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Welcome to Legends of Theah I

12:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Aed 'Mac Lir'

Aed 'Mac Lir' is a young man of 19 who hails from the rugged coastlines of Avalon. Found adrift with no memory at age ten, Aed was raised by a kindly fisherman named Connor and his wife Winnifred. After surviving three shipwrecks and losing Connor in one, Aed left his adoptive home to escape Winnifred's grief-stricken blame and seek his fortune.

Standing at 5'9" with a medium build that allows him to blend easily into a crowd. His short, dark brown hair is often unkempt, complementing his scruffy stubble, which persists despite his efforts to stay clean-shaven. His striking green eyes hint at both the sea and the secrets he holds within.

Driven by the dream of owning his own ship, Aed is motivated primarily by the need for wealth to fund his journeys. His desire for exploration and the lure of the unknown drive him forward, tempered by a need to prove himself and escape the shadow of his past. His greatest strength is his unwavering determination; once he sets his mind to something, he pursues it relentlessly.  However, his youth and inexperience manifest a weakness: he finds it difficult to say no to attractive, flirtatious women, often leading him into trouble.

Aed's greatest fear is drowning, a phobia stemming from his shipwreck experiences, though he is a decent swimmer, believing it to be his best defense against the sea's capricious nature. His love for ships contrasts sharply with his disdain for self-important individuals who wield their perceived superiority without merit. Generally friendly and tolerant, Aed possesses a fierce temper that flares when lines are crossed, particularly when his honesty is questioned. His demeanor is easygoing until provoked, at which point his anger can be swift and intense. Known for his habit of whistling or humming when bored, adds a casual air of mischief to his persona.

His greatest flaw might be his recklessness, lacking the emotion of fear, which occasionally has him engaging in foolhardy actions. This fearlessness means he does not flinch at the sight of even the most hideous monsters, nor does he retreat when outclassed. However, his passion for life shines through when he performs heroic feats, especially in moments of high stakes and danger.

A member of the Swordsman's Guild, Aed is trained in the Donovan fighting style, which employs a short sword and buckler. His skills, coupled with his natural daring, make him a formidable opponent.

Indifferent to politics and religion, Aed cares only that society functions smoothly. He holds no deep-seated prejudices and is loyal to himself and his comrades. While he has rarely encountered sorcery, he respects its power and utility, though it remains a distant curiosity to him. Aed adheres to a practical form of chivalry. He is not one to engage in grandiose displays of honor, but he will protect those in need, especially women, driven partly by genuine compassion and partly by his susceptibility to their charms.

"Remember the five D's: dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge. But more importantly, think twice, especially when an attractive woman pleads for your help. Stay sharp, and never lose sight of your dreams."

Aed's journey is one of self-discovery, driven by a thirst for adventure and the desire to escape his haunted past. With determination and passion, he navigates the treacherous waters of life, ever aiming for his dream of captaining his own ship.