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03:27, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Zachary Cooper

Zachary Cooper

Age: 29
Firefighter, 7yr veteran

Preference: Female

Zachary Cooper had always wanted to be a firefighter, bucking four generations of tradition within the police service. Like his twin sister Valerie, he enlisted right out of high school, but instead of becoming an MP like her, he opted for infantry. He took all of his fire training through correspondence while serving as part of base fire brigade for hands on training. He thought he was in for an easy career, until his division was deployed to Afghanistan. Two years later, he rotated home with a matured outlook on life and would not talk about his experiences with anyone. He rekindled his high school relationship, and married soon after he was accepted to join the fire brigade.

Before long, Zack was was finished his probation and was assigned to an engine company on the west side of the city. Though it was a slow company, he managed to make himself known by the higher ups at command and soon go himself transferred to Engine 17 in the city downtown. It turned out to be one of the busiest houses in the city. It turned out to be exactly what he was looking for. For five years he excelled, to the point his station chief recommended he take the lieutenant's exam.

Then a chain of events changed everything. A call to a report of a gas smell turned into a disaster as the house literally exploded just after they had arrived on scene. The entire crew was hurt, but Zack was only walking wounded so he tried to help the rest of his crew with their injuries. At the same time, it stirred up disturbing memories of roadside bombs. No one was seriously injured, but Zack could not get the images out of his mind. A second bad call days later where he pulled the bodies of two children from a burning home only made things worse. At home, an already uneasy marraige was torn apart when he caught his wife Brenda sleeping with their neighbor after getting of shift early.

He tried to get help, but because he could not just open up, it was hard to open up to the department psychologist. He was given medications to help, but Zack soon learned that they only worked when he washed them down with alcohol. He agreed to go see a marraige counsellor and took an afternoon off work to go, but halfway through the session he got a text from the station that his best firend Dave the hospital after getting caught in a collapse on a call, he had to leave. At the time he did not get Brenda's outburst about putting his guys first, but when he arrived to an empty apartment and a "Dear Zack" letter, he understood.

Now, he has become reckless, not caring anymore. Despite the chances he takes, Zack is still the top firefighter on the crew which makes him a menace at times with his antics. Twice he has received four commendations in his file for his actions, but he also has two written warning for insubordination and had a suspension for decking another company's lieutenant on television. Off duty, he has little semblance of a life any more, spending most of his time hanging around the fire house or out with other firefighters.


Engine 17
Lt. Dave Shelton
Wes Rollins - Engineer
Dominic Reyes
Greg Sanderson (probie)
Martina "Marty" Collins

Ladder 17
Quinton Boyd - Engineer
Matthew Frank
Gina Del Toro
Tommy Sampson

Chief Jacob McInnes