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Welcome to City of Forbidden Desires (Anitaverse - Las Vegas)

04:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Full Name: Nashdoitsoh
Nickname: Nash, The Ghost Cat
Age: 454
Age apparent: Mid 20's
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Monogamously Heteroflexible
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Languages: Navajo, Spanish, English, French
Species: Basic Master Vampire
Powers: Standard Vampire Powers plus Call Animals (house cat and lion), Create Animal Servant (Maggie), Create Human Servant
Bloodline Power: Traveler (Nash can possess animals he can call as the Traveler can possess vampires.

Overall Appearance: Nash has the normal traits that is his Navajo heritage.  His skin has paled over the sunless centuries, but he still have that unmistakable tan.  His hair is long and straight, black as coal and down to his  knees, usually braided.  He usually wears it in a pony tail to keep it out of his face but it can be found sometimes braided or sometimes just hanging loose depending on his mood.  He usually wears an earring in his left ear honoring his Navajo traditions.

His frame is tall and thin, standing 6' 2" and weighing in at under 200 lbs.  This doesn't mean he is skin and bones.  On the contrary, his form is firm showing the six pack and muscular tone he had when he was brought over as a warrior.  He does have a few scars from battle where he was stabbed in the side or took an arrow to the shoulder and a cross shaped burn in his chest, but at this time they are cosmetic, badges of honor.  The tattoos which he wears on his arm detail his life's journey, the newest one certainly to signify his move to New Orleans, a side branch to signify Maggie's life that merges with his at the bonding, and a tattoo on his other arm of a sleeping lioness curled around his arm to signify Maggie.
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 189 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Hair Style: Extremely long and straight, sometimes in a pony tail but usually braided.
Complexion: His complexion is a lighter tan from the lack of sun
Body shape: Tall and slim with a firm muscular tone
Clothing: Being a former hunter/warrior, Nash chooses function over fashion.  But being an Entrepreneur, he still attempts to impress.  He chooses business casual most of the time, wearing no collar one color shirts and slacks with business moccasins.  The shirts are usually bright and light in color while the slacks are more traditional tan, gray, or blue to match.  When he's out getting his hands dirty, he prefers a pullover shirt and jeans with boots.
Character Model: Eric Schweig

Basic Personality: Nash is fairly reserved.  Wise both from age and from the ways of his people, Nash is generally soft spoken and reserved.  He would rather watch and listen and bide his time.  He is extremely patient and calculating.  He prefers reaction over taking the initiative and tries to outsmart those who he sees as his rivals and enemies.

He had a great respect for nature and life.  Animals are sacred to him and should be treated with respect.  Lycantropes go a step further and believed to be Yee Naaldlooshi or the Navajo version of the Skin Walker.  Now that he knows that Lycanthropy is an infection and the Yee Naaldloosh are not witches, he has no patience for those who mistreat them.  If he sees one hurting or in need, he will do everything in his power to help them.

Nash is generally emotionless and can seem cold, especially when being calculating.  When he talks, it's usually just to answer a question or make a quick comment.  Sometimes he'll give some profound proverb from the wisdom of his people in a relevant, or not so relevant, situation.  He does have a sarcastic side; but because of the emotionless quips that he usually gives, it is hard for someone that doesn't know him to tell when he is using sarcasm or not.

Sexual Likes: Nash prefers to be the top though he is willing to switch every once in a while.
Sexual Dislikes: Nash doesn't like more than just a little pain, neither giving nor receiving.
Sexual Strengths: Nash is more concerned about his partner's needs than his own.
Sexual Weaknesses:Can be cold and emotionless at times

Merits: Has the wisdom of his people and has a sanctity for life and nature that other vampires seem to lose over the centuries.

Flaws: Can seem emotionless and usually remains quiet.  Tends to wait preferring to react than to take the initiative.  Also his bond to Maggie has leaks some of her fear of male lions into him so he is uneasy around them.

History: Nash was born in 1558 to one of the Navajo tribes in what is now Southern Arizona.  Nash's mother being Moasi, it was only natural that she would give her son the name Nashdoitsoh.  How prophetic that name would be in the future.  Nash's father was a young warrior who died in an Apache raid while Nash was still too young to remember.  The story of his father's death is what first fueled his hatred of the Apache. He grew up one of the young hunter/warriors in the tribe becoming a skilled huntsman due to the scarcity of the food and a brave warrior against the Apache raiders.  He was a natural hunter, skilled with a bow and knife as he grew up being taught by the elders.  With the constant threat of the Apache, Nash also trained for war as a young brave, training daily with a sickle and throwing knives knowing they were the more suited for combat than the bow and hunting knife.  When he was 15, he started his first spiritual journey and met his spirit guide, a cat that started leading him through his vision quests.  This was his first affinity with cats.  After his first spirit journey and identifying his spirit guide as a cat, Nash had become a full fledged warrior.  Not only did he protect the tribe from the Apache raids, but he was happy to volunteer for the retaliation.  What was the use of beating back the assault if they just came back the next morning?  The Apache were known for their brutality so the Navajo warriors had to make an example of them that would even shock them.  Involved with massacres, torture, mass rape, and even annihilation of the entire Apache tribe that moved in including women and children, they'd leave the bodies mounted on stakes as warnings for any other Apache parties that came through the area before passing through.  This is how Nash lived, hunting when it was peaceful and brutal fighting when it was necessary.

In 1583, an up and coming vampire from the Traveler line named Concetta was looking to pull away from her sire and find a city to master.  She funded a Spanish expedition to the new world and was one of the first contact with the Navajo tribes with her Temoin Felipe.  Unfortunately for her, there were no permanent settlements as of yet.  So when Concetta came to the area in search of the seven gold cities and become MotC there with her Timoin Felipe, she was sorely disappointed that all she found were nomad tribes in constant flux of migration.  What did pique her interest was the quantity and quality of handsome, athletic warriors and beautiful exotic women ripe for the picking.  At 24, Nash was one of those warriors.  Less than a week later, Nash was one of the many from many different tribes of Navajo, Apache, and Pueblo Indians.

She tried to create one in the hills near the tribe.  In order to do that, she chose select men and women from the tribes to sire.  Nash was one of those sired.  Blood bound to her, Nash nor any of the others could react to the animosity between the different tribe.  They had to learn to coexist while serving and sharing Concetta.  She was a redheaded blue-eyed beauty that had Nash in her grasp and he was happy to be there.  Being a bisexual, Concetta would constantly have pairs or even orgies in her bed, leaving the one on one moments for those that had pleased her enough to earn it.  Nash's fondest memories of his sire was of her shedding her dress to the floor revealing the tight, laced, often colorful corsets she'd wear underneath.  She'd pick a lucky playmate to help her get out of it before the fun began.  To this day, a corset affects Nash stronger than any other apparel.  Her attempt to make a tribe of her own kiss failed.  Of course he was no longer of his tribe and the people now feared him for what he'd become.

It was at this time that everyone was pining for her approval and affection.  It was a different type of lifestyle from what they were used to.  Hunting humans in the dark and never seeing the sun.  Concetta had wanted a permanent settlement so everyone worked to build a city to her specifications still trying to outdo each other to gain her favor.  The settlement only housed the vampires and as the rumors of the 'shadows in the dark' passed from tribe to tribe.  It wasn't long before no tribes would venture near the city and they had to leave to find a new hunting ground.  Luckily a new permanent city named Tuscon had been built with permanent human residence.  Concetta moved everyone to Tuscon and she became Master of the City.  It wasn't long before the Spanish attacked the natives again.  While the Navajo, Apache, and Pueblos were used to fighting themselves; they were being massacred by an equipped army.  Concetta being a Spaniard wasn't really interested in the war, but the rest of the kiss were restless about it.  It took some time, but Concetta relented.  She let them go and take out the Spaniard army in the middle of the night.  They annihilated the army entirely using the strength, speed, and immortality coupled with the savage training of the warrior to leave no one alive.  Even though no one lived, the rumors reached the tribes and slowly they started to surround the ruins of her first city and leave tributes to her.  Concetta love the attention but she was smart enough not to think she was a god.

For the next couple hundred or so years, Nash would learn the Spanish language and just like the others would slowly lose interest in trying to impress Concetta's favor.  She didn't seem to notice as she was constantly adding to the kiss with her fresh vampires always pining for her attention.  He had always continued his spirit walks though the hallucinogen only worked for a few years after he became a vampire.  Soon the spirit walks became nothing more than just reverie.

It took a little over three centuries before he became a Master Vampire.  With the increase in power, he noticed that his vision quests changed.  First off, it seemed more realistic, as if he was no longer viewing the spirit world but actually the real world.  The point of view also changed.  It was lower to the ground and the vision, sound, taste, feel, smell were all different.  It didn't take him long to realize that he was actually watching from a cat.

But one day it did work.  There was something different to it though as instead of being guided by the cat, he was the cat.  And it wasn't a spirit world, it was the surrounding area.  That's when he first realized his new power and he immediately went to Concetta and Felipe hoping that this would give him the ultimate favor with his sire that no other could break.  That only lasted for a time though.  While she was impressed with his new powers and used it for her advantage, there was nothing in it for him.  He was just being taken advantage of.  After a while he started to learn to control it and no longer needed to be on a vision quest, just needed to sit unmoved and meditate.  He also found call the cats and any that answered the call he could possess.  Eventually he learned to dominate the cats and could lead them where he wanted to go and not just hitch a ride.  That was when he first got into espionage and would use his ability to spy on Concetta's enemies.  This is what first started his interest in strategy.

After the Mexican-American war when the Navajo started to migrate North to what is now the Navajo Nation, Concetta's Temoin Felipe left Tucson to become his own master of a City.  He had chosen Flagstaff, a new town up north closer to the new Navajo reservation.  So when Felipe left to become his own master of the city, Nash followed leaving Concetta behind who didn't seem to give a damn.  He immediately became Felipe's Temoin when they moved to Flagstaff and started using he powers to spy on those the MotC asked him to.  Usually they were visiting vampires, but since the two of them were the only ones who knew in the new kiss, he used the power to spy on them too.  It was rarely used to spy on the shifters of Flagstaff.  For one, it was dangerous for the cat.  And two, neither of them could call the shifter community and while he didn't agree with Felipe's idea of not knowing what they were doing, he left it alone because he thought he was centuries away from ever having a faceoff with Felipe.  Just in case though he started to research how to bind a human servant which he's kept even from Felipe.  He's never found anyone suitable though as he is very picky.

What did strive under Felipe was his business.  Back in the early 1930's he opened himself up a honky tonk in Flagstaff.  That's how it start but it didn't stay that way.  In the 1950's because the times had changed, he had to change it to a juke joint to keep up.  In the 1970's he opened up his second location, a disco club in Austin Texas.  Then in the 80's it was a couple nightclubs, more in the 90' and now dance clubs in the 2000's.  He had visited every city he's opened a club a few times to get things finalized and to check on them every once in a while to keep up with their progress.

But where Felipe has maxed out on his power, Nash has just recently received a power boost.  It was a surprise to Nash when he had bumped into one of his lioness bartenders at Moasi, his flagship honky tonk now club that he named after his mother, that he felt a strange reaction to.  Actually it was more an attraction and she obviously felt it to.  It didn't take him long to realize what was happening.  He didn't plan to tell Felipe as that would now be two advantages he'd have over the MotC since Felipe knew his closest guarded secret, but of course the Rex of the Pride went straight to him in front of the kiss and threatened him not to get involved with the Pride.  It of course worried Felipe how he had found out about it but it had only been hours since Nash had found out himself so he played it of as he would have if the Rex hadn't of interrupted him first.  Whether Felipe believed it or not didn't matter.  He knew his powers at 1300 years old and a human servant were maxed out and Nash was just getting stronger.  He wasn't too sure he could easily take Nash now and was too much of a coward to try.  But it meant one more spike of power from any of his multiple outlets and Nash would challenge him.  So instead, he asked Nash to leave.  Nash could understand that.  He was getting strong and he knew just as well as Felipe did that if he surpassed him, he would take over.  But Nash over the centuries has never lost his distaste for bloodshed.  He can fight, but he'd rather not.  A hostile environment where his MotC was paranoid and the lions he called was threatening, he decided to cut his losses and move.  New Orleans was a nice place.  It had no other vampires that could call lions as far as he knew from visiting and no one there knew of his bloodline powers.  He didn't think it strange when the Rex offered Alex to accompany him to New Orleans.  He wanted someone to make sure Nash got there and didn't come back.  It was reasonable.

The true reason the Rex has sent Alex along soon became apparent though.  While at Nash's club in New Orleans, he met up with a local lioness named Maggie.  She was one of the lionesses he's not met when he first entered the city so she didn't know who he was.  He saw this as a perfect opportunity to ingratiate himself into the Pride.  He offered her a dance and she accepted.  His touch against her skin seemed to have a more profound affect on her than it should have and it wasn't long before she was up against him breathing in his scent as if it was something familiar.  After the dance, they found a table and sat down.  That's when she told him her story.  Apparently she wasn't a part of the Pride.  She was a rogue on the run from none other than the Flagstaff Pride.  She told him the tale of her abuse and torture.  She had found him surprising because his touch was the first to ever comfort her after her escape.  Nash now understanding why the Rex had been adamant about him staying away form the Pride and promised to protect Maggie and offered her the position of his Pomme de Sang so he could take care of her.  They went back to her place that night.

But that protection was short lived.  Just after a wild night of passionate sex while they were both exhausted, Alex burst in the room and forced Nash down on the bed with a cross to his chest.  They were both taken by surprise and neither could do anything as Alex dragged Maggie away.  Once the cross stopped shining, leaving a permanent cross shaped burn in Nash's chest, Nash was able to knock it away and get up but Alex and Maggie were long gone.  Alex's biggest mistake came when he was waiting for a chance to grab Maggie.  He'd grabbed another lioness and tortured her to death before leaving her in a park just an hour before he grabbed Maggie.  That gave Nash and the local Rex a common goal to find Alex and save Maggie.  It was three days though before they found him.  He had stayed in the next town over waiting for a private plane to pick him and Maggie up.  During that time he had had his fun with her.  When they found him, Nash didn't even hesitate as he put two silver bullets in his chest and one in his head.  When they found Maggie she had been chained up with silver chains with a machete in her shoulder where it had cleaved the collar bone in two and was already healed around it and a knife in her stomach also healed around.

Once back in the city, Nash stayed with her day and night as she healed.  It took a little more than a week before she gained full use of her shoulder, but it was the emotional damage that was the worst.  Just seeing another male lion at that point would make her freak out so most of the New Orleans Pride had to stay away.  Once she was well enough to stay on her own, he and the New Orleans Rex took their own trip back to Flagstaff with Alex's head.  When he got there, he mounted the head on a pike in the middle of their moon sanctuary just as he had centuries before with the Apache.  They gave the Rex an ultimatum.  Give up all his submissives or his head would be next to Alex's.  The Rex made the safe choice and Nash went back with his own making of a Pride of abuse victims.  It would take time before they would be comfortable enough to merge with the other Pride which was a good healthy pride.

For more than a year Nash helped Maggie heal mentally and emotionally.  She concentrated on her job as his Pomme while he provided any therapy he could while also paying for professional therapy for her and all the other lions.  He taught her to fight and the ways of his culture as they both grew in love.  Two years ago he gave her the greatest gift he could by bonding her to him and making her his animal servant.  She then started taking over his club business during the day when he couldn't and this allowed him to open up even more clubs.  One such club was in Las Vegas.  When it opened, it was profitable but over the last year it had started failing.  Now he and Maggie need to visit Las Vegas to find out what has changed and to get it back profitable, no matter how long it will take.

Living or dead Family:
Moasi (Mother-deceased)
Maggie (Mate)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              B-52 (Beebs):