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Welcome to Detroit: Broken Traditions [Vampire: Blood and Smoke]

19:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Russell Harlow

Straddling the line between Covenants, Russel Harlow is a member of both the Invictus and the Carthian Movement.  The childe of the Baron of the First Estate, the almost legendary Baron Kevan Harthford, Russel was afforded great status and prestige within the Invictus merely because of his pedigree.  Despite being Kindred for just over than ten years, Russell has put that privilege to work for himself, sticking his fingers in a seemingly infinite number of pies.  He established himself as go-between for the Movement and the First Estate, often acting as arbitrator during disputes, and gaining some measure of popularity in both Covenants.

Just two years into his Embrace, the Mehket's luck was cut short, when his Sire and Mentor went into Topor.  Russell vanished for a month, only to return as a Speaker for the Silent, able to channel the sleeping mind of his Sire into the waking world.  This talent has made the young Ancilla something of a legend among the first Estate, with many of his Elders attempting to curry favor in order to be granted an audience with the legendary Baron.  Russel has cultivated this  talent well, further ingraining himself into the very foundation of the Detroit Masquerade.

Embraced as a young man, Russell looks like he has just barely left his teens.  He dresses well, favoring dark collared shirts and black slacks under fashionable sports jackets.  When he is channeling his Sire, his voice drops an octave and his eyes go out of focus, bringing the legend back from beyond the grave to dance the Dance Macabre.