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Welcome to Star Wars: Alpha Team

13:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Forim Luk

Forim believes in the cause of the Alliance with all his being.  The Empire stands for subjugation and oppression.  These are against his core beliefs.  He wishes for a Galaxy where all species are equal and have the freedom to choose their own destiny.

When Forim gives his word, he means it.  He gave his word to defend the Alliance and help it grow.  Forim is loyal to his cause and his team.  He will put his life at risk to save them.  He believes that is the Alliance as a whole that will prevail.  The many working together will defeat the monolith of the Empire.

Forim Luk was hatched above his home planet of Duros on an orbital space city. As many of his kind, Forum loved exploring his environment, and would love retelling his adventures to his fellow kids (Never within earshot of a parent, of course). His parents both worked at the famous Duros shipyard, his father was highly placed, and he managed an entire section of the shipyard. Because of this, Forim would be able to get away with "borrowing" some of the lift equipment, various speeders, and small star craft. He was quite good at flying things, sometimes flying things that were not meant to fly.

Forim was recruited by his mentor and flight instructor Reylan Octhar.  Reylan saw Forim's dislike with the status quo, and thought him a good recruit.  Forim has served in the Alliance faithfully every since. Forim believes in the community.  As with many Hatchling based species, Forim identifies well with groups of people.  He very strongly believes in the benefit of the many over the benefit of the few.  He does not like being alone, and finds shared quarters on the ship comfortable.

In Forim's first mission that saw combat he kept his cool.  Imperial starfighters were swarming out of the belly of a Star Destroyer that appeared in orbit.  Forim immediately knew what to do.  He told the ship he was escorting to turn around and loop through the planet's atmosphere.  Forim hit the accelerator and dove straight at the imperial fighters.  Not being an idiot, he turned hard just as they came into engagement range.  Like he expected, the bulk of the enemy ships followed him.  He put them through a series of maneuvers and desperate attempts to not be hit.  He was mostly successful.  Just as his computer had dozens of missile lock warnings he lined up his ship with the destroyer and hit the hyperdrive.

In a blessing of Luck or the Force he did not die and he blinded the Destroyers sensors for a critical moment and his escort got away.  He "landed" his ship back at base, but the techs said it was not salvageable.  He spent the next while in a bacta tank recovering from the ordeal.

Flight Officer Forim Luk


Brawn: 1
Agility: 4 (70 XP)
Intellect: 3
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 3 (30 XP)
Presence: 2

Career: Ace(Pilot) thinking of grabbing Ace(Hotshot) for high-g training [stay on target]

Wound Threshold: 12
Wound Taken: 5
Strain Threshold: 13 (0 taken)
Strain Taken: 1
Soak: 1+2
Melee Defence: 1
Ranged Defence: 1



! Astrogation (Int): 1P 2A +1 Advantage [dice=1d8 target=1P+2A system=swee memo="Rolling Astrogation" text="Roll Astrogation"]
Athletics (Br): 1A [dice=1d8 target=1A system=swee memo="Rolling Athletics" text="Roll Athletics"]
Charm (Pr): 2A [dice=1d8 target=2A system=swee memo="Rolling Charm" text="Roll Charm"]
Coercion (Will): 3A [dice=1d8 target=3A system=swee memo="Rolling Coercion" text="Roll Coercion"]
Computers (Int): 3A [dice=1d8 target=3A system=swee memo="Rolling Computers" text="Roll Computers"]
! Cool (Pr): 2A [dice=1d8 target=2A system=swee memo="Rolling Cool" text="Roll Cool"]
Coordination (Ag): 4A [dice=1d8 target=4A system=swee memo="Rolling Coordination" text="Roll Coordination"]
Deception (Cun): 2A [dice=1d8 target=2A system=swee memo="Rolling Deception" text="Roll Deception"]
Discipline (Will): 3A [dice=1d8 target=3A system=swee memo="Rolling Discipline" text="Roll Discipline"]
Leadership (Pr): 2A [dice=1d8 target=2A system=swee memo="Rolling Leadership" text="Roll Leadership"]
! Mechanics (Int): 1P 2A [dice=1d8 target=1P+2A system=swee memo="Rolling Mechanics" text="Roll Mechanics"]
Medicine (Int): 3A [dice=1d8 target=3A system=swee memo="Rolling Medicine" text="Roll Medicine"]
Negotiation (Pr):2A
! Perception (Cun): 1P 1A [dice=1d8 target=1P+1A system=swee memo="Rolling Perception" text="Roll Perception"]  [dice=1d8 target=2P+1A system=swee memo="Rolling Perception" text="Roll Perception with Gun Scope"], ignore 2 blacks with gun scope
! Piloting - Planetary (Ag): 1P 3A [dice=1d8 target=1P+3A system=swee memo="Rolling Planetary" text="Roll Planetary"]
! Piloting - Space (Ag): 2P 2A [dice=1d8 target=2P+2A system=swee memo="Rolling Space" text="Roll Space"]
Resilience (Br): 1A [dice=1d8 target=1A system=swee memo="Rolling Resilience" text="Roll Resilience"]
Skulduggery (Cun): 2A [dice=1d8 target=2A system=swee memo="Rolling Skulduggery" text="Roll Skulduggery"]
Stealth (Ag): 4A [dice=1d8 target=4A system=swee memo="Rolling Stealth" text="Roll Stealth"]
Streetwise (Cun): 2A [dice=1d8 target=2A system=swee memo="Rolling Streetwise" text="Roll Streetwise"]
Survival (Cun): 2A [dice=1d8 target=2A system=swee memo="Rolling Survival" text="Roll Survival"]
Vigilance (Will): 3A [dice=1d8 target=3A system=swee memo="Rolling Vigilance" text="Roll Vigilance"]


Brawl (Br): 1A [dice=1d8 target=1A system=swee memo="Rolling Brawl" text="Roll Brawl"]
! Gunnery (Ag): 4A [dice=1d8 target=4A system=swee memo="Rolling Gunnery" text="Roll Gunnery"]
Melee (Br): 1A [dice=1d8 target=1A system=swee memo="Rolling Melee" text="Roll Melee"]
! Ranged - Light (Ag): 3P 1A [dice=1d8 target=3P+1A system=swee memo="Rolling Light" text="Roll Light"]
Ranged - Heavy (Ag): 4A [dice=1d8 target=4A system=swee memo="Rolling Heavy" text="Roll Heavy"]


Core Worlds (Int): 3A [dice=1d8 target=3A system=swee memo="Rolling Worlds" text="Roll Worlds"]
Education (Int): 3A [dice=1d8 target=3A system=swee memo="Rolling Education" text="Roll Education"]
Lore (Int): 3A [dice=1d8 target=3A system=swee memo="Rolling Lore" text="Roll Lore"]
Outer Rim (Int): 3A [dice=1d8 target=3A system=swee memo="Rolling Rim" text="Roll Rim"]
Underworld (Int): 3A [dice=1d8 target=3A system=swee memo="Rolling Underworld" text="Roll Underworld"]
Warfare (Int): 3A [dice=1d8 target=3A system=swee memo="Rolling Warfare" text="Roll Warfare"]
Xenology (Int): 3A [dice=1d8 target=3A system=swee memo="Rolling Xenology" text="Roll Xenology"]

Intuitive Navigation: Duros may add 1 Advantage to all Astrogation checks they make.
Full Throttle: Make a 3D piloting check to increase vehicle speed by 1 for cunning rounds
Skilled Jockey: Remove 1 setback dice per rank of skilled jockey from all piloting checks.


Commlink (Handheld)

Combat Knife: [dice=1d8 target=1A system=swee memo="Stabby Stabby" text="Stabby Stabby"] - Damage: +1 - Range: Melee - Crit: 3
Blaster Rifle: [dice=1d8 target=4A system=swee memo="Blaster Rifle" text="Slug Pistol"] - Damage: 10 - Range: Long- Crit: 3.  Autofire, Cumbersome 3
Gold Plated Pistol: [dice=1d8 target=3P+1A system=swee memo="Holdout" text="Slug Pistol"] - Damage: 8 - Range: Medium- Crit: 3.  +1 advantage on roll, Remove 2 setback due to vision, +2 ranks in perception, stun setting

XP Gained
+10 XP (10 Dec 2015)
+10 XP (April 25, 2016)
-15 XP - increase Ranged Light
+15 XP - (10 Aug, 2016)
-5 XP - Full Throttle
-10 XP - Skilled Jockey
-5 XP - Skilled Jockey
+10 XP - 29 Sept, 2016
+5 XP - 7 Feb 2017

Total: 15 XP

Start: 20 duty
+1 Duty (10 Dec 2015)
+10 Duty (10 Aug, 2016)
+10 Duty (1 Oct, 2016)
Rank up!

1650 credits

Armored Flight Suit (1,500)
[*] Optical Camouflage (5,500)  next purchase


Padded Armor (-1 encomberance, +1 soak, 5,000)


Slugthrower Pistol
Stormtrooper Blaster Rifle
Security S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistol (1,250)

[*] Multi-Optic sight (2,000)

[*] Customized Flight Stick Grip.

Field Achievement Award