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Welcome to Pax Bellum: Genocide War

10:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Height: 1.92m Weight: 89kg Race: Nephilum Hair: Blk Eyes: Brn
Age: indeterminate
        Alex seems a perpetual youth, those who know him, know he it at least fifty perhaps more than sixty years old. But he always looks like he just stepped off the boat.

Appearance: lanky but graceful, interested, non-threatening
         Alex keeps his head and face clipped at a 1 every few days to a week, it grows a little shaggy when he forgets. He wears jeans at the best of times or cut-offs with sandals or old hiking boots when feeling particularly fashionable he'll have the boots and plaid shorts, a utility belt and t shirt. He seems to have several odd T-shirts and tank-tops that he recycles regularly. Each has a different emblem on it like a faded lighting bolt or a red star or a stylized wave or a random dot stereogram with 3d images that you can only detect by stareing at infinity. Usually these are rainbows - he seems to like rainbows.

He does keep a pair of corduroy trousers, blue button down shirt, and deck shoes for a truly formal moments like a job interview, but they are 20 years out of date and that may be the last job interview he wore them to.

A practiced wanderer, Alex is always at home. He lives a mean lifestyle and is comfortable among the most impoverished people. In any city, Alex moves like a fish in water, interacting with gang members and criminals as well as law enforcement. He never snitches but is known for justice, he does not seem to be victimized despite ones expectations who doesn't know him and seems to have some respect among the nefarious elements.

Alex owns a few fine things such as a black vest that he often wears with many pockets and internal wireing. The vest has a large masculine misty yellow Angel icon on the back.

He carries some odd glasses, a battery and a 30cm rod in his vest. He carries a hard shell carry-on bag that is exactly the maximum size to keep in any passenger compartment. It seems to weigh 20kg which must be double or more than all his clothes toiletries and flower patterned towels. The bag, and it's small matching backpack are a faded navy blue with a pale rainbow bending from one corner to the next. The case has heavy security with biometric locks.

When Alex was tested by the University his ability with basic psionic talents was already manifest. He had above average psi not uncommon, but was not only proficient in all basic talents but was able to test into and develop several advanced talents. He has some experience with Awareness and Psionic Defense but his real talent is telekinesis where he is able to instruct and assist at the third level and his ability seems to go beyond expectations of his Psi strength.

Alex also has a history of combat training and operations where he was advanced in use of the Vacc Suit, energy pistols, and large blades. He also seems to be a Jack of All Trades, able to attempt anything with better than expected chance of success. "Just Lucky if you believe in that" he would say.

Alex has a special set of combat armor he has painted and modified himself. When not in stealth mode it really stands out