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Welcome to Legends of Excalibur 3.5 Edition of Dungeons and Dragons

06:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sir Etienne Olivier du Bois

Name: Sir Etienne Olivier du Bois
Family: Count Gaston du Bois & Countess Sofia du Bois (younger brother Viscount Guy du Bois)
Bloodline: Lesser Nobility
Nationality: French
Birthplace: Aquitaine
Class: Knight/Crusader
Level: 8
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Weight: 185 lb
Build: Athletic
Size: Medium
Complexion: Fair with light Tan
Hair Color: Auburn (lightened by the Sun)
Eye Color: Bright Blue-Gray
Status: Knight-Errant & Provisional Member of the Templar Order
Steed: "Toujours Fidèle" (Always Faithful)
Coat-of-Arms/Device: The Red Cross of the Templars (also the Golden Griffon of the du Bois Family)

Sir Etienne was raised by his father Count Gaston du Bois to inherit the du Bois fief in France as the eldest son and heir.  Sir Gaston was a respected military leader who had been knighted by the King of France and he had trained both his sons, Etienne and Guy, in the ways of war and battle.  The Countess Sofia du Bois was a very devout Christian who had raised her sons to respect the Church and rejoice in their Faith.  Etienne had always been the more religious of the two brothers and he had secretly known from an ealier age that he would serve only one King... the Lord God who reigns in Heaven.  Etienne knew that his more secular brother was better suited to succeed Count Gaston.

When Etienne reached the age of manhood at 16, he renounced his title and abdicated his inheritance in favor of his younger brother Visount Guy du Bois.  He had already gained the blessing of the Archbishop to serve as a squire to Sir Xavier de Guilbert, a respected Templar Knight and Crusader.  Etienne served under and fought beside Sir Xavier and the other Templars during the Crusades in the Holy Land for nearly 6 years.  During that time, Etienne earned his knighthood when he bravely defended Sir Xavier who had been severely wounded from attacks by several Saracens.

Having been knighted and wishing to enter the Templar Order, Sir Etienne was given the task of proving his worth and his devotion to God and the Order.  He was to return from the Holy Land and take up the path of a Knight-Errant "Perform Good Deeds, To Defend the Faithful, To Fight Evil in all places and To Serve God at all times".  For the past two years, Sir Etienne has been travelling throughout France and England searching for quests to prove his merit to the Order.  He knows that he is close to earning his full Membership in the Templar Order but he still has a few final tasks to complete.