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Welcome to The Gift of Power (A Competitive Superhero Tale)

18:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lee McDouglas

ITSDA Superhuman Dossier

Full Name: Lee McDouglas
Aliases & Nicknames: Lee
Age: 13
Years Awakened: 0.114992251712563 (About 1.3 months)

Height: 5'1"
Weight: 110 lbs
Build: Small, but fit
Hair: Black
Eyes: blue

GVD (Generalized Visual Description): He is a small, but fit young Caucasian boy. He typically dresses in a slightly anachronistic "punk" style that often incorporates black, wild hair, and chains. He wears band shirts from bands too old for people his age to know; these are bands that he listened to with his parents... though one wouldn't usually listen to the eclectic collection of metal, rock, punk, and folk music that Lee's heard with his or her young children. He changes things up on occasion, but he always wears clothing that stands out some and (when he can get one) is always wearing head phones plugged into a smart phone.

Political Alignment: Unaffiliated

Superhuman Abilities:
The artifact and nanites in his body give him a wide array of abilities. For one, they have improved his body by making sure he stays in good shape; his dense muscle fibers make him a good bit stronger and tougher than he looks (to the extent that he can exert as much force as a grown adult). They have also heightened his senses some, and reactivated his extracellular matrix along with his stem cell production. The latter two alterations allow him to fully recover from most anything he can live through for the few hours it takes his body to fully recover. What's more, if his nanites have recently absorbed power, they can accelerate the healing process. On that note, his body is able to withstand and store large amounts of electrical energy and release it. Finally, the nanites not only allow him to interact with and control nearly any electronic device he can touch, but they also can alter parts of his body into "bio-metallic" forms. These forms can be almost anything he can understand the inner workings of, and that means anything from a complex computer he can examine and study for a lengthy period to a simple metal blade. Note, however, that he must fully understand a device to transform into it, and that his bio-metallic devices can malfunction if he doesn't "build" them properly.

While his body can take in enormous amounts of electricity, high amperage still causes burns and a great deal of pain and too much voltage can overload him or even cause him to pass out. Because of this, he usually tries to find a way to dampen the effects of the electricity before absorbing it (by taking it in slowly and the like). He is also susceptible to EMPs as they short out all the nanites in his body, causing him to pass out and forcing the whole system of nanites to power back up, reconnect with each-other, and finally reboot their collective control system. As his nanites where mainly made to heal him and his DNA, if he is damaged, repairing his body is their first priority. Thus, the more damaged his body is the more of them are allocated to this task. If he is hurt baddy enough, his superhuman abilities will be limited to healing himself.

Common Uses:
Interacting with machines and copying those he has analyzed into bio-metallic parts for his use. Specifically, he tends to create protective armor and various vehicles or pieces of equipment (i.e. jetpacks) that allow him to travel quickly.

Specialized Equipment: N/A

Specialized Training and Skills: He has a very good understanding of computers, mechanics, chemistry, and a basic understanding of general science that comes from studying with and helping his scientist parents with their projects. He has a very poor understanding of street life. However, he has had a small amount of experience evading trained agents' attempts to capture him and absorbed a bit of knowledge from his younger mother's experiences with being homeless.

Hypothesized Goal: As far as we know, the young boy wishes to rescue his mothers from the Namidian Wave. This will necessarily involve retrieving the hard drive his younger mother's personality is stored on, returning it to her, and uncovering his other mother's location.

Personality Profile:
He likes to act like he's tougher than he really is. Since his idea of "tough" was so influenced by her, this means that he tries to act like his younger, rougher mother, rather than the pampered little egghead he is. Fittingly, he doesn't like to be called kid or anything like that, and he doesn't like getting help from others. However, he has a strong sense of justice and will help others whenever he can (although he often tries to consciously deny his need to lend others a helping hand). He also tries to take care of himself first, but he never quite forgets the needs of those around him. And regardless of how he acts, he is deeply confused about and afraid of his powers.

Background: The poor child was a part of some rather unfortunate history. Growing up, he had two mothers (one of whom had a huge criminal record of hacking and theft) that raised him in near total seclusion and poverty. If that weren't enough for the boy to deal with, the circumstances around his birth were quite odd as well. Three years after the "Ring of Light" event happened, both of his mothers awoke with rather strong powers. One gained superhuman knowledge of physics. This allowed her, through experimentation, to discover the base properties of items and transmute them into other items in alchemical experiments, as well as allowing her to control machines and fire. His other mother awoke  with the power to control the forces of the universe: motion, heat, energy, light, she could bend them all to her will. When they wanted a child, they decided to make their own using there own DNA and one of their own eggs. While the artificial birthing process that created Lee theorized and written about at the time, it had not yet been implemented. Still, his mothers felt they could just use their Gifts to make the theory a reality.

To an extent, they were successful. The younger (and thus, they believed, more fertile) mother was impregnated with Lee. However, she did not understand her Gift fully and made mistakes when they were engineering his DNA. Both had others give up on them and their "test tube baby" when they found his DNA to be damaged. But they didn't; they chose to keep him. And they chose to keep him again when the damaged DNA caused abnormal hormone levels that developed him into a male with two X chromosomes. They gave him medicines to cure or treat what genetic illnesses he had and loved him as if he was a perfect, pure child.

However, his younger mothers hacking skill withered as she raised her baby. Thus, she soon became detectable and attracted the attention of Namidias and the ITSDA. Using her control and incredible knowledge of machines, she was able to program her own brain and upload much of her memory into a hard drive. This allowed her to join the Namidian Wave as a double agent without fear of her identity being discovered. Lee and his other mother went into protective custody, but his other mother began hunting them down. While he got away, his now villainous double agent mom kidnapped his other mother. He was too scared to show himself after that, and went into hiding.

He hid and ran, but he was eventually picked up by the police. Though the officers initially wanted to make him a ward of the state, the government soon found out about his past and delivered him to the Gaultown Gifted Research Center. The Center studied him for two years in hopes of finding a way to create their own Gifted (hoping to use his mothers' method as a template) and strengthen them. While they were studying him, they were also developing a theory about the artifact and constructing technology that could track down its pieces. About two months ago, they found several pieces of the artifact and transported it to their center using nanobots. The then used these nanobots to place one of the pieces of the artifact inside Lee's brain and gave him a rather large injection of nanites to repair his DNA and cure his diseases. They hoped that this would activate any latent Gifts within him that he had inherited from his mothers. While the nanites improved his health over time, they failed to make him Gifted. After a great deal of experimentation, the Center decided to try one final test. They would lock the boy in a blast proof chamber and shock the hell out of him so as to recreate the event that reactivated the Ring of Light so many years ago. The low amperage and high voltage they used allowed his enhanced body to absorb massive amounts of electricity and all they had to worry about frying his brain or tearing the muscles of his heart. The former they didn't worry too much about; the child's brain didn't matter, only his powers did.

Their "experiment" worked and kick-started the pieces of the artifact, causing both a very strange reaction within his body and the nanites meant to heal it. As the Center's researchers had hoped, the boy gained aspects of both his parents' abilities: energy manipulation, cybernetics, transmutation... but not in any of the ways they had expected. They tried to tranquilize him when his powers allowed him to break free, but his nanites keep braking apart the sedative while making his body pump out adrenaline. Due to the massive amount of adrenaline coursing through his system, what happened next was nothing but a blur to him. He ran and ran for hours, hunting for food, water, and rest. He eventually found all of them. And when he rested, the exhaustion his body suffered after the adrenaline rush caused him to sleep for nearly 26 hours.

We hypothesize that the nanites and mini-reactor in his brain have already absorbed a few more nanoscopic fragments of the ring. Moreover, we believe that the nanites are slowing using the excess heavy metals in his body to repair the ring. It will be an unreasonably slow process unless Lee comes into contact with additional fragments, in which case it would still take days. But the more pieces Lee finds, the easier it becomes to track him and God only knows what some individuals would do if they discovered him.

We must save the boy before that unthinkable happens. We recommend bringing him into the ITSDA's protective custody immediately. In time, we recommend finding and securing his mothers and surgically removing the ring from his brain (so as to protect him from those seeking the device). Once those tasks are completed, we believe this innocent young man will finally be safe enough to continue his pubescence in peace.

Awareness: N

Threat Level: Current: 1-2 Potential: 5