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14:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Emmeline Fruhling

<img src=""Align="right">~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Character's Name: Emmeline Frühling

Nickname: Em, Emma

Character's Birthdate & Age: Age - 18 // Born - May 1st

Blood Status: Pure Blood // Werewolf

Cultural Heritage: German

Hometown: Freiburg, The Black Forest


Ilvermorny Year: 7th Year

House: Thunderbird

Wand: Emmeline's wand is 9 3/4 in length and made from Hawthorn, oddly the very same species of tree native to her Homeland and that her Family has been growing for Wandmakers for Centuries. The core is made from the tail feather of a Thunderbird and the wand overall is swishy.

Hawthorn - The wandmaker Gregorovitch wrote that hawthorn ‘makes a strange, contradictory wand, as full of paradoxes as the tree that gave it birth, whose leaves and blossoms heal, and yet whose cut branches smell of death.’ While I disagree with many of Gregorovitch’s conclusions, we concur about hawthorn wands, which are complex and intriguing in their natures, just like the owners who best suit them. Hawthorn wands may be particularly suited to healing magic, but they are also adept at curses, and I have generally observed that the hawthorn wand seems most at home with a conflicted nature, or with a witch or wizard passing through a period of turmoil. Hawthorn is not easy to master, however, and I would only ever consider placing a hawthorn wand in the hands of a witch or wizard of proven talent, or the consequences might be dangerous. Hawthorn wands have a notable peculiarity: their spells can, when badly handled, backfire.

Thunderbird Tail Feather - It is said that the Thunderbird Tail Feather is one of the rarest wand cores, as it comes from an elegant yet powerful creature which is seen as one of the most exotic birds in the Wizarding World, very nearly on par with the Phoenix itself. Powerful, but difficult to master, wands with a Thunderbird core are particularly prized by Transfigurers. They have been known to sense danger and will sometimes act of their own accord.

Patronus: Try as she might, Emmeline has been unable to produce a sufficient Patronus. While most Students her age have mastered the Spell, she does not know why she cannot. One Professor, a Man who knows of her uniqe circumstances suggested that because of her condition, even her happiest memories are tainted and given that Lycanthropy cannot be cured, sadly, she may never be able to produce a Patronus.

<img src=""Align="left">Boggart: Emmeline's Boggart is simple but terrifying. She fears fire. Her Boggart would take on the form of a roaring and raging fire, devouring everything in its path.

Special Possessions: Emmeline's wand is very important to her, as is her Familiar. She also possesses a cuckoo clock which in and of itself is not important, besides the fact that her Hometown is famous for them. This particular clock however, is enchanted. It has a sister clock that hangs pride of place in her Parents Kitchen. The bird within the clock, carved by her Papa's hand, is capable of relaying messages back and forth regardless of the distance in between.

Emmeline also owns a rather extensive collection of hand-carved wooden animals. All were made from timber grown, felled and carved by her Papa. While most of these beloved little trinkets are of creatures found only in the Wizarding World like a Bowtruckle, Demiguise or Jobberknoll, many are fascinating Muggle animals such as a squirrel, dolphin and the great lumbering form of an elephant. Emmeline treasures each and every one of her wooden animals and still delights in bringing them to life with a whispered enchantment.

Special Skills: Emmeline has inherited several skills from her Parents as all children tend to do. She is skilled at Herbology thanks to her Mama and she has great natural instincts and a gentle nature which makes Care of Magical Creatures a favorite subject. She has discovered a love for Potions and is quite talented. One particular ability though she would do anything to give back. Emmeline is intelligent and kind-hearted. She's sympathetic and loyal. There is another side of Emmeline though that comes with its own skills, abilities and negatives. Emmeline is a werewolf. When in Lycan form she is incredibly strong and quick but most of all she is vicious.

Pet/Familiar: Emmeline owns a 6 month old female Crup Puppy named Müll which is German for garbage. Crup is a magical creature though she resembles a Muggle Jack Russel Terrior. In fact, she could pass for one if it weren't for her forked tail and iron stomach. Müll can and will eat anything. She's been known to eat many things such as tires, china plates, and rolls of parchment paper just to name a few. Müll has a particular fondness though for Doxys. Extremely loyal to Emmeline, Müll will growl in warning at anyone who attempts to psychically harm her but she isn't vicious. A trademark of her species however, which Emmeline is still trying to train out, Müll does not like Muggles or in fact Muggle-Borns. Like all Crup owners, Emmeline was forced to prove she could control the animal before she was allowed her license. Müll is still a puppy but she is intelligent and a great friend to Emmeline. Her main purpose though, besides being adorable, is to keep Emmeline company during her transfiguration on the full moon, Müll runs with Emmeline, scavenges and hunts. Somehow, intuitively, even in Werewolf form, Emmeline knows not to harm her Familiar.


Hair: Emmeline's hair is lush and long. A deep chestnut color, her tresses hang to the around the middle of her back. She often plaits or braids her long locks in various ways.

Eyes: Emmeline's eyes are deep and varying shades of chocolate. They are framed by a set of thick but manicured eyebrows.

Height: Emmeline stands taller than most girls. In bare feet, she stands at 5'11.

Physical Description: Emmeline is a beautiful young woman. She stands tall at 5'11 with long toned legs and a feminine physique. Everything about her seems to be in perfect proportion to her height. She has slim shoulders and a delicate neck. Her breasts are full but not overly heavy for her frame. She has a small waist but the swell of her hips prevent her from casting a straight silhouette. Emmeline posses the very classic hourglass figure. It is clear to see that the majority of her appearance has been inherited from her Mama. She is stunningly attractive and carries herself with a quiet grace. She is proud of her heritage and she shows this pride in small and often overlooked ways.

Her hair is long and flows in waves. Lovingly brushed Emmeline's tresses are silky to the touch and shimmer softly gold when caught in sunlight. With an oval shaped face, Emmeline relies on very basic make-up to highlight her most loved features. Her eyes are often lined with black and her lashes are curled at the tips. The smile she wears is painted and slick with a gentle coat of gloss or balm.

<img src=""Align="right">Emma has a fondness for long sleeves. If the tops she wears don't cover her hands she will eventually stretch the fabric to do so. It is actually quite rare to see the young woman's fingers. While most assume this is a nervous tick or a sign of anxiety or shyness, it is actually a kindness, done for others. For even in her human form, should she accidentally scratch or bite someone, her disease will be passed on, although with muted effects.

Her style is simplistic and occasionally feminine. Never having been very prideful Emmeline wears what she feels most comfortable and confident in. As of yet, she hasn't found herself dressing to impress anyone else. She tends to favor darker shades but she isn't against colors.

Her skin is softly toasted paying homage to her German Heritage. Of course, not all Germans are as tanned as Emmeline but having spent a great deal of her life outside in the Freiburg sunshine, she is blessed with a warm complexion. Emmeline's skin is not pristine however. The young woman bears a mark of a traumatic event on her left shoulder and arm. Though she feels no pressure to hide it, Emmeline's scar tissue is most often covered by clothing or at least somewhat concealed. When revealed though the pearly white scar burn runs from her left shoulder, curving around her back and stretches all the way down to her elbow.

It is the result of a night so tragic, that when the sun rose the next morning, nothing was ever the same again. As this scaring was caused by regular fire it would be possible for her to have it healed. Many have offered and none have understood why she has denied their help. The truth of the matter is that if her burns were to be healed they would only reveal a darker secret beneath and that scar is impossible to mend, regardless of the power of the Witch or Wizard.

Distinguishing Features: Emmeline's height and her beauty set her apart as does the large burn that covers her left shoulder and arm. This scar is the result of a fire but there is more to the story. It covers a darker secret and another scar that just won't heal. More often than not however, people will stare at her because of what she is, should they know. Witches and Wizards have come to terms with Half-Giants and the offspring of Veela's. They accept Goblins and Centaurs but Werewolves are cursed and diseased. There is rarely a Witch or Wizard who doesn't despise them. For this reason, most prominently, Emmeline keeps her secret, secret.


Personality: Like her nature, Emmeline has a conflicting personality. On the surface, she is very sweet and loving. She is known to the other students as a young Woman who is quiet and at times reserved but can crack a joke at possibly odd and inappropriate times. She has a sharp sense of humor and a kind heart. Her little puppy seems to be her constant shadow. She is friendly enough, though it is rare for her to seek someone out for a conversation. Those few who have persisted enough to get to know her, like her. She is intelligent and sensitive. She has a way of making people feel better about themselves once they have left her company which is a good trait to possess.

There are times however, when she will become an extreme introvert. She will be secretive and shy. She has been known to push away her friends with no more of an explanation than she just needs space. There has been speculation from those from the Muggle world that Emmeline is bi-polar or at times crumbles under the weight of depression. Both theories could be possible or perhaps she is just a drama queen. Who's to know?

On rare occasions, Emmeline has shown an explosive temper. It takes a lot to push her to this point but once she is there it's battle stations. Of course, this could be said about anyone. Pushed far enough, even the softest personality can become combative. Emmeline's temper and her aggression however come from an internal source. It's the beast and the closer the full moon gets, the louder it seems to roar inside her head.

Those few days before the Full Moon are hard on any Werewolf but for Emmeline, still so young and not yet in full control of her darker side, it's a particular challenge. It is within these couple of days as the moon approaches that Emmeline is likley to act impulsively and with a raw passion. She is far less likley to hold her tongue and will often act out recklessly, regardless or in spite of the consequence. The choices Emmeline makes during this period are often uncharacteristic and occasionally regret will follow. As much as she tries to tell herself that it is not her fault and beyond her control, Emmeline will always feel guilty. It's hard. Believing that you're one thing while knowing you're another.

<img src=""Align="left">Intelligent - Emmeline has a sharp mind. Her Mama has been reading to her since she first felt her kick inside her womb. Knowledge is not something to be obtained for power but for pleasure. Reading is food for the mind and the soul and Emmeline will read just about anything. She has an open mind that allows her to consider and appreciate all sides. She is accepting of those things that might be considered fringe or taboo. Emmeline was always taught to trust her own instincts and to make up her own mind. Never allow someone else to tell you what to think.

Sweet - At heart, Emmeline is a sweetheart. She cares about the people around her and the world she lives in. She is a lover of animals and nature. Without a second thought, Emmeline would put herself in harm's way to save a friend. She's empathetic, caring and very loving. She is capable of affection if and when she feels safe enough to show it. The soft smile that so often graces her lips is a sweet one.

Loyal - Emmeline is a loyal friend and fiercely protective over those that she loves. This sense of loyalty has been ingrained in her since birth. Family is important. Like them or not at times, your love for them can never be taken away. Being so far away from her Family, Emmeline takes comfort in her friends. She is a true friend but even those closest to her question why at times she pulls away and looks so sad.

Secretive - Emmeline is secretive. It can't be helped. She has secrets that she need to protect. She is open and forthcoming to most about her home and her family and she will share with you her thoughts on the latest news but those insightful enough will sense that there is something she is holding back. Even when confronted, she is often forced to lie. This is not to say that Emmeline walks the halls arousing suspicion from everyone she meets. She isn't a dubious person but she isn't baring her soul for every stranger to scrutinize.

Wishful - Emmeline has never been one to want for more than she has but she has, on occasion wished for it. It's not money or fame she wishes for. Her family is well enough off and she has no desire to be a star. Emmeline wishes for what all young Women wish for. She wishes to be desired and loved. She wishes to be more comfortable in her own skin and more in control of her demons. She wishes that she could turn back time and she wishes that her little sister didn't have nightmares about the monster her big sister becomes. Emmeline wishes because it's hopeful. She wishes to survive.

Aggressive - There can be no denying it, Emmeline has an aggressive side. As much as she wishes to suppress it and deny it, once a month it takes control and she becomes a beast. This aggressiveness is always within her but most of the time she can control it. She is not by nature a violent person but it's fair to say that her nature is not always entirely under her control.


History: It was five years after Elias and Eloise had married that they had their first daughter. The decision to have children had not been an easy one for the couple. They wanted kids of course. Eloise knew that she was always destined to be a Mother but her Husbands 'condition' had given her reason to pause. Truly though it was Elias who was the most hesitant. He had been living with his 'condition' since he was a young teen and he knew the pain and suffering he could possibly pass down to his offspring if he allowed his wife to have a child.

They did not know for sure that his 'condition' could be passed down to their children. It wasn't as if they could just simply consult a MediWitch and get the answers they sought. Elias' had reason to hide. Werewolves were hunted in The Black Forest for sport. The Wizarding Worlds disdain for his kind was well known. Seeking answers would mean revealing himself and while he had no fear for what would become of him, he did fear what would become of his wife should their town turn on them.

Eventually however, their desire won out over their fear and Emmeline was born. It was a nervous time during those first few months. Though they were committed to loving their daughter no matter what, they wished to the moon and the stars and the powers that turned the Seasons that she would be normal,.... and she was.

Emmeline showed no signs of the curse and her Parents breathed a sigh of relief. From then on her life was normal. Her home was loving and warm. She grew and she played like any other normal little girl. Of course, her life was filled with magic. With both her Parents being Pure of blood the family's magic was strong and Emmeline was constantly being delighted by the spells and charms that her Mama would cast to entertain her. During the day her hands would be elbow deep in soil and mud as she helped her Mama in the Greenhouse. By night she would sit by the fire at her Papa's feet inhaling the scent of raw timber while he carved her another spectacular wooden creature for her collection that would come alive with a whispered word.

Emmeline grew up courageous and adventurous. Her town and her home, being situated at the base of the mystical Black Forest, offered her a natural playground. Emmeline was not afraid of the dark or the woods. The woods were just trees and as her Papa had told her countless times, trees were to be respected not feared. His Family had been growing them for Centuries to provide Wandmakers around the world with some of the most spectacular timber.

<img src=""Align="right">Of course, she knew the stories of the creatures that lived in her woods. The Black Forest was the origin for many of those famous Muggle Grimm fairy tales. Of course, they got the details wrong but the basic facts were fairly accurate. There were strange things living in her woods but her Parents never tried to scare her away from them. They taught her to be prepared, not fearful and she made them proud by doing so.

Emmeline obeyed the rules even when she didn't understand them. The Black Forest had always been open to her. It was her playground and her happy place but once a month, her jungle gym and her wonderland was off limits. Once a month her Mama grew sullen and her Papa withdrew. It was a difficult time for the Family but both parents, to their credit, attempted to keep life normal and reassure her that she was loved.

It was during one such month that things for the Family changed. Emmeline was 10 and her Papa was his usual quiet self. He was preparing for his monthly trip into The Black Forest. Where he went or what he did, he had never said and Emma had too much love and respect for her Papa to ask. As he packed his bag and kissed his wife and daughter goodbye the storm that had been threatening to break all evening finally arrived with a crash. Their beautiful cottage shook as thunder rumbled the rafters and lightning lit up the sky in an eerily evil way. Frightened, Emmeline begged her Papa not to leave but he told her that he had to and with that, he was gone.

She shouldn't have followed him. She should have listened to her Mama and stayed at home where it was warm and safe but all her life she had been taught not to be afraid. The woods were nothing to fear. Thunder was just noise and lightening was fireworks. Rain would only make her wet and her Papa shouldn't be out there on his own. So wrapping herself in her coat, Emmeline snuck out her window and followed the path she knew all too well.

What happened next is a little foggy in her memory but she remembers the fear. She has a mental picture that often wakes her up at night of a great beast looming over her. She recalls the icy wind that was whipping her wet hair around her face and stinging her skin like razor blades. She knows that lightning had struck a tree and that the branches had cracked and splintered as they fell. Whether this had been the cause of the fire or not, she isn't really sure but it seems logical. It also seems logical to believe that in the fear and the chaos of the storm and having been confronted by a Werewolf, that she had lost her way.

The young woman wasn't the only one afraid however. A storm as wicked as the one that night could strike fear in even a Werewolf. Her Papa was afraid and his instincts told him to flee from the fire. Emmeline was sadly in his way. She doesn't blame him for striking her. She actually doesn't remember the pain of his claws slicing through the skin on her shoulder which is possibly a good thing because the pain that came next would be all she could take. Fire could move quicker than most people knew. Within minutes it had devoured the trees around them and was quickly turning the grass to ash. It had caught her coat and was burning away at the fabric, sparking and popping with delight on the fur trim, making her skin prick and sizzle.

She could have died. She should have died. Whether her Papa's beast was too focused on self-preservation to have finished her off or if the Wolfsbane he had been drinking for the last several years allowed him enough of a moment to see his daughter through his rage, Emmeline doesn't know but as she looked into his eyes, she recognised something and everything fell into place, the truth finally revealed. Her fear was overtaken by her own need to survive and as her Papa ran, she once again followed, though this time, contrary to his nature, he lead her home.

The next few weeks were hard. Emmeline had never seen her Papa in such distress before. He was beyond apologetic and carrying a world full of guilt for what he had done. Emmeline didn't blame him. She blamed herself to be honest. She should have listened. She made sure to listen extra carefully the night her Parents sat her down and explained it all. They shared with the young girl things that a child her age shouldn't have to know. They told her about her Papa's condition, a condition that she now shared. They told her all about the changes and they warned her that this was a secret that she had to guard with her life. The Wizarding World didn't like Werewolves and this alone was something that Emmeline struggled with. She found it difficult to wrap her mind around why somebody wouldn't like her. Having grown and seen the world with a much clearer clarity, Emmeline no longer wonders why.

<img src=""Align="left">Between her change and her decision to attend Ilvermorny Emmeline grew up. It had been expected of her to attend Durmstrang the next year after her 11th Birthday but with her new affliction, plans had to be changed. It was discussed, with heavy hearts that Emmeline may never be allowed to attend a Magic School. In fact, until she was 14, Emmeline was Home Schooled.

Truth be told, she didn't want to leave her Home. The once courageous and adventurous little girl had grown timid and withdrawn. It was seeing this change in their Daughter that prompted the Frühling's to seek another solution. Durmstrang was out of the question given that it is one of the most elite and strictest Schools around. Hogwarts was a possibility but with Dumbledore gone, the Family had no idea whether or not a Werewolf Student would be accepted and protected as Remus Lupin once was.

After much thought and investigation, it was decided that Emmeline would apply to the American School of Witchcraft and Wizardly, Ilvermorny. Given their small Family run roots and their love of Creatures, it was hoped that they might be accepting of a uniquely gifted and unfortunately cursed Student. This would require them of course to reveal Emmeline's condition to the Staff but while the risks were high, to see their Daughter happy and living as normal a life as possible, it seemed worth it.

Emmeline dealt with the unfathomable pain of her first transformation and every one after it and she learned to deal with her guilt and her anger. Her fear, on the other hand, was a little more difficult to get under control. For the last 4 years, she has been attending Ilvermorny and is currently in her final year of Schooling. She understands things better. She knows the value of family and friendship. She understands that life doesn't always go the way you thought it would but that's life. Live it, love, or don't and don't just isn't an option for her.


<img src=""Align="right">Name - Elias Frühling
Age - 44
Relation - Papa
Blood Status - Pure Blood // Werewolf
Occupation - Lumberman
Nationality - German

Name - Eloise Frühling
Age - 43
Relation - Mama
Blood Status - Pure Blood
Occupation - Owner of 'The Petal & Crumb'. A Wizard Florist/Bakery in the heart of Freiburg.
Nationality - German

Name - Pippi Frühling
Age - 4
Relation - Sister
Blood Status - Pure Blood
Occupation - Colourer Extraordinaire
Nationality - German
Family Name: Frühling

Family Motto: Weder begehren oder Angst. (Neither covet nor fear.)

Family Crest: A tall tree standing proud and bare on a background of moss green and silver.

Family History: The Frühling family are a Pure Blood family that have been accused of lowering the standard. For Generations, they have been known as some of the finest growers of Wand Wood in the world but that has done little to raise their reputation in the eyes of some.

Though their lineage is pure, the fact that they are neither exceedingly wealthy nor seeking power has caused many other Pure Blood families to look down upon them. This is of no concern to the Frühling's however. Their families motto has always been 'Weder begehren oder Angst.' Which in English translates to 'Neither covet nor fear.' For generations, the concept of Family over wealth has always been held in the highest regard. Happiness and riches come from within. So they live small but meaningful lives and they love each other. sheared

It is well known that the Frühling's are supporters of Muggle integration. They have never seen any reason not to make friends and work with those in and from the Muggle World. They are well aware of the Muggle History in their own Country and they hold the belief that blood purity and segregation leads to nothing but bloodshed and bloodshed does nothing but stain your hands.


Favourite Animal(s): Emmeline has always had a fondness for birds. From the chirping little ones in cuckoo clocks, to the ones that soar above the treetops. She appreciates their freedom she suspects. Her Favorite Animal has always been the Jobberknoll. She's fascinated by the small speckled blue bird that never makes a single sound it's entire life up until the point of death, where it will release a long scream of every sound it has ever heard backwards.

Likes: Emmeline loves to read. Anything will do really. She has been known to devour several books a day when she has the time. She also has an affinity for plants and animals. Any Magical Creature with an unusual quirk or that is misunderstood holds a special place in her heart. She loves plums and anything flavored with honey. Emmeline enjoys music and art. She can't draw or paint to save her life but she respects those who can. She is a fan of Quidditch but believes she is too uncoordinated to play herself.

<img src=""Align="left">Dislikes: Emmeline dislikes being cooped up inside and she isn't fond of small spaces. She hates fire and will find the furthers seat away from an open flame in any room. She gags at the smell of porridge and the sight of it isn't much better. She dislikes people who are overly pushy and who can't take a hint and anyone who doesn't understand the meaning of personal space.

Fears & Phobias: Emmeline fears three major things. She fears first and foremost losing her Family. Secondly, she fears being burnt both physically and emotionally and finally, she fears that her secret will one day either be revealed or that she hurts someone.

Best Memory: Emmeline's best memory is a simple one but a strong one. It's the day her little sister Pippi was born. She was 14 at the time, barely a teenager and still struggling with her new existence. Seeing that little girls face, knowing instantly that it was her job to protect this precious child, Emmeline felt more strength than she ever had before. She had never loved anyone so much.

Worst Memory: If anyone who knows her story names any other memory other than the night she became a Werewolf as her worst memory, they don't know a thing.

Academic History: Emmeline is a good student. She has her skills and subjects wherein she shines brighter than others. She is skilled at Herbology and she has an uncanny ability to commune with magical creatures. There is an almost instant mutual respect from beings and beasts that she meets. Emmeline is not a quick study but once she has learned something she very seldom forgets it so she tests well when she has put in the effort to study. Which is why she was allowed to enter Ilvermorny as a Third year, instead of a First, given that she was so successful Home Schooled for those first few years. It is clear that this fact, nor her condition hinders her Academicly. She is as bright as any student.