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Welcome to Detroit: Broken Traditions [Vampire: Blood and Smoke]

16:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Max Coffin

Franklin Maximillian "Max" Coffin looks like a ranch hand stepped right out of the old west. The truth isn't far off. In fact, that's the actual truth. That's not the whole truth though. Max hold himself with a certain spine and a certain flawless fluidity of motion that captivates the eye...and sometimes other parts of the anatomy. The way he slides into a gathering, whether it's a western tavern, a biker bar or a black-tie dinner at a winter gala on the old estate, Max's style just fits. Usually dressed in a well-fitted dark shirt, some nice tough pants with a wide belt and a worn leather jacket. His hair is usually slicked back, though it's hard to tell at most points if that's for reasons of style or just because it's then easiest thing he can do with it. That sort of feeling comes across throughout Max's style. That sort of easy, "maybe I did this because it's comfortable", but at the same time, it's hard to believe someone's just naturally so well-coiffed.

Lucinda Jane Dametz is often seen by Max's side and she clearly is under his employ. She carries herself in a way that it's hard to say if she's a romantic interest, a bodyguard, a personal assistant, or some mix of all of those. She has a long shock of windswept blonde hair and her musculature stand somewhere between Playboy and UFC. He eyes are a shocking ice blue and if there's power in a look, Lucinda's packs enough for a small city. Unlike Max, Lucinda usually dresses for the occasion, but in a way that's where the dissimilarities end. She carries herself with that same make-yourself-at-home easy grace that Max does, and she makes it look better.