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Welcome to The Kingdom of Corzoconia

11:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Aeron Blake

Name: Aeron Blake
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Trade/Occupation: Court Battlemage

Physical Description: Standing at around 6'5" and 210 lbs, Aeron is an imposing man. His hard training has shaped his physique well enough, as seen by looking at the parts of his body not covered by his armor. His black hair is cut fairly short, complimenting his beard. His eyes are hazel in color, though they change to yellow whenever the man uses his magic.

His armor is specifically suited for ease of movement and for the time it takes to don it. When Aeron is not training or in combat, he simply removes the steel plating on his right hand, shoulder, upper front and boots, as the dark blue clothes beneath are comfortable enough to be worn both in and out of combat. His staff is slightly different than that of most mages, as this staff has a bladed tip, allowing it to be used in both melee combat and spell-casting.

Personality: As part of the Court's defensive troops, Aeron is a swift and loyal guard. He is unwavering in his dedication to his fellow troops, his king, queen and his kingdom. As mages are required to control their emotions in order to cast spells, Aeron has a great deal of control over himself, a control that has been mastered to the point of him being able to actively focus spells whilst in combat.

The two things that will always infuriate him will be those who are only loyal to themselves and those who do not have any sort of respect for others. As such, he is very fond of those who are loyal to a cause and those who are kind and caring to the people around them.

Background: Aeron was born in the farmland of Corzoconia, his family made up of a father, a mother and a sister. At the age of 7, bandits had begun pillaging the area around their farm, thus it was only a matter of time before they would arrive at their own home.

They pillaged their house and murdered their parents. His sister grabbed him and the two ran to the basement, trapped but hoping that the bandits did not notice them. Unfortunately, they did, as the door shuddered violently against their blows. Ayrena whispered for her brother to hide and embraced him for one last time, before the boy ran and hid behind barrels of wine. The bandits then came through and slashed his sister's neck, laughing as they saw her struggle to breathe. They then noticed the barrels of wine and went towards them, before two knights arrived within the basement and began fighting with the armed bandits. Eventually, the knights prevailed, and Aeron got out of his hiding space in order to embrace one of them, thanking the two between his cries.

One of the knights, Sir Freigh, took pity of the boy and invited him to stay with him. Thus, the man took care of him and taught him everything he knew. The boy quickly learned how to defend himself and those around him, before changing and adapting what he learned, thus creating his own style of combat.

A few months after his 18th birthday, Aeron discovered that he held the ability to control magic. As such, the man was taken to the Court's Mage, who began teaching him how to properly use magic in order to protect others and inflict harm upon the enemy. Once the young man realized that one's control over emotions is the key to achieving control over one's magical powers, the man integrated this into his already existing techniques and became a battlemage, one who could both act as a soldier and a mage in combat. Of course, his magic was less potent than others when he used it while in combat, as Aeron must concentrate on fighting those around him first, but when used to compliment and support his melee combat, his magic was more than suitable.

The King soon heard of the man's powers and asked him to join the Court as one of its defenders, as well as asking the man to teach his techniques to those that held magic but could not use it as well as mages, so as to train more battlemages. Aeron happily agreed, glad to be able to serve the King in this way.

evel 13 Wizard

School of Evocation

STR: 15/+2
DEX: 15/+2
CON: 16/+3
INT: 20/+5
WIS: 15/+2
CHR: 10/+0

HP:  110 - 9 = 101 hits
Proficiency Bonus:  +5

Spell Save DC :  18
Spell attack modifier:  10

Cantrips Known: 5
1st level: 4
2nd level: 3
3rd level: 3
4th level: 3
5th level: 2
6th level: 1
7th level: 1

Some abilities you might want to know.

Sculpt spells - You can create pockets of relative safety within the effects of your evocation spells.  When you cast an evo spell that affects other creatures that you can see, you can choose a number of them equal to 1+ the spell's level.  The chosen creatures auto succeed on their saving throws against the spell and if they take no damage if they would normally take half damage on a successful save.

potent cantrip - Your damaging cantrips affect even creatures that avoid the brunt of the effect.  When a creature succeeds on a saving throw against your cantrip, the creature takes half the cantrip's damage (if any) but suffers no additional effect from the cantrip.

Empowered Evocation - You can add your Intelligence modifier (+5) to the damage roll of any wizard evocation spell you cast.
Cantrips:  Acid Splash, Fire Bolt, Shocking Grasp, Ray of Frost, Poison Spray
Level 1: Burning Hands, Shield, Magic Missle,Thunderwave
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Magic Weapon, Scorching Ray
Level 3: Fireball, Lightening Bolt, Protection from Energy
Level 4: Fire Shield, Ice Storm, Wall of Fire
Level 5: Scrying, Cloudkill
Level 6: Chain lightning
Level 7: Prismatic Spray