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Welcome to Fire Emblem - Nation of Blood

21:39, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Aegwyn DeLynn

Name: Aegwyn DeLynn
Age: 18
Race: Beorc
Sexual Preference: Hetero

Beorc Information:
Class: Trainee
Weapon(s): Lance and shield
Armor Appearance - He wears a half round helm with a gorget he also wears bracers and greaves.  The armour is a dull silver with no decoration, after all, who is going to spend real money on a trainee.  The pennants and the colours on his shield mark him as a member of the DeLynn family and to those who know such things, Markus DeLynn was a successful knight in the armies of Fortis.

Appearance: Aegwyn has short brown hair and light blue eyes, his skin is dark from physical activity and he carries a number of training scars.  Due to the strict training, his body is lean and corded with muscle.

Personality:  While he enjoys his life in the cities, he can't help feel that he is missing something.  Generally he has a sunny disposition, but he has some doubts about the decision to burn the forests.  Being a would-be knight he keeps his doubts to himself and this can sometimes make him moody.  But he is still a child at heart and takes joy in simple things.

Backstory: Aegwyn DeLynn was born to Sir Markus DeLynn and Delilah Antharustra DeLynn.  His father was a renowned knight in the city of Fortis and served the crown well, and his moher was both a successful manager of the estate, a skilled archer and a renowned painter.  When she had the chance, she would travel into the forests to seek inspiration.  As a result Aegwynn has been quite pampered although his military training, against his mother's wishes, has added fire and steel to his whimsical emotions.  Due to his mother's influence he is still an idealist and his smile  has turned quite a few heads, though he is as inexperienced int hat aspect of life as he is in others.  The current object of his affection is the innkeepers daughter called Annette.  Which neither of his parents are happy with.