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Welcome to Sea Cliff Weyr

08:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name:  Bethany
Age:  18
Gender:  Female
Sexuality:  Straight
Occupation/Rank(Holder, Crafter, Rider):  Kitchen worker Bread/cake maker / Dragonrider Hopeful
Location: Sea Cliff Weyr

Personality:  She’d probably be described as 'bookish' if she had access to books but she doesn’t. Is very quiet and watches everything. Will learn through watching & once she has grasped the concept to practise and practise until it is perfect.  She doesn’t expect much from anyone else and is very self-sufficient, keeping herself to herself.  Unassuming.  She’s not scared, just shy, and polite.  Won’t speak unless she is spoken to.

Description or See Pic: 5' 3".  Slim.  White hair and extremely pale skin. Big grey eyes. Always tries to cover her hair with a scarf as she is constantly teased and bullied by everyone about it.  Her skin is so pale that she burns in the sun very quickly and so always covers herself up as best she can.

Brief History:  She has 12 brothers and sisters, no idea who her father is. Her mother is a drunken abusive horror, skipping from bed to bed. She is the 10th child.  At Seascape Hold she was a kitchen drudge (it got her out of the way of her mother and it gave her a use).  She is very good at bread and cakes in the kitchen, perfecting her skills to keep her siblings quiet with treats.
She was Searched by R’Nak & Orialoth.  Orialoth found her trying to keep out of the way behind the kitchens.  She was soot smeared and tried to insist she wouldn’t be any good for the Search.  Nevertheless, she was bought to the Weyr.  She was bullied mercilessly by the Weyrlings and suffered in silence, just trying to concentrate on the training before Impression day.  On Hatching Day she held back after threats from some of the Weyrlings, doubting her own self-worth and so did not Impress.  And so she returned to the kitchen, this time at the Weyr, until the next chance she might have to Impress.