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Welcome to Base Desires - An Anitaverse Game

14:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Full Name: Nashdoitsoh
Nickname/Alias: Nash, The Ghost Cat
Age: 298
Age apparent: Mid 20's
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Entrepreneur (owner of Wave)
Languages: English, Spanish, Navajo
Species: Master Vampire (Traveler line)
Powers: Standard Vampire Basics plus: Stillness, Passing for Human, and Awareness while Sleeping
Master Vampire Basics plus: Hide Age and Astral Projection
Bloodline Powers: Possess Bobcat - Nash can possess a Bobcat as is granted from the Traveler line.  The Bobcat is his spirit guide which he has a connection to.  Any other Bobcats he must first come into physical contact with before possessing them.  But now that he can call lions, he can also possess them.  This is a new power though and so is he has very little control with this
Call Animal: Lion (though he is still learning how to use this power)

Overall Appearance: Nash has the normal traits that is his Navajo heritage.  His skin has paled over the sunless centuries, but he still have that unmistakable tan.  His hair is long and straight, black as coal and down to his shoulder blades.  He usually wears it in a pony tail to keep it out of his face but it can be found sometimes braided or sometimes just hanging loose depending on his mood.  He usually wears an earring in his left ear honoring his Navajo traditions.

His frame is tall and thin, standing 6' 2" and weighing in at under 200 lbs.  This doesn't mean he is skin and bones.  On the contrary, his form is firm showing the six pack and muscular tone he had when he was brought over as a warrior.  He does have a few scars from battle where he was stabbed in the side or took an arrow to the shoulder, but at this time they are cosmetic, badges of honor.  The tattoos which he wears on his arm detail his life's journey, the newest one certainly to signify his move to Marquette.
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 189 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Hair Style: Long and straight, sometimes in a pony tail or braided.
Complexion: His complexion is a lighter tan from the lack of sun
Body shape: Tall and slim with a firm muscular tone
Clothing: Being a former hunter/warrior, Nash chooses function over fashion.  But being an Entrepreneur, he still attempts to impress.  He chooses business casual most of the time, wearing no collar one color shirts and slacks with business moccasins.  The shirts are usually bright and light in color while the slacks are more traditional tan, gray, or blue to match.  When he's out getting his hands dirty, he prefers a pullover shirt and jeans with boots.
Character Model: Eric Schweig

Basic Personality: Nash is fairly reserved.  Wise both from age and from the ways of his people, Nash is generally soft spoken and reserved.  He would rather watch and listen and bide his time.  He is extremely patient and calculating.  He prefers reaction over taking the initiative and tries to outsmart those who he sees as his rivals and enemies.

He had a great respect for nature and life.  Animals are sacred to him and should be treated with respect.  Lycantropes go a step further and believed to be Yee Naaldlooshi or the Navajo version of the Skin Walker.  Now that he knows that Lycanthropy is an infection and the Yee Naaldloosh are not witches, he has no patience for those who mistreat them.  If he sees one hurting or in need, he will do everything in his power to help them.

Nash generally seems emotionless and can seem cold, especially when being calculating.  When he talks, it's usually just to answer a question or make a quick comment.  Sometimes he'll give some profound proverb from the wisdom of his people in a relevant, or not so relevant, situation.  He does have a sarcastic side; but because of the emotionless quips that he usually gives, it is hard for someone that doesn't know him to tell when he is using sarcasm or not.

Sexual Likes: Nash prefers to be the top though he is willing to switch every once in a while.
Sexual Dislikes: Nash doesn't like pain, neither giving nor receiving.
Sexual Strengths: Nash is more concerned about his partner's needs than his own.
Sexual Weaknesses: Can seem cold and emotionless at times.  Don't expect much in the way of pillow talk.

Merits: Has the wisdom of his people and has a sanctity for life and nature that other vampires seem to lose over the centuries.

Flaws: Can seem emotionless and usually remains quiet.  Tends to wait preferring to react than to take the initiative.

Character Motivations/Goals: With the unrest in Marquette, he sees this as the best opportunity to seize power with as little resistance as possible.  His goals are to get settled quickly and put into motion a plan to gain power over the next few years.

Player Motivations/Goals: To have fun, to interact with others, and to watch his relationships grow and his motivations change.

History: Nash was born in 1716 to one of the Navajo tribes in what is now Southern Arizona.  He grew up one of the young hunter/warriors in the tribe becoming a skilled huntsman due to the scarcity of the food and a brave warrior against the Apache raiders.  When he was 15, he started his first spiritual journey and met his spirit guide, a Bobcat that started leading him through his vision quests.

The Spanish and Pueblos had already been trading with them for over a century so when a new Spanish entourage appeared to trade with them in 1740, there was no cause for concern.  But one of the Spaniards was Concetta, an up and coming vampire from the Traveler line.  She was looking for more power and a new city to master.  Unfortunately for her, there were no permanent settlements as of yet.

She tried to create one in the hills near the tribe.  In order to do that, she chose select men and women from the tribes to sire.  Nash was one of those sired.  Her attempt to make a tribe of her own kiss failed.  Of course he was no longer of his tribe and the people now feared him for what he'd become.  When the Spanish once again attacked in the 1780's, Concetta originally tried to keep the Kiss out of the conflict but after the overwhelming pleas from her Navajo subjects including Nash she let them help their mortal brothers.  After this, the tribes were more welcoming of their vampire kin even though they were still no longer one of them.  This did allow Nash to reconnect with his family in the tribe and continue in the Navajo culture even if it was as an outsider.

It took a little over a century before he became a Master Vampire.  With the increase in power, he noticed that his vision quests changed.  First off, it seemed more realistic, as if he was no longer viewing the spirit world but actually the real world.  The point of view also changed.  It was lower to the ground and the vision, sound, taste, feel, smell were all different.  It didn't take him long to realize that he was actually watching from the Bobcat.

After a while he started to learn to control it and no longer needed to be on a vision quest, just needed to sit unmoved and meditate.  He also found out he could touch another Bobcat to possess them.  That was when he first got into espionage and would use his ability to spy on Concetta's enemies.  This is what first started his interest in strategy.

After the Mexican-American war when the Navajo started to migrate North to what is now the Navajo Nation, Concetta's Temoin Felipe left Tucson to become his own master of a City.  He had chosen Flagstaff, a new town up north closer to the new Navajo reservation.  Nash chose to join him and did the same for him as he'd done for Concetta.  He took his place as Felipe's Temoin and has been faithfully serving him since.

But where Felipe has maxed out on his power, Nash has just recently received a power boost.  His ability to call Lions has unnerved Felipe in a city that has a werelion population.  Before Nash could find himself a servant and boost his power even more, Felipe sent him off.  Nash could understand that.  He was getting strong and he knew just as well as Felipe did that if he surpassed him, he would take over.  But Nash over the centuries has never lost his distaste for bloodshed.  He can fight, but he'd rather not.  So when he heard that Marquette now had a power vacuum, he decided to take the path of least resistance.  His plan is to settle in there and in a few years when the time is right, he would become himself a Master of a City.

Living or dead Family: All died hundreds of years ago