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Welcome to English Regency Free-Form Game

22:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sally Forth

Name: Sally Forth
Gender:  Female
Age:  Uncertain, perhaps 21 in 1813.
Height:  5’4
Weight:  120
Hair:  Light Brown
Eyes:  Amber Brown
Hobbies: Collecting pretty things.
Likes: Free time; visiting Allton; flirting with the lads.
Dislikes: Scrubbing pots and emptying commodes; being overlooked.
Love Interest: She has an eye for the errant Baronet, Sir Charles Gray

Sun-kissed and golden, with brown hair that that falls in heavy waves below her shoulders, and with eyes clear, speckled-amber, seeming to tilt at the corners; Sally was a pretty sight to behold. There was about her a warm luxuriance, something immediately suggestive of pleasurable fulfillment; something for which she was not responsible but of which she was acutely aware. Sally intended to make from this God-given talent her fortune.

Sally is a cheeky little brunette servant in the Marke household. Intelligent, high-spirited, and determined, she is not afraid of hard-work and she does not shirk her duties. She intends above all else to raise her station in the world, and she will do whatever she must to see it so. She is friendly and kind toward those who are kind to her. She has an ingratiating way about her that is more warmly received by men than by women.

Sally was given over to Markham Hall by her parents when she was little more than a child. Eldest daughter of eleven children, she was most useful put to service. At Markham Hall she drew little notice at first. As lowliest of scullery maids, Sally  was the dogsbody, at the bottom of the heap. Under the stern eye of Mrs. Buckle and  the more kindly eye of Mrs. Partridge, her task was to clean, scour and scrub hundreds of knives, forks, pots and pans every day. She was in charge of lighting the fires and cleaning the fireplaces morning and night, but was expected to keep out of sight of the family.

Yet, although the daughter of a farmhand, Sally was an aspiring girl, and somewhere along the way she learned to read and write and do simple sums. Dint and desire slowly advanced her, so that over time she became one of the under housemaid, a position of considerable more dignity in Sally's eyes. Essentially an ambitious girl, Sally works as a housemaid because it is the only respectable profession open to the daughter of a farm worker, but she has grand plans. She is the natural rebel of the female staff, and this makes Sally suspect to Catherine Rossiter who is entirely above reproach.

Circa 1792 -- Sally Forth is born on a farm in the environs of Allton.
Winter, 1800 -- Sally enters service at Markham Hall.