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09:12, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Melissa Wolf

Character Name: Melissa Jean Wolf
Nickname: Moonlight, Missy or Mel
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Occupation: Healer/Dream Walker

Dream Walker - Moonlight is able to tap into mystical energies that allow her to physically enter and manipulate dreams, and travel to a spectral realm known as the Dreamscape.  While in a dream or the Dreamscape, her mutation allows her to change the world around her, form objects and magical barriers, and seek to repair the psyche of others in the dream or realm.  Any attacks in the realm do not cause physical harm, but weakens the target's psyche; when the target is subdued, Moonlight is capable of affecting recent memories, planting limited suggestions/actions in their mind, or scattering their mind, which leaves the individual in a coma-like state for various amounts of time. (range one city block)

Additionally, Moonlight can project parts of the Dreamscape into the real world; her ability to control the Dreamscape is much more limited while in the world, and does not have the same degree of power.  She is capable of levitating off the ground, form a protective barrier, limited healing, and can launch dream bubbles that can potentially put others to sleep.

Weakness: Bringing the dreamscape into the real world, or more then three hours in the Dream Realm can cause memory loss for Melissa. It's small things that she might not notice but others would. Worse case scenario, she could forget having met someone close to her.

Healing: Powers draw on her life force she can not keep them going long or she will drain away her energy causing her to pass out. If she drains it dry before passing out, could potentially kill her.

Description:  Height: 5'3"
Weight: Aprox 107lb
Hair: Brunette almost Black, shoulder length
Eyes: Hazel
Complexion: pale peach

Personality: Kind, Caring, Loving, Cares nothing for self, only others. Can be Cocky at times, or extremely domineering and sarcastic at other times, prefers good strategy to a strong attack, Has a very charismatic nature, there is a side of her that can capture one’s heart, depending on the person. Her thoughts are a mystery.

Brief History: Melissa was born December 20th, Year unknown though she claims to only be 18 years of age.

At about 10 years of age, While living in Southern Kentucky, Melissa's parents were killed in a car accident, She alone survived, though no one is really sure as to HOW she survived and she does not really remember much from the accident or before. Since she had no one BUT Lanolin and her family, Lanolin's parents took her in as their own.