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Welcome to Iron Fist

08:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tealon Holdron

Race:    Thurian
Age:     Early twenties (looks in late 20's/early 30's)
Height:  6'7"
Weight:  Approximately 124 lbs
Hair:    Medium Brown (Shoulder length and with a natural wave)
Eyes:    Light Blue with a dark circle around the iris
Skin:    Rugged and lightly tanned

This Thurian Arcane Mechanic, being tall and very slim, could easily be mistaken for being Nyssian if it wasn't for the lack of pointed ears and the rugged look of his face.

His charming smile and the flowing wave of his shoulder length brown hair, do little to dissuade you from the intellect blazing out from his piercingly pale blue eyes with the dark ring around the iris's, shouting out that he sees straight through you.  Yes there is a calm tilt to his voice as he speaks in a strong Thurian accent, which wouldn't be out of place in the distant villages; or the dark underbelly of a city.  It's the confidence in that look which pull at you as he spins his tales to draw the listener in.

A closer look reveals the dark silk shirt slightly hidden by an elegant waistcoat and the greatcoat that looks tougher than normal, strange that his Mechanik's boots and thin leather trousers should be mixed with the rest.  Then you notice his fingers caressing the grenades on one of the bandoleers with loving appreciation, his other hand holding the walking cane as though to steady himself, the figure of Corben carved into the top, make up yet more elegance.  A complete contrast to his voice and the boots, oh, and the bowler hat sitting squarely on his head as though placed there with a craftsman's precision.

The symbol of Corben around his neck signifying his connection to the Ascendant. The large ring on the middle finger of his left hand with a rarely seen but recognisable seal of the Aurum Ominus, signifying membership to the Order of the Golden Crucible.  Did he come to the training ground on his own or as part of a mission for them?  Only time will tell.

Tealon is cautious around those he doesn't know, eyeing them up, possible to see their potential.  Those he knows and those vouch saved for, he speaks cheerily, always with clever thoughts and ideas but not always thinking of the consequences, only once his hair is moved out of the way are the scars on his shoulders visible with the odd blast mark surrounding them.

Also wears another bandoleer with bolts and two different sized metal sticks, what seems to be a folded crossbow hanging from his belt. Other than mentioned, doesn't appear to be armed, yet a walking stick can double up as an impromptu weapon.  He can often be heard offering thanks to Corben when an idea springs to mind, occasionally to Angellia too.