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Welcome to Legends of Excalibur 3.5 Edition of Dungeons and Dragons

10:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Calis stands a young man of five foot eight, weighing about one hundred and forty-five pounds. His thick shoulder-length black hair is pulled back in a loose tail.  His deep blue eyes and lightly tanned skin are a pleasing combination alongside his welcoming smile. There is great intelligence and wisdom in the minstrel’s eyes that is matched only in his way with words.  He is clean-shaven save for a brown mustache.  In movement and speech, Calis is graceful and resilient, despite his slight frame.

His leather armor is decorated with beads, feathers, coins, and other small items that he can untie and use to impress his audiences.  Stuck into his belt rest both sickle and silver-inlaid dagger, the latter sheathed on the young warrior’s left hip.  Two more hilts rise from the dark leather riding boots.  His short spear is, in truth, more walking stick than weapon, and even that fallen aside with an increase in riding his fine heavy warhorse Segue.  A simple wooden club, free of knots rests in a loop at the minstrel’s belt.  Hanging from one shoulder is a fine shortbow of blackwood and pale horn; the bow glows with the lacquer rubbed into its grains.

From many miles afoot, his black boots are travel worn, but they are still in good repair from his vigilance in tending his attire.  The rest of his clothing is brown in color, except for his cloak, which is red.  A backpack hangs over one shoulder.  A flute emerges from a pocket upon the backpack, and panpipes hold their own pouch.

Though he is a traveling minstrel, and tithes to the poor with great regularity, travels have done well for Calis.  Truly, magnificence of the vest that girds his torso would suit the grandest of lords.  The weaves of brown are so rich and fine as to nearly disappear, and its softness such to make maidens cry in envy.  A small chip of Stone Henge, the stone is steeped in power of the Old Gods, hangs bound by a leather thong around Calis’ neck.  His left hand sports a golden ring bearing the outline in silver of a stalking cat.  A ring of small gemstones - three light red, six dark – surround the ring’s face.  The Minstrel’s right hand bears another ring, this of simple golden band, unadorned but for inscription reading “A pure heart is the greatest protection.”