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Welcome to Detroit: Broken Traditions [Vampire: Blood and Smoke]

02:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ha ng of Ten Shadows

The enigmatic Ha^ng, Primogen of the Circle of the Crone, is largely a mystery to those outside of her covenant.  The few rumors about her that do exist claim that she is not actually a practitioner of her Covenant's blood magic, leaving the practice to others among her Acolytes.  Like many within the higher ranks of the Circle, Ha^ng was originally of Vietnamese decent, though she has been in the City of Detroit since the early sixties.

Small an unimposing, the High Priestess of the Cult of Shadows has never the less carved out a powerful dynasty for herself among the City's Kindred.  Politically astute, she holds the respect of most of her Covenant, and even the Practitioners of Blood Magic appear to hold her in high regard.  She can present as somewhat distracted at official City functions, often staring off into space for long periods of time, but her keen eyes always snap back into focus when she is addressed.  She dresses fashionably in modern clothing, but has become iconic for never going anywhere without an ancient and expensive looking sword strapped to her thigh.  The blade looks like a cross between a Katana and a scimitar, and Ha^ng carries it in an ornate gold scabbard that she straps to her side.