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08:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mora Shandra

Appearance: (Written, and/or Picture)

Skin Color: Pale
Eye Color: Hazel (green-amber)
Hair Color: Dark hazelnut
Oddities, Tattoos, and Scars: A tattoo of a crescent moon over her heart, not easily seen.

Psychological Profile. (You may add more or remove some numbers. Exclude this from your public Character Details as this is for GM use only.)
Alignment: neutral good (chaotic tenancies)
Deities Praised: Septriss
Strengths:(Physical and Mental Strengths)
1. Brave
2. Tough
3. Street Smart
Weaknesses:(Physical and Mental Weaknesses)
1. Undiscplined Fighter
2. Average strength (so fights with dexterity)
3. Doesn't surrender or back down
1. New Moons
2. Opening her heart to others
Other Psychological or GM only Information:
Despite Mora's past she has a kindness in her. She pushes everyone away and won't let anyone in. She has minimal training and she's not very strong. She fights with dexterity. Though Richard taught her the basics of reading and writing, she hasn't much practice and struggles with it. Despite this, she is intelligent. Mora believes she has no value and sees herself as a lowly creature.
She is head strong, stubborn, and independent. She is a spitfire and not a Lady, except perhaps in the taverns with dirt floors and wooden mugs.

Equipment: (Descriptions are for unique or obscure items, for average common things you can make a simple mark on Description: with a -.)
1. Sword -
2. Leather armor -
3. Blue cloak - Gift from Zale. He gave it to her so when they went through the mountains she wouldn't freeze.

Enchanted Gear: (The GM(s) will fill this out for you.)
1. None

Primary Skill:(Commoner Player Class, not Social Class, get 2)
2. Brawler
3. Dirty Fighting
4. Reading/Writing (not very skilled at it)
5. Highwayman tactics


Mora Shandra started with nothing. She was born on the muck and rat infested streets outside the castle’s walls among the poor and born a bastard. Mora never knew who her father was. Her mother did what she could to survive, but both of them went many nights without food. Her mother didn’t raise her on fairy tales or false hopes. Mora was born with the truth of the world. So, when she was nine, she did the best thing she ever could for her mother, she ran away.

She went into the forest, avoiding the road, and walked with no direction deep in the thicket. She spent two days of traveling in the woods with only a loaf of bread she stole. On the second night she encountered a group of brigands. She tried to run away but it was hard for her to move through the woods and they caught up with her. They grabbed her and she screamed and fought them. Her screams were heard by a militia man camped for the night nearby. He came to her rescue, killing one of the brigands and beating one of the others. They ran off, letting her go.

The man took her to the next city where she was placed in an orphanage. The orphanage was run by a strict and cruel woman. Mora had been saved by the man in the light of the harvest moon and it had made an impression upon her young mind. She became obsessed with the moon and sought knowledge about it. Unfortunately, she didn’t know how to read or write and the Matron didn’t see the use in teaching religion.

Mora was a strong, stubborn, independent girl and the Matron couldn’t control her no matter how hard she tried, so the matron was especially cruel to Mora. When Mora’s attraction to the moon led her to follow Septriss, the Matron made fun of her saying that he would never accept the worship of a poor plains bastard. When she was thirteen, she had had enough and attacked the Matron, snapping her finger backwards. She ran away from the orphanage and never looked back.

She wandered from city to city, barely having enough to eat and looking for work. Most didn’t find much use for a thirteen year old girl, but she was determined. She slept by day and traveled by night, using the moonlight to guide her way. She soon learned to use her other senses when her eyes failed her.

Eventually her travels led her to Richard Norlawn. A disgraced noble, he led a group of highwaymen. He was a robin hood figure. They stole only from nobles and Richard had a strict set of rules they all had to follow. Never hurt a lady, never kill a noble, and never steal from the poor. She stayed with them for two years. The only female in the group, she used her youth and feminine charm to stop carriages and traveling nobles.

Just a few months shy of her fifteenth birthday the noble who owned the land hired a group to clean out the highwaymen. They had dealt with things like this before, but this time they had a few magic users. Richard, Mora, and a few others decided to cut their loses and run. They made it to the river but just beyond it they were caught due to the magic user. Mora, Richard, and the others where taken to Victarith to be tried and likely executed.

She spent the next few nights deep in the rat infested dungeons, much like the streets she was born on. When they were brought out for a trial, as a group, she was the only woman among them and the youngest. The judge didn’t care though and with little time they were sentenced to be hung. Word got out they were going to hang a fifteen year old girl and one of the local nobles heard, Zale. When he came to the prison and looked at her, offering a second chance, she told him in a less then way to go jump off a cliff.

In the end it was Richard and not Zale who encouraged her to go. So when Zale came the morning of the execution, she quietly accepted. That was the last time she ever saw Richard.

She is hesitant and untrustworthy of the Blades group, keeping to herself.