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Welcome to The Gift of Power (A Competitive Superhero Tale)

01:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Black Magic

ITSDA Superhuman Dossier

Full Name: Peter Vargus
Aliases & Nicknames: Black Magic
Age: 23
Years Awakened: 5

Height: 6'00''
Weight: 180 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Hair: Black, slicked down
Eyes: Twilight Purple

GVD (Generalized Visual Description): Black Magic is a Caucasian male who wears a black tuxedo with a ruffled, white shirt, a red cummerbund, a top hat and polished shoes. Around his shoulders, he wears a cloak fastened at his neck; his hands are hidden from sight by pristine white gloves, his mustache is perfectly groomed, and the upper part of his face is hidden by a mask that matches his dark tuxedo. He looks as though he would be at home on a stage in the nineteen twenties, dazzling audiences with tricks of wonder and shiny white smiles.

Political Alignment: Unaffiliated.

Namidian Resources: Not a villain.

Superhuman Abilities: Transmutation, hypnosis (must be concentrating and locking eyes with his target), levitation, teleportation (up to 1 city block), illusion, elemental summoning, materialization.

Common Uses: Black Magic will first try to use the power of hypnosis to talk someone into surrendering quietly. If that fails and fighting is needed, he will materialize weapons that fit the theme of his outfit. These include blade-edged playing cards he can throw and a magic wand that can extend into a staff. When running, he applies his levitation so he doesn't have to watch his feet over uneven ground. In the event he is over run by enemies, outmatched, or needs to leave for any other reason, he will duck into or behind something and teleport. However, he cannot transport himself more than one city block. He'll also use illusions for distractions, summon water spouts and fireballs from within his hat to discourage foes, catch bullets in his teeth or turn them into doves or bubbles. Once he beats a villain, he delivers them to the police with his signature, a stream of endless handkerchiefs used as rope.

Specialized Equipment: Peter's abilities are hooked to his outfit, though there is no real reason for this outside of his own head. He simply cannot seem to perform any super feat without the old getup he found in a trunk he bought from an auction several years ago. He creates any other weapons he uses when he need them.

Specialized Training and Skills: Peter's dad wanted him to be tough, his mother wanted him to be a well rounded modern man; the end result was combat training and ballet. Vargus is very flexible, athletic, skilled in the art of throwing weapons and staff fighting, has great stamina and muscle tone, trained in computer science, and can pop a lock open with a piece of scrap metal or pick a pocket rather easily.

Hypothesized Goal: Peter wants to make his dream of becoming a famously charismatic, witty, and incredible hero on the world's stage a reality. Ever the showman, he longs to become one of the world's best and most influential heroes while still maintaining his relatively normal life as Peter Vargus, computer technician.

Personality Profile: Black Magic is every inch an old fashioned showman, with a perfect white smile that never fades no matter the situation and a sweeping bow for the cameras on the occasion there are any. He's a loud voiced man, the sort whom wants to be the center of attention. The man behind the mask, Peter, is a fun loving guy who likes a good joke, a good wine, and a good steak. He is usually easy going. However, he puts a lot of effort into keeping up the Black Magic persona while he's "performing," regardless of whatever fear or doubt eats at his heart.

Background: Once in a great while, one comes across the origin story of a hero that is so gripping, so soaked through with grief and self loss, so gritty a tale of a soul ripped at by the demons of pain, grief, suffering and loss that it should and shall remain forever on the lips of Humanity as long as there is but one person upon this Earth to carry it with them...

...This isn't one of those stories. Peter's parents were normal, everyday people. His dad was a lawyer that was not an ambulance chaser nor a partner in some giant firm; he was a middle-of-the-road law expert with enough skill and reputation to make a decent life for his family. The boy's mother was a scientist, but she did not work on mutating plants or animals, nor did she work with space material emitting weird radiation; she worked for a cosmetics company trying to make better skin cream and such. The company was not a front for any branch of the government, known or not. Pete grew up in a suburb, he went to school, he had friends, all very bland and normal. The only three things about him one might take note of are his father wanting him to learn a way to defend himself, his mother wanting him to be a well-rounded modern man, and his own interest in stage magic. He appeased both his parents while keeping up his own hobby. And although they did not out and out discourage him, his folks did want him to earn a degree so he would have a stable job in the event the magic route didn't work out. He got one in computer science, got hired on as a drone for a company, and used some of his paycheck to fund his real passion. He was always adding to his collection of tricks, even going so far as taking personal days to drive three states over to an auction being held at the estate of a once famous magician. Peter scored a truck, and although he found no trade secrets in it, he did manage to obtain a really neat vintage outfit. A few alterations, and it fit him perfectly.

Peter had a dream one night when he was eighteen; he was dressed in a fine suit, he saw the planet Earth before him and then it morphed into a stage that he walked onto. Before him, the young man saw a black, starless sky with barren dirt stretched out before him. He waved a hand at the sky, and the sun appeared amidst a blue background. His other hand gestured at the ground, and plants grew. He placed his hands together, and a running stream appeared and animals came out of the greenery to drink from it. Peter then heard a thunderous applause and awoke.

Even though Peter was awakened, no powers manifested until he had graduated college four years later, gotten a job, and bought those old magician's clothes. When he put them on, he remembered that dream for the first time in years. He then discovered, through trial with no one around to heckle him, that his magic was real. He didn't even realize how much he could now do, he just used what he discovered as he discovered it in his act as a stage magician.

Then, less than a year later, Black Magic had recently finished up doing a show at an elementary school when a super villain attacked. It turned out that this scum had been busted by an off-duty and non-super police officer. After taking much ribbing in prison for it, he thirsted for revenge and found out that the woman's daughter went to this same school. Peter didn't know any of that when he faced the man though, and he would have told you it wouldn't have mattered if he had. What he knew and understood was that this fiend had powers beyond normal mortals, the best match for him was someone else with powers, and he was just that "someone else!" He moved the fight outside to prevent injury to civilians and ended up winning. When a crowd surrounded him in order to thank him for his bravery, he realized he liked that feeling even better than roaring applause. So, although it wasn't his first plan, he now takes to the streets when he can as the Hocus Pocus Hero, Black Magic.

Awareness: N

Threat Level: 3