. Puberty brought on a certain amount of other changes like the odd happenings when he wanted something from across the room but was too lazy to get it only to find that it had somehow gotten closer. The thing that made it hammer home that he was different was the beatings he was taking were no longer damaging him the way that they should have. Slowly but surely he began to train with his powers away from the prying eyes of his father or the various adults who might try and lock him up for being this way. After many years of dancing the waltz that he did, Jayden finally attained what he had been working for. An all-inclusive scholarship to college. Once he had the news, he very quickly ran home to pack.

 Once he had done so he made one last stop by his mother's grave to tell her he was leaving before he left the little podunk town hoping to change his life for the better. If only he had been as brave as his older brother had, things might have worked out different. Now 18 and free to do as he pleased, Jayden made his way to his new home... Once Jay was there however his life was suddenly not so simple anymore as there were new dangers far worse than his father. There were vampire, werecreatures and magic now. If it had not been for his mindset of "Keep your head down" He might not have made it through college.Sure he had to "Defend" himself every now and again but over all his life had been event free. Never the less he did sign up for self defense classes. Wing Chun Martial arts. The day of graduation was bittersweet however. He thought that on this day at least his father would be able to stop drinking and be proud of his son but no it was not to be. He even waited until dusk to see if his father had gotten lost on a slight chance of hope... No such luck. As he had begun to get into his car, Jay was approached by a man who claimed to be a lawyer. After some time of discussion it was found out the reason why his father would never make it to his graduation. He and a carload of his somewhat removed family members had been in a car wreck. They were killed instantly. The sweet came in the fact that each one of the family members had insurance policies and no one but him to pay out to. The total sum after the government got their cut totaling to a tidy sum of just over fifty million dollars. Due to this Jay quickly had to develop more combat prowess to protect himself from normal humans and psychic prowess for the supernatural problems. Though for most of them fifty million is probably chump change. Now considered one of the more eligible bachelors in the city and a reclusive tendency, Jay has now become more of a lime light kind of person. Between friends and his accountant making him use his money wisely by investing and still being charitable, Jay has had to come out of his fortress of solitude far too often for his liking. Now he is considered a millionaire playboy.

Living or dead Family:
Father-Jackson Morrismith- recently dead (Jay has inherited quite the large sum of money from both parents deaths. He did not even know they had policies on them or the other less than desirable family members that have died recently.
Mother- Lula Morrismith- dead (due to father knocking her down a flight of stairs) Brother- Jordan Morrismith- Vampire now (not known where he is)