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Welcome to Byttingesaga

21:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Everything about Bjorn is exceptionally large.  His height is imposing, his shoulders wide as two men and his double braided beard flows nearly to his waist.  His eyeteeth could rival Harald Bluetooth’s in length and even his backup ax is nearly as large a grown mans battleaxe.

He dresses in loud colors with lace, wears a couple earrings from byzantine on his left ear, and has multiple rings of silver and gold about his neck and forearms.  His red hair is tied in a shoulder length braid and matches his red beard.  His smile flashes white and can be terrifying or welcoming depending on how much of his canines he lets show.  He is also supernaturally well-groomed.  Whether straddling the prow of a boat in a winter storm, wading headfirst into bloody combat, or drunkenly toasting his lord’s health in a feast hall filled with voracious Vikings Bjorn remains immaculate.  His tunic is never stained or ripped, food doesn’t stick in his beard, and his breath never smells of elderberries.  He even manages to look tidy when he’s passed out in a pool of his own vomit.  It’s just not fair!

Underneath his mask Bjorn remains just as large but his skin is patched pleasingly with gray and red scales.  His eyes are serpentine and oddly mesmerizing.  Three long fleshy spikes crown his head and drape over his front and back much like the braids of his hair and beard.  His face is hairless and lined with iridescent red scales.  Occasionally a forked tongue glides over his large fangs and slips over his immense jaw.  Even in this draconic guise Bjorn maintains a jolly look.  It’s just your imagination that his eyes are looking for chinks in your armor, and that grumbling, growling sound is definitely not hunger overcoming him while he ogles your fleshy bits.

His tunic is laced with silk and thick rings of gold and silver ring his forearms.  The Jewelry is the only thing he carries that is stained.  Their previous owner’s blood is so hard to wash off.

Bjorn wields a large ax, and smaller ax, a shield and a broadsword in combat.  He also wears chain mail, but only before battle.  It isn't easy carrying enough metal to cover his stomach around all day.