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12:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Forsaken Innocence

Name: Forsaken Innocence
Concept: Creepy Assassin
Nature: Liminal Exalted of the Blood Aspect
Age: 51; Apparent Age: 19
Affiliation: None

Essence: 3; Willpower: 3/8; Join Battle: 9 dice (+4 for 4m, +7 for 7m)
Personal Motes: 03/19; Peripheral Motes: 10/35
Health Levels: -0x2/-1x4/-2x4/-4/Incap. (L,L/L,L,L,L/L,L,L)
Actions: Feats of Strength: 8 dice (+4 for 4m, +7 for 7m; may attempt Strength 3 feats); Necromancy: 7 dice (+4 for 4m, +7 for 7m); Resist Poison/Sickness: 10 dice (+5 for 5m, +8 for 8m); Read Intentions: 6 dice (+2 for 2m, +5 for 5m); Senses: 8 dice (+4 for 4m, +7 for 7m); Stealth: 10 dice (+5 for 5m, +8 for 8m); Threaten: 9 dice (+4 for 4m, +7 for 7m); Tracking: 9 dice (+4 for 4m, +7 for 7m)
Appearance 4, Resolve 3 (+1 for 2m, +3 for 6m), Guile 3 (+1 for 2m, +3 for 6m)

Attack (Blood Lash): 11 dice (+5 for 5m, +8 for 8m; damage 18, minimum 5)
Attack (Soulsteel Knives): 13 dice (+5 for 5m, +8 for 8m; damage 15, minimum 4)
Combat Movement: 8 dice (+4 for 4m, +7 for 7m)
Evasion 5 (+2 for 4m, +4 for 8m), Parry 6 (+2 for 4m, +4 for 8m)
Soak/Hardness: 10/6 (Soulsteel Reinforced Skeleton)


Taint of the Everliving: The Liminal draws power from shadows. Whenever she begins a scene in darkness or shadow heavy enough to qualify as concealment for attempting stealth, she gains five necrosis which last until the end of the scene and can be spent towards any spells she casts. However, when under direct sunlight, she won't benefit from double 10s on her shape necromancy action.

Offensive Charms

Black Soil's Claim (4m, 1wp; Supplemental; Instant; Decisive-only): Wounds left by the Liminal rot with unnatural speed. A decisive attack that deals 3+ levels of damage also causes the victim to take one die of lethal damage per turn over her next (1 + wound penalty) turns, ignoring hardness. If the victim's wound penalty increases, so too does the duration of this effect. Undead creatures instead suffer an additional (1 + wound penalty) dice of aggravated damage added to the Liminal's attack.

Bleeding Artery Transformation (3m; Reflexive; Instant): This Charm can only be used if the Liminal has summoned a Blood Lash. Warping and twisting the lash, she may grant it the tag of her choice for the rest of the scene. Only one tag can be granted by this power at the time.

Ebon Shadow Form (8m; Simple; One scene; Form, Mute): The Liminal's outline begins to distort and flicker, as if it were a shadow cast by a candle's unsteady flame. She moves with eerie speed and unnatural grace. If her anima banner flares, it seems shapeless and dark. Any enemy who fails an opposed roll to spot her when she enters stealth loses a point of Initiative, and she adds 3 to her base Initiative when she resets after making a decisive unexpected attack. She also adds +1 to her Defense. If she is killed while in this form, her body evaporates into an acrid black smoke, leaving behind no physical remains by which she might be identified.

Hateful Torture (5m; Reflexive; Instant, Decisive-only): The Liminal must have summoned a Blood Lash for her to be able to use this Charm. When she makes a decisive attack against an enemy, the lash creates tiny claws that rend flesh from the victim, adding one automatic success to the damage roll and treats the target's wound penalties as one higher than they are until the wound is treated. Multiple uses of this power may stack the wound penalty increase to become a maximum of 3.

Seven Points of Weakness Strike (4m; Supplemental; Instant; Withering-only): This Charm subtracts five from the enemy's armored soak. Unexpected attacks double the amount of soak ignored.

Throat-Slitting Shadow Atemi (1m, 1wp; Supplemental; Instant; Decisive-only): Shrouding her weapon in a penumbra of Essence, the Liminal strikes before her foes have even realized they are under attack. For each extra success on a decisive attack roll, she converts one die of raw damage to an automatic success, up to a maximum of three dice. Unexpected attacks have no upper limit on how many damage dice can be converted to successes. An enemy killed with this Charm dissolves into smoke, leaving behind no corpse.

Umbra Noose Execution (5m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Decisive-only): Moving her hands through lightning-quick strikes to an enemy's shadow, the Liminal corrupts it with her own Essence, warping it into a weapon of silent murder that betrays its master. When the Liminal makes an unexpected attack against an enemy, she may unleash this Charm, a decisive attack that warps the enemy's shadow into a razor-edged chain that coils around its master's neck, raising him into the air. The umbra noose adds a number of dice equal to the total successes she received on her Stealth roll to the raw damage of the attack (to a maximum of 6).

Weeping Crimson Gaze (5m; Supplemental; Until next turn; Uniform): Bursting blood vessels fill the Liminal's eyes with red as she hones in on a foe. Weeping Crimson Gaze doubles up to three dice that came up 9 on an attack roll, and allows the Liminal to perceive and attack dematerialized undead for an instant. This Charm's cost is reduced by the Liminal's wound penalty, thanks to the easy access to blood.

Defensive Charms

Elusive Flicker Evasion (4m, 1wp; Reflexive; Instant, Decisive-only): The Liminal moves in flashes, evading an enemy's attack without seeming to ever cross through space. This Charm forces an enemy to make two attack rolls for a decisive attack against the Liminal, taking the lower result.

Intrusive Soulsteel Defense (Permanent; Permanent; Evocation): This Evocation permanently enhances Skeletal Spike Embrace, increasing the cover to medium and the damage to two dice; or the cover to full and the damage to four dice at -4 extrusion.

Nothing But Shadows (3m; Reflexive; Instant; Decisive-only): The Liminal may fade in and out of sight in combat, emerging as if from nowhere to strike before vanishing back into the shadows. When she takes a Stealth action in combat, she may use Nothing But Shadows to apply a -3 penalty to the opposed roll of any enemy with a lower Initiative than her. Alternatively, when the Liminal is hit with a decisive attack, she may use this Charm to play dead, slowing her heart rate to nearly nothing. This is treated as an attempt to go to ground by faking death, rather than seeking concealment. The usual penalties apply, but the Liminal applies the benefits of this Charm on all rolls she makes to go to ground for free, and also adds any wound penalties she is suffering as bonus dice on all rolls.

Patchwork Body Reconstruction (3m; Reflexive; Instant): After lethally incapacitating a non-trivial living enemy or an undead creature that still has flesh, the Liminal may use Patchwork Body Reconstruction to rip muscle and bone from the corpse and patch it over her own wounds, healing two health levels or a crippling injury.

Shadow-Body Dissolution (10m; Reflexive; Instant; Decisive-only, Mute): The Liminal's body becomes tenebrous and insubstantial, dissipating and deforming to let blows pass harmlessly through her. This Charm subtracts 8 dice from the raw damage of a decisive attack against her. If she takes no damage at all from the attack, she may reflexively make a Stealth attempt. On a successful roll, what her foe struck at was nothing but a shadowy illusion, while she had been hidden elsewhere all along. This Charm is incompatible with other effects that reduce decisive damage.

Skeletal Spike Embrace (6m; Reflexive; Until next turn): Bones burst out of the Liminal's flesh to form a cage of ossific spikes, granting her the benefits of light cover against all attacks until her next turn. Any enemy that hits her with an attack at close range or is grappling with her during this time takes one die of lethal damage, ignoring hardness. If the Liminal has taken damage to her -4 health level, she may extrude her entire skeleton as an all-encompassing carapace, increasing the cover provided by this Charm to heavy and the damage to three dice.

Mobility Charms

Clambering Horror Chase (4m; Supplemental; Until rush is completed): The Liminal becomes grotesquely double-jointed, bones breaking and reforming or slithering free of sockets to extend the reach of their pursuit. She may rush an enemy from medium range, moving one range band closer to the enemy on each of that character's next two turns, and may climb up walls or other vertical surfaces effortlessly for the duration of the rush. The Liminal may commit the cost of this Charm to extend its duration to one scene, but the stress of this burns out a limb chosen by the Storyteller, ruining it until it is replaced.

Shadow-Stepping Motion (5m; Supplemental; Instant; Dual, Mute): This Charm can supplement any movement action taken while in stealth, applying double 9s to the roll and negating the increased penalty for crossing wide-open terrain. If the Liminal uses this Charm to close in on an enemy before making an unexpected attack against him, her sudden lunge doubles the penalties inflicted by a surprise decisive attack, or adds five dice to the post-soak damage of a surprise withering attack.

Miscellaneous Charms

Consuming the Deviant's Brain (3m; Reflexive; Instant): The Liminal may eat someone's brain in order to gain information about an Intimacy or a memory the target wanted to keep secret.


Blood Lash (10n, 1wp; One scene; Blood Magic, Control): This spell can only be cast if the necromancer bears a bleeding wound---at least one unbound, unhealed level of lethal damage. The Liminal may wound herself if she must, but she can also use the wounds of a bleeding ally or foe within close range. Blood from her wounds surges outward, forming a lash of blood. This effect inflicts another health level of lethal damage, which cannot be healed until the caster ends the spell or its scene-long duration expires. She may learn Evocations for this spell.

Demon of the First Circle (Ritual, 2wp; Instant): The Liminal conjures one of the least monsters of the Demon Realm into Creation, breaking and binding it to her will. This spell requires a ritual that begins at sundown, and ends at the stroke of midnight. A faint green glow traces out a rift between Creation and Hell, and a First Circle Demon of the Liminal's choice is drawn forth, howling with rage, fear, or sorrow.
Demons summoned by this spell must be bound with a Necromancy roll against their Resolve. The Liminal may choose to make the demon her personal slave for a year and a day, giving it a Defining Tie of loyalty to her that cannot be weakened or altered by any means and setting its Resolve to 0 against any influence rolls she makes. Alternatively, she may assign it to complete a specific task for as long as it takes to complete. Task-bound demons form a Defining Principle of "I must complete my task," which is similarly impervious to tampering. On a failed binding roll, the Liminal is unable to bind the demon, and must make a Necromancy roll against a difficulty of the demon's Willpower to banish it back to Hell. If she fails, then the demon is unleashed, unbound, into Creation—--and is most likely very angry at her.

RY 728: Forsaken Innocence was created by Wilcas Richwater in the image of his daughter Eliza. As Wilcas was banished from the White Mountain, Innocence went with him.

RY 748: Innocence traveled the Labyrinth together with Wilcas Richwater in order to better master necromancy.

RY 758: Innocence followed Wilcas to the far South.

RY 764: Innocence visited Hell together with Wilcas. That's where he began to possess the boy that later became Kamar.

RY 768: Innocence followed Wilcas back to Yilali where she helped him in his ritual to transfer bodies. She managed to feign death at the hands of Solar Exalted. Wilcas was defeated and Kamar was saved.

RY 770: Innocence revealed herself to the Solars again as her bond to Wilcas had moved over to Kamar. After Kamar left with the Abyssal Tattered Smile of Morbidity, Innocence swore to find him. She fatally wounded Jinrai Windbrush in battle and ended up corrupting him to the point of him being able to initiate into necromancy.

RY 771: Innocence started to work alongside Jinrai Windbrush in trying to track down Kamar. She was left behind by the others in Pyrron when they rescued Kamar from the Walker in Darkness. She later came back under the influence of Wilcas the Red, but was freed by the Solars. She joined Blazing Song when he left Yilali.

RY 778: ?

RY 779: ?