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23:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Esme Morganstern

THE BASICS<img src=""Align="right">

Character's Name: Esme Morganstern
Nickname: Her brother calls her Essie and she HATES it!
Age: 20


Blood Status: Half-Blood

Wand: Willow, Fairy Wing, 7 inches, Unyielding.

Willow - Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and Garrick Ollivander noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand at Ollivanders Wand Shop (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) the willow wands there have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in the Ollivander family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.

Fairy Wings - This core makes for a light, airy wand, best for charms. They also signify a connection to the mystic. Nearly half of all witches and wizards known to have the Sight have wands containing fairy wings. However, despite their strength in Charms, fairy wings are average in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration, failing completely when it comes to hexes.

Patronus: A Fennec Fox. Esme has only ever been able to produce a Patronus once and even then, it was weak. It's hard to miss though that her Patronus takes on the form of a smaller if not more feminine version of her Brothers.

Boggart: Esme's bogart will split into three and take on the form of her Mother, her Father and her Brother all being tortured by the Cruciatus Curse.

Special Possessions: When Esme was 13 her Mother presented her with a gift. It was something very special to her that her Husband, Esme's Father had given her when they were engaged. The gift was a locket. Made from silver it is rather simple in design but very special in purpose. Inside this locket in a small mirror that is connected to just one other. This second mirror belongs to her Father. If ever Esme was to need her Daddy, whether she was lost, hurt, in danger, suffering a broken heart or if she simply wanted to see him smiling at her, all she needed to do was open her locket. Her Father would be alerted that she was there and he would be able to see his little girl and she him. No verbal communication can take place through the locket but sometimes visual is enough. It gives her Father piece of mind that he always knows where his daughter is and that she is safe and it brings Esme comfort that she is never alone. If ever she needs him, he is just one look away.

Special Skills: Esme has shown some minor skills in healing magic which may be due to her Willow wand which chose her when she was just 4 and a half years old. She wasn't allowed to use it until she was much older of course but there was no doubt that when that little girl reached up and over the counter to wrap her fingers around a wand that she was told not to touch, it was meant to be. Healing doesn’t seem to be where her heart lies however.

Ever since she was little Esme has had what those in the Wizarding community call 'The Sight'. It began with dreams that within a few days came true. As she grew older her ability strengthened though she is still yet to fully grasp and understand it completely. Esme is being trained in the art of Divination in hopes that she can become a useful tool for The Order. Esme also seems to show a talent for Duelling which her Father adamantly insists, she got from him.

Pet/Familiar: Esme owns an emerald eyed, black cat that she calls Miss Lucy.

Occupation: Esme has a typical young persons job. She works at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour which was resurrected by the late Florean's grandchildren a little over 8 years ago. Though there is little she can do there to help The Order she does occasionally bring home bits and pieces of gossip that she has overheard her customers saying as they dipped their spoons into their bowls of raspberry, bitter chocolate and hazelnut fudge ice cream. Esme is also known to be the one to keep The Order well stocked with frozen desserts which she believes plays a huge part in keeping up morale.

On the other side of things, Esme is currently being trained in skills such as Divination, Astrology and Crystal Reading in a hope to further enhance her 'Sight'. It is hoped that one day she can use her unique abilities to help protect and defend The Order.


Hair: Esme inherited her Fathers hair. It's messy and wild but shines like tempered chocolate.

Eyes: From the moment she was born people have been saying that she has her Mothers eyes. Dark and deep they are espresso in colour and framed by long, thick lashes.

Height: 5'4

Physical Description: Esme is the definition of 'good things come in small packages'. She stands at only 5'4 and weighs about as much as a pixie caught in a rain storm (that might be an under exaggeration). Her face is small and feminine and her figure is thin but soft.
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Having inherited her Fathers hair Esme grew up with more bad hair days than good. That whole messy, bed head look may have worked well on her Father and still seems to make her Brother look like a roguish action hero but on a woman,... Well, Esme would trade it in if she could. As she has gotten older she has learnt how to tame her wild locks a little better and even make them work for her though there are still days where despite her best efforts, she just can't seem to rein them all in.

Esme is a lovely combination of both her Parents though the person she seems to take after the most is her Brother Etienne. The siblings share the same dark eyes and lightly tanned skin. Their noses end in with identical rounded tips and their brows are similarly thick. Where Etienne sprouted over the 6 foot mark however, Esme remained short and petite. Though this has only ever served to further her Brothers obsession of treating her like a child.

Esme can hold her own however. She is spirited and feisty which shows in the way she walks and how she carries herself. She presents herself well enough, favouring simple clothes but items that make her feel good about herself. Esme has never really considered herself beautiful. She believes that she is attractive enough but when she compares herself to her Mother or her best friend Sephora, she doesn't see the same crafted grace. In reality this is just a young woman's insecurities. Esme is beautiful, anyone who knows her will tell you this. She has feminine curves and a face that can inspire smiles.

Distinguishing Features: Having been protected and sheltered most of her life Esme is the owner of only one single scar. A line of pearly scar tissues runs down the length of her index finger on her right hand. She was bitten by grumpy owl when she was six. She's never liked owes since. As for piercings, both Esme's ears are pierced and she has followed in the footsteps of her best friend Sephora by also piercing her naval. Her Father was not pleased!

Character Visual: Rachel Bilson.


Personality: Esme is a spitfire but she is Avery Wickham's daughter so this was to be expected. What wasn't expected was that the young woman would inherit both her Mothers stubbornness and her Fathers ability to find trouble. Together, they are not a great combination. Esme isn't shy about making her opinions known. It's possible she is still trying to claw her way out of her Brothers shadow and she does this by forcing herself into situations that many believe she is not ready for.

The baby of the family Esme had people looking out for her since birth. Her Father knew the moment he laid eyes on his daughter that he was in trouble. She would have him wrapped around her little finger and to be fair, he allowed it to happen. Tristan dotes on his daughter and Esme is a Daddies girl. Avery adores both her children but she is well aware just how much influence that cheeky little girls smile and long lashes have on her Husband.

Esme is strong willed and confident but she isn't all harsh edges. There is a side of Esme that is very loving. She adores her family and fear losing them over everything else. She is a loving daughter, a perhaps slightly annoying little sister and a good friend. Esme idolises her Brother possibly more than he knows. She sees how strong and brave he is by working with The Order and she wants more than anything to join the fight.

Another fear for the young woman however is being alone. Once it became clear to her that her world was not as roses and ponies as she once thought, Esme made it a bit of a habit to sneak into her Brothers room at night and sleep on the floor by his bed. Hearing her come through the door the young man would toss a pillow onto the floor for her and she would curl up with the blanket she had been dragging behind her.

Esme is the type of woman who commits. When she wants something, she will fight to get it and when she loves, she loves completely. She is a good person to have on your side.


History: WIP


Name - Tristan Morganstern
Relation - Father
Blood Status - Half-Blood
Relationship - Esme is a Daddy's girl. She adores her Father and in turn, he dotes on his only Daughter. From a young age Esme knew that if she wanted something, she was far more likely to get it if she asked Daddy. Now that she is older, her Father is still one of her favourite people. She loves his sense of humour when he shows it and she has inherited his spirt which makes the two very much alike.

Name - Avery Morganstern
Relation - Mother
Blood Status - MuggleBorn
Relationship - Esme and her Mother have a different kind of relationship. Esme knows that she can tell her Mother anything. Avery is the kind of strong woman that Esme has always wanted to be. She cares for her family, supports her husband, fights in a battle that is changing the course of their world and she still manages to make time for the little things. That's what Esme has learned from her Mother. That not everything has to be so serious and so intense. That the little things, the happy moments are worth savouring and no matter what, you should never, ever give up on love. Esme loves her Mother. They are very close.

Name - Etienne Morganstern
Relation - Brother
Blood Status - Half Blood
Relationship - From the time she could walk, Esme has been following her Brother around. She was and arguably to some still is that pesky little Sister that every big Brother dreads. To his credit though Etienne never made Esme feel unwelcome or unwanted. Instead he took on the responsibility of looking out for and watching over her. As a little girl this meant that he kept her from sticking her hand into the honey bee hive that they found in their backyard. As adults it means that he tries with all his might to keep his sister out of danger and off the front line but Esme is stubborn. She loves her Brother, admirers him and wants to be just like him and why wouldn't she? As much as they bicker and argue, as much as he drives her nuts by treating her like she is still 12 years old, Esme couldn't imagine what she would do without him.


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Sebastian Wilde - Sebastian was and is her Brothers best friend. Having been born three years behind Etienne and the Wilde twins, Esme was instantly the baby sister to all three. During their early years Esme saw Sebastian in much the same light that she did her own Brother. She would followed the two boys around and pester them until they played with her. Sebastian looked out for and took care of Esme like she was family.

It wasn't until she got older that Esme began to see the blonde boy as more than just another Brother. She would still follow the boys around like their own talkative shadow but secretly she had ulterior motives. Esme wanted to get closer to Sebastian. It took a while but Sebastian eventually saw Esme for what she was. Not a child or his best friends little Sister but a woman in her own right. Though they playfully flirt in secret, no moves have been made. Esme wishes to take their teasing to the next level but she is concerned with what her Brother might say.

Sephora Wilde - Sephora is easily Esme's best friend. The Morganstern children and the Wilde twins practically grew up together so it’s not surprising that they are close. Esme had always been more interested in what the boys were doing than Sephora was but growing up she equally enjoyed playing with the Wilde girl. Sephora never treated her like a child which was something that Esme has always loved her for. They have bonded over their love of Muggle photography and often share their latest snaps over a Pumpkin Spiced Coffee. In their teens Esme followed in Sephora's footsteps, with a little encouragement from her friend to pierce her belly button in an identical fashion.

Likes: Esme has many likes. She enjoys music both Wizard and Muggle. She has been known to dance from time to time and she is surprisingly delicate and graceful when she does. It's one thing that is guaranteed to bring a smile to her lips and if she manages to reel in a partner, all the better. Esme loves sour candy. She adores the way it makes her lips pucker and her nose scrunch up. Getting past the sour to the sweet is something she will tell anyone is worth it. Esme has never shown the same skill when it comes to art as her Parents but she does enjoy photography. It's more about capturing moments than creating them and Esme has a thing about preserving the happy times. Muggle cameras and photography is a passion that she shares with her best friend Sephora. Something that not everybody knows is that Esme is quite a romantic. She can come across very brash and intense but she is sweet at heart and being kissed in the rain is one thing that she is determined to do before she dies.

Dislikes: Lets face it, Esme has quite a few dislikes. One of the biggest is feeling like she has been ignored or discounted. It's one thing above all else that makes her grumpy. She hates being treated like a child but at the same time she knows that she feels safer when Etienne is watching out for her. It's a contradiction, she knows. Esme is not a fan of marshmallows. She finds them squidgy and unpleasant. Owls also sit on her list of things that she dislikes. One bit her when she was just a girl and left her with a scar. She tends to see all owls as that owl and is secretly a little frightened of them.

Fears & Phobias: Esme has several fears. As tough of a front as she puts on, she isn't impervious or invulnerable, Esme fears that she isn't good enough. She worries about disappointing her family, in particular her Father. She has nightmares about being forced to watch her family be tortured and over all she fears that the day is going to come when the people that she loves the most are going to be gone and she will be left scared and alone. Dementors scare her. She had never given them much thought until her Brother was attacked by one. Now she fears that they will come back and take him from her.

Worst Memory(ies): Prior to six months ago Esme would have named any number of memories as her worst but all of them have been eclipsed by the incident that left her homeless and in fear for her life. It was a night much like any other. Esme was in bed, her blanket wrapped around her, her eyes closed in blissful sleep. It was the pressure on her throat that woke her. When she opened her eyes she saw the culprit and the wand that he held, it's tip pressed deep into the soft tissue of her neck. The young woman barley had a chance to scream before her door burst open in a flash of blue light and her attacker was tossed across the room in a blaze of another. Her Mother stood in her doorway, wand held firm in her hand. They were being attacked and Etienne hadn't needed to be told twice. Rushing in he grabbed his baby sister and apparated with her to safety. Their Mother followed quickly behind them but their Father had remained to fight. He had told his wife to protect the children, to run and even though she had promised herself that she would never leave him behind, she loved him to much to doubt him.

Arriving at the Wilde Estate Esme was shaking and in shock. She recalls being embraced by her best friend as her Mother, her Brother, Felix and several Order members returned to their home to lend aid to Tristan. All of them returned within the hour and though nobody had lost their lives that night, Esme had cried for the loss of their home. Burnt to cinders they had lost everything and were never allowed to go back. Not that there was anything left to return to. Though she had never doubted it before, it became clearer that night just how far The Loyalists would go to eradicate all threats towards them.

Best Memory(ies): Esme's best memory and the one that fuels her Patronus begins with her family, of course. When she was around 5 years olds Esme was introduced to a wondrous thing called ice skating. In the heart of winter her Mother had bundled her up in a coat, mittens and a black woollen hat with cat ears. Standing by the door Esme had bounced on the balls of her feet excitedly for their excursion.  Once everybody was ready they had linked hands and Aparated to Rockerfella Center. Esme recalls thinking that she had never seen anything as beautiful as the way that the lights reflected like fairies against the ice. Taking her Daddies hands Esme was lead onto the ice and after a brief slip in which she was caught by her great protector and placed back on her feet, Esme began to skate. The feeling of being whizzed about, the chill nipping at her nose and the sound of music playing over loudspeakers still makes her smile. Esme skated for what felt like hours. Sometimes she skated with her Daddy, sometimes with her Mommy and sometimes all four Morganstern's held hands and skated together. By the end of the night Esme was exhausted and Tristan carried his sleeping daughter home against his chest. It is the memory of this family outing that makes her the happiest and was actually the catalyst for the young woman's love of dance.

Favourite Animal: Esme is a big fan of cats. While most people tend to be put off by their often snotty attitudes, Esme likes that her cat has a personality. She admires Miss Lucy's independence and is a little honoured that the black cat chooses to be around her when she knows that if she didn't want to be, she simply wouldn't be. Cats are like that. They don't do anything that they don't want to.

Additional Notes:

Theme Songs:

Ani DiFranco - Not A Pretty Girl

MS MR - Dark Doo Wop