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Welcome to Blades of Mealis

05:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Duncan Darkenveil

Name: Duncan Darkenveil
Official Titles: -
Alias: -
Race: Kaiden
Player Class: Nightstalker
Social Class: Poor
Deities Praised: Kuraw

Appearance: (Written, and/or Picture)

Skin Color: Dark Tan
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black, shoulder length straight
Oddities, Tattoos, and Scars: Right Middle finger is missing

Psychological Profile. (You may add more or remove some numbers. Exclude this from your public Character Details as this is for GM use only.)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Deities Praised: (If you want certain deities you praised kept hidden.)
Strengths:(Physical and Mental Strengths)
1. Cunning
2. Lucky Bastard
3. Compulsive Liar
Weaknesses:(Physical and Mental Weaknesses)
1. Greedy
2. Loose Alliances
1. Death
2. Rats
Other Psychological or GM only Information:
Duncan is a man driven solely by his own greed and pursuit of power with little care of anything more then himself. Duncan's sole reasoning for joining the Blades was to save himself from hanging... why he stays is solely so he has something to rule when he can initiate his dreams of taking over the Thieves' guild. One should be careful when leaving their back exposed to this cut throat man... hes more likely to leave you to the wolves then risk offering his hand.

Equipment: (Descriptions are for unique or obscure items, for average common things you can make a simple mark on Description: with a -.)
1. Leather Armor
Type: Armor
Description: -

1. Short Sword
Type: Weapon
Description: -

1. Dagger
Type: Weapon
Description: -

Enchanted Gear: (The GM(s) will fill this out for you.)
1. Dice of Garon
Type: Weapon
Description: Simple enchanted dice that give those who hold onto them unnatural luck.

Primary Skill:(Commoner Player Class, not Social Class, get 2)
Known Skills:
1. Skirmisher (Good at harassing enemies in combat before retreating to safety.*
2. Acrobatics
3. Manipulate
4. Poisons

History/Background Information:
Duncan Darkenveil is a common cut throat set to hang for his crimes. A charismatic and skilled thief did little good when he was stabbed in the back and left to take the fall for a large job. Captured by the Town Guard he now awaits the gallows.