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Welcome to Forgotten Realms: The Savage Underdark and Beyond

04:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cal'istas Vahadarr

Cal'istas could never be mistaken for anything other than a Vahadarr within Rilauven, with his amber-gold eyes and relatively tall height of 5'8". Thin to nearly the point of emaciation, Cal'istas has a constant look of fevered intensity, his expressions often manic. Despite this, there is the foundation of his noble heritage present in even a casual observation, and in his own way he would be considered a fine specimen of the drow race.

Despite the slender build, there is a play of some muscle under his skin, and while obviously not a warrior, his is not the form of a inexperienced scholar. Coupled with his manic energy, there is the feeling that a mad danger lies just beneath his obsidian skin. He is not a predator like his sister, no, Cal'istas is the storm who cares not what is damaged in its rage.

Even before the shift of power within his house, Cal'istas made the conscious effort to exude a sense of power and wealth in his dress and bearing. Always favoring simple blacks and grays, even as a child, his clothes are often elaborate in design and construction, layered in enchantments. Despite his arcane pursuits now, in his youth he was an experienced Warmage, and he still retains the set of specially crafted armor that he used at that time. Not one for obvious focuses, those who have seen him cast often use a mithral scepter that has been blacked by his magics, that is stored away when not in use in a magical space accessed by his gloves.

The elderboy and first child of Raen'astra'breena, Cal'istas was his sister's main backer and support during her ascension to power, and the purge that occurred during it. Proving that his more recent pursuits had not blunted his skills as a warmage, Cal'istas would kill half a dozen Lolth priestesses in a battle that ended with severe structural damage to the house compound.

Obsessed with the Arcane and the power it provides, Cal'istas guards his position of House Wizard jealously and violently. While lesser wizards, war mages, and sorcerers are welcome into the house's Arcane Sanctum, his tax over their resources is often access to their research. It is those who have the potential to challenge his position, especially among the main family, that find their lives in serious jeopardy. Until recently he was considered a middling wizard by his peers, powerful enough to respect, but not enough to do more than teach conjuration in the Sorcere. His sudden influx of resources from his House, along with his renewed youthful vigor thanks to Zandilar's ritual, has started to change this perception.

This was proven when he was confirmed as a Master of the Sorcere, his duties and pursuits there meaning that he has not been much about the House compound as of late. Still, his presence is felt, if for no other reason than the tremendous amount of resources he has claimed as his own from the House sanctum's allotment.