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Welcome to Three Feathered Rivals: Making a bad thing good.

14:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Akala Stoneface


Thunderbird and Waha.



Akala stands an imposing 6'9" tall, weighing roughly 240 muscular pounds.  He is Huge.  He is so big that he often must duck when entering a doorway, and slouch to look which case he just looks big instead of huge.  He often sits quickly upon entering a tent or tavern to keep the strange looks at a minimum.

Akala has Light Brown, amber-gold Hair and eyes that are the same, shifting color.  His skin is not far from a similar hue as well: a ruddy, swarthy bronze, uninterrupted by facial hair.

He wears an open helm & Chainmail Hauberk provided by the Caravan he worked for, Rhino hide he got from his Father, and a pair of Bronze Vambrace engraved with the Death Rune, won from a duel.  He keeps his Lance upon his Rhino, keeping it there when he dismounts- though he avoids dismounting if possible.  He carries a mean looking Axe with a Bronze head, and a Bone sword that looks like a short stabbing sword in Akala's huge hands.  He carries a Huge square shield as well- his Fathers before him.  Knuckledusters adorn his large hands.

He is almost always found chewing on a thin piece of Zana root.

Without his armor, he would look similar to this image:

Akala Before

Thundercloud's large, circular hoof prints left a trail of full-moon shaped markings in dirt.  The huge horned creature plodded casually in the direction it's rider, Akala Stoneface, guided it.  The Shaman at Horned Gate had helped Akala to see the meaning of his visions- visions which had haunted the large young man as long as he could remember.  The Shaman- Xiolo Chases-the-Horizon- had also had a vision:  That Akala would find the true answers he sought amongst his own true Tribe.  The Stoneface knew not the full meaning of the visions- but, men in the game are often blind to what Gods looking on can see.

Akala knew this at a young age.  As he chewed upon the Zana root he recalled his Mother, Michaela, and her song, sung together to the spirit, in the mornings...

Chew the root
Brush the teeth
Taste the juice
Breath is sweet
Every day
of every week
With everyone
A joy to speak

His mother passed when he was young from the wasting disease, but the memory of her voice was strong.

His Father, Kela Stoneface, was a Warrior of great renown, a Runelord, beloved of Waha and his herd.  Akala was his first born, and expected to become a Warrior as well.  Even as a youth, he was bigger than the other boys, and the expectation that he would also become a great Warrior was thrust upon him, early.

But the boy had other talents as well.  He was agile, and could dance well enough to impress even the coldest Shaman.

And he was smart.  Very smart.  His penchant for picking up facts was unparalleled, and his mind could work around problems like a river worked its way around rocks.

As Thundercloud forded a small creek, these thoughts and more passed through the large youth's mind.

The creek itself reminded him of a similar creek Akala had forded, years ago, after the tragedy of Moonbroth; fleeing from the field on which his father had burned, Kela's life extinguished by an out of control Oakfed.  The smell of burned grass, burned cloth, scorched metal, and burnt flesh still stung his nose, threatening to make Akala's eyes water when the thought arose.

The Rhino rider shook his head to clear his mind of the memory, reaching for his waterskin and taking a sip.  He drank deep.  Deeper than he normally would, as a sip went farther than a gulp in the long dry of the plains.  He drank deep, the way he drank at...

Pimpers Block.

After Moonbroth Akala found himself drinking- a lot- and not just kumiss.  Lost in his cups.  Perhaps simply lost.

It wasn't until a Humakti warrior sat next to him at the bar, and joined him for a drink that his fates changed.  The mans name was Amilcar, and he was confronted by some bandits that recognized him, for he worked as a guard on a Caravan.  Akala and Amilcar took down the small group of 6 with only their fists.

Amilcar invited Akala back to the Caravan to interview for employment.  The large tribesman was hired immediately.

It was while traveling with the Caravan that the fog that had consumed Akala began to lift.  His travels revealed more of Prax to him than ever before.  He was able to acquire Mushrooms at the Biggle Stone; he won a duel with a Humakti at Tourney Altar, the prize a pair of bronze vambraces with a death rune carved into them.  He defended the Caravan from attacks from the Uz outside of Swenstown, and even helped fight a raiding band of Sable riders near Day's RestAkala was allowed to take two of the Sables as pack animals after he distinguished himself in the Caravan's defense.

As his head cleared, his dreams and visions became more vivid.  Dreams of the Green Age of Prax when Genert ruled the land; visions  of a Mighty White Lance; visions of a Great, Copper clad warrior- enjoying his joys, loves and mourning his subsequent death.

It was at Horned Gate that Akala met Xiolo Chases The Horizon- a powerful Shaman.  Xiolo helped Akala to interpret his visions.  The Shaman led Akala through the rituals to officially initiate the youth into the Thunderbird cult.  The Shaman also had a vision.  The vision showed Xiolo where Akala's path forward to fate lay.  Xiolo told The Stoneface he would have to travel immediately to...

...Here.  Well, just ahead.  Akala looked up at the horizon.  Not too far now.  Only a few more kilometers left to go...