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Welcome to Fire Emblem - Nation of Blood

23:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Gydion (is sometimes called Gyd, much to his dismay)
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Race: Beorc
Class: Mage

"I'm sorry, don't take this the wrong way, but... I think you need to suck it up."

Weapon: Gydion doesn't use traditional weapons, instead carrying around a magical book with spells written inside. The book is attached to a strap that crosses is slung across his chest over his left shoulder. The tome itself hangs at his right side.

Armor Appearance: As a magic-user, Gydion doesn't wear armor. Plus, his frame isn't really capable of handing anything other than the large tome at his side.

Appearance: Gydion is a fairly skinny young man with fair skin and short, dark brown hair, with strangely-colored violet eyes. He tends to wear a simple brown tunic with a ragged white shirt underneath it. Over his tunic is a dark blue cloak that he's rarely seen without. The clasps on the cloak are made of rusted iron, making it seem more worn out than it actually is.

Personality: Gydion is generally a very serious, no-nonsense person, very focused on his studies with little time for foolishness like fun. He sometimes tries a little too hard to act mature, leading most of his peers to dislike him. He is rather pointed and critical of those around him and will tell an individual if he disagrees with their thoughts or actions. His demeanor only changes around Silva, whom he's known since childhood. Though he refuses to admit it, he harbors a considerable crush on his friend, and is highly protective of her.

Background: Gydion was born in Fortis, practically an orphan, as his mother died shortly after his birth, and the identity of his father was unknown. Not wanting to leave the child alone, a young barmaid named Elyce took the boy in, teaching him the ways of the Luna Opus followers. Over the course of his youth, Gydion gathered any books he could find and read them cover to cover. This helped forge a sense of curiosity in the boy, it also gave him a bit of knowledge of the world outside of Fortis and the Luna Opus.

Despite being well looked after, many of the kids teased Gydion about being a 'bastard orphan', causing him to become withdrawn and avoiding others. The only person he really spoke to was Silva, who was similarly without parents. They may not have been considered 'close' by normal standards, but she was as close to a friend as Gydion had.

When he was eleven, Gydion met a travelling mage who had been passing through Fortis, and was intrigued by the magic the mage wielded. Gydion followed the mage for a while, waiting to see some kind of spell cast - and when it finally occurred, Gydion mimicked what he'd seen perfectly, casting the spell on his own. The mage was so impressed by his talent that he gave Gydion a nearly-blank spellbook, so the boy could learn more magic as he got older.

For the past four years, Gydion has studied all he can about magic, becoming almost single-minded in his practice. Shamanism in particular is interesting to him, but it's been difficult for him to find books on the topic. He's recently talked about leaving Fortis to study at other places, though he seems reluctant to leave without Silva's company. When she was labeled as a 'messiah', Gydion left the partying to the other townsfolk, silently concerned with how she was dealing with suddenly becoming such an important figure...