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Welcome to Fire Emblem - Nation of Blood

09:19, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Aaron
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Race: Laguz
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
Laguz Information:
Beast Type -  Dragon
Beast Branch -  Fire Dragon
Beast Appearance

Aaron is a man who takes pride in who he is, and his appearance reflects that.  Though cliche, Aaron seems to like the color red, but he believes that less is more so he uses it sparingly.  The majority of his clothing is gray or ivory white, creating a kind of subdued color scheme, despite the ostentatious feathers adorning his outfit.  He also seems to prefer leather armor as opposed to the heavier plate armor, relying on his superior strength and stamina.  Being a warrior, he is in good physical condition, though his body seems to be on the lean side, especially for a Fire Dragon.

Aaron is a man of extremes.  He feels and does nothing halfway, putting forth either his full effort or none at all.  Despite this conviction and spirit, Aaron maintains a front of reservation and aloofness.  He holds everyone, even his own companions, at arms length until he is completely assured of their trustworthiness.  Only occasional glimpses of Aaron's true nature can be seen, most often during battle or when he takes action to protect someone weaker than himself.  Once he has been convinced, Aaron becomes a stalwart ally for life, always prepared to give his life, and unwavering in his loyalty.

Aaron was born in Briddo, the son of Bran and Leosa, both proud members of the Dragon Tribe in their own right.  Desiring a great future for Aaron, his parents moved hurriedly to the capital of Duhzak, hoping to gain the favor of King Ladon.  As Aaron grew his parents procured a tutor, a Dragon Laguz trainer by the name of Sarai, in order for him to grow strong enough to become a member of the ruling class in Briddo.

However, as Aaron grew older and his sensibilities developed, he found he had no interest in ruling over Briddo, instead finding himself enamored with the countries outside the kingdom.  His aimless travels soon brought him to Caeli, where he came to meet a Branded by the name of Iaefrah, by chance.  Iaefrah offered to teach him things he had never been given leave to learn in Briddo, and Aaron accepted, though hesitantly.  Over time, they traveled the lands together, and Aaron forged an unbreakable bond with Iaefrah through their adventures.  He stood alongside Iaefrah during his unification of the Wolf Laguz, but eventually took his leave after his friend became Grand Counsel, feeling the call of his wander-lust once again.

By chance, his wandering brought him home to Briddo, where he discovered his parents dead and his old Trainer suspiciously risen in rank.  Experiencing true betrayal for the first time, Aaron demanded retribution.  He challenged Sarai to combat, and they faced each other in the sky.  Though it took nearly a day, Aaron ended his former mentor's life, and found his wanderlust died with him.  To honor his Parents' original hopes, Aaron took up his former Mentor's status, ruling in his stead.  Still, he had no love for politics, and quickly found himself growing restless again.  Leaving his position in the hands of retainers, Aaron left Briddo in search of his friend Iaefrah.

To his surprise, he arrived in Caeli to find Iaefrah displaced from his position on the council, and excommunicated from the Wood.  Aaron immediately turned his considerable focus towards tracking his old friend down, quickly finding him in Fortis.  There reunion was short-lived, as Iaefrah had no intention of going adventuring again, content as he was with the life he shared with his wife.  Though happy for his friend, Aaron was still eager for travel, and instead took to the road, always keeping one ear open for his friend.

Years passed, until he heard that Iaefrah had found a 'Holy Child', a messiah of the Luna Opus.  Intrigued, he tracked his friend down to meet the child, and quickly decided that it was time to stick around again.  Despite his dislike for politics, he knew a great deal about them, and he knew the child, and Iaefrah, would need his help.