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Welcome to Fire Emblem - Nation of Blood

01:05, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rainer Faust

Name: Rainer Faust
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Race: Beorc
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Beorc Information:
Class: Falcoknight

Weapon(s): A slim sword, a slim lance, a Delphi shield, and an old but sturdy silver lance(which he tries to avoid using, as it is a priceless item with much sentimental value)

Armor Appearance: As is befitting a falcoknight, his armour is light and unobtrusive. As his only real threat is the arrow, this minimal armour is perfect, and doesn't weigh down his slight frame. It favours a jouster's style; in that he only wears one shoulder plate, and a small chest plate, both bearing his family's crest. Both of these pieces are worn and weathered and have obviously seen many battles(though not all of them were his).

Animal Appearance:

Light grey, nearly white body with a dark grey mane and tail.
Atlas has a playful, energetic personality, and does not scare easily. At times she is almost too friendly, willing to associate with those who don't have her best interests at heart. Keeping an eye on her has become a full time job for Rainer, but one he wouldn't trade for the world.

Appearance: Rainer is short, standing at only 5'8", and slight, coming in at only about 10 stone(140lbs). This weight he carries in a wiry build that, with steady, hearty meals could be a stocky build one day. His hair is shaggy, constantly looks windswept(because it usually is), and a charcoal colour. Rainer's eyes are a light blue, and tired looking, like he's either under a lot of stress or hasn't been sleeping well for some time. Even at his age, he still has difficulty growing facial hair well, so he just keeps himself clean-shaven. However, this has, on occasion, led to him being mistaken for a girl, much to his dismay.
His clothing is mostly earth tones, and geared towards not calling attention to himself. He wears simple trousers tucked into tough leather boots, a belted tunic with a long sleeved undershirt, leather gauntlets, a knee-length all-weather coat, and a rather long scarf of striped darker colours, which he uses to conceal the fact that he's got a chain around his neck, but which has also saved him a time or two from an ordinarily lethal fall.

Personality: This man's gentle personality comes at odds with his place in life as a mounted knight. He always means well, but tends towards bad luck. Between this and his unruly pegasus, Rainer often ends up watching his best laid plans go up in smoke around him. His self-confidence isn't that great, between being only reluctantly allowed to ride Atlas and getting mistaken for a girl, but that doesn't mean he doesn't try. Rainer always at least attempts being personable and friendly, offering help when he can, but has a hard time standing out in a crowd or commanding an audience.
He has a weakness for blondes, doesn't get easily offended or excited, and loves blueberries.

Backstory: Rainer grew up with his family in a colder region of Caeli. They were somewhat well known for producing admirable pegasus knights, and so favoured their daughters over their sons. Rainer's parents had two children, himself and his older sister Rowena. Rowena was of course groomed for training as a pegasus knight, but before she could complete her training she was taken ill one winter and died. The pegasus she trained with refused any new riders, and was set free. However, this still left Rainer's family indebted to the training academy. So they gave the academy their only remaining child to work in the stables and do whatever handiwork they needed done. And so Rainer grew up watching the skies, enviously observing from a distance these select few who would one day be falcoknights.

One day, he was walking past a field where some handlers were receiving a new filly. Everything was going smoothly, until the pegasus spotted Rainer. She struggled to and finally broke loose from her handlers' ropes and made a beeline for the young stableboy, crashing unceremoniously through a fence to get to him. After the fourth time this happened(and the third wrecked fence), one of the academy's overseers decided to see if the boy had what it took to be a pegasus knight. If nothing else, it would save them having to release another pegasus who would not accept other riders, and negate the risk of the filly damaging her wings trying to escape the paddocks. And so he trained with the filly, whom he named Atlas. It was no time at all before the two became inseparable, fighting and training as one.

When he graduated from the academy, his father gave him the armour he wears now, originally meant for his sister, and the family's Delphi shield amulet, which he always wears round his neck on a fine silver chain. He worked as a mercenary to prove himself and get some real-world experience. Most of his money he sent home to his family to pay down his and his sister's debts. After he had done enough mercenary work to fulfill the academy's requirements, he came home to receive his promotion to the class of falcoknight. It was at this ceremony that his father presented him with the silver lance that had been in their family for generations, waiting for the next member to survive long enough to become a falcoknight. He treasures it, and tries to avoid ever actually using it in frivolous fights, feeling it is deserving of more honourable battles.

Now that his debts are paid, he takes work only when he needs the money, and to send a small retainer home, as he prefers just travelling anywhere the wind takes him. And so that is what he and Atlas are currently doing; just wandering aimlessly, stopping anywhere that looks interesting.

Other: He won't fly during thunderstorms or high winds, for fear that Atlas will injure herself fighting the elements. Rainer is also a lightweight, and so avoids drinking more than, say, a pint in accompaniment of a meal. And lastly, he is barred from an inn in Ddyfrha, called the Guilded Lily, after Atlas put a hole in the roof.