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Welcome to Lost in the Snow

06:14, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Einar Torvinen (deceased)

Einar was a young Trov man with the broad-shouldered, muscular build, pale skin, and cornsilk hair of his people. He wore braids to keep his blond mane out of his ice-blue eyes, which were intense to match his calloused hands. His broad, flat nose had been severely broken at some point past, and his body was covered in the scars of rough living: A long straight one that ran from the left side of his chest halfway across his torso; the bite mark of some large animal on his left shoulder; and three jagged patches forming nearly a complete ring beneath his left elbow. He most often wore a heavy, hooded fur parka and matching leggings, and was never without his horn-handled dagger in its hip sheath.

Best known to the Forty-Second Special Battalion as "the man with the mammoth," Einar was never far from his companion Ruk. He was quite proud of the pachyderm's large size compared to his age, and Ruk had a deep bond with the Trov handler, in return. Together, they worked as packers with the support division, hauling materials and assisting with other necessary logistical functions that kept the battalion moving. Overall, the hardy man kept to himself unless approached, very much in awe of the military and pretty much anything else outside of his experience. Regnan magic fascinated him, as did the Federation's science, and his innocent curiosity in both caused more than one soldier he met to misjudge him as naive. When push came to shove, however, he was a doughty fighter with his knife and axe—and the more he came to understand the depth and complexity of the war between the empire and Regna, the more he became determined to fight on Regna's side for more than just skill pay.

In the end, Einar was the first one to take a swing at the traitorous Lieutenant di Culo when his wickedness threatened the survivors of the Forty-Second, following the battle in the pass. He died a noble death when he was mortally wounded by a Serene quarrel during the infiltration of Krepost Varrd; faced with limited resources, he insisted the last healing draught be used on Nilila, while he stayed behind to hold the safety valve shut on the fortress's furnace system, forcing it to explode and destroy the complex.