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Welcome to Detroit: Broken Traditions [Vampire: Blood and Smoke]

13:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nam Ha Luu

The High Priestess for an obscure cult within the Circle of the Crone, Luu has lived within Detroit for almost fifty years.  She keeps largely to herself, staying within the domain of her territory, and rarely interacting with any outside of her coterie mates.  She shares her Coterie with Jin Thi Kyong, the Oracle of the Crone, and can often be spotted at Acolyte and City functions standing beside the Oracle Mother.

Like Kyong, Luu favors traditional Vietnamese garb when she can get away with it.  Her hair is adorned with trinkets and beads, but kept coifed back in a style reminiscent of the peasant farmers of her homeland.  The Rumors around her suggest that she is a powerful practitioner of bloodmagic, and performs monthly human sacrifices in the dark of the new moon.